8 Wind / IK – Voice of Creation


8 Wind / IK

8 Wind / IK

Greetings Kin,

The Eagle/MEN trecena is carrying us to Higher Spiritual Planes to see the Truth of who we are. Through the Eyes of the Creator we can see the Truth of our Own Divinity. We exist as a Spark of Divine Light, a Body of Ether, a Vapor of Intention, a Frequency of Vibration with its own Life and Consciousness.

Tone 8 brings the Intention of Divine Justice. Our Oneness as Spirit is a Perfect Creation of Harmony and Balance by virtue of our equality. Wind/IK is the Breath of Spirit and the Breath of Life that can reveal the Creator’s Purpose for Our Creation.

As an Element of Air, Wind brings energy for an Inquiring Mind, Learning and Wisdom. As Humans, every Truth we learn is discovered through our sense of duality… our sense to compare and distinguish the difference between one thing and another. Our physical form is an Expression of the Creator that allows us to Distinguish a Difference through which we can Fully Experience what it means to be a Being of Spirit.

The Cherokee Day Sign, Whirlwind reflects the whirling of life and our Oneness as a Part of the Breath of the Universe. We were born with an Intuitive Knowing that our Highest State of Being is through an Experience of the Beauty of All of Creation.

As children we first experienced the world through the eyes of Joy of Amazement. As our Consciousness was drawn to our physical experience, we turned our attention away from our Awareness of who we really are. Our Dreams are the Divine Gifts of the Creator that offer a Way of Remembering.

The Truth is, as Humans, we ALL share the Same Highest Aspiration – we are all reaching for the Ecstatic Experience of Spirit. We are only unique in our Way of Experiencing this. As Humans we re-experience this Ecstatic State of Being when we Create something with Divine Meaning and Purpose.

As we return our attention to ourselves as Divine Beings our Spiritual Eyes are Re-Opened. Through a Higher State of Consciousness we can see that our Physical Presence is only a two-dimensional reflection of what we Really Are. Our Power of Creation has never changed form. We are still the Spark of the Creator, we still exist as a Living Vibration of Consciousness, and we are each gifted with the Voice of Creation.

The K’iche’ Maya considered the 8th and 9th Tones as Holy Days with 8 being the Sacred Number of Pure Spirit. 8 Wind/IK marks the observance of a Holy Day of purification. The Breath of Spirit awakens us to the Pure Essence of who we are.

To all my relations, may we Listen for the Wind that carries the Divine Breath of Purification. May we offer our Attention and be given the Eyes to See that we are a Creation of Spirit. The Highest Aspiration of the Creator is that we realize the Gift of Shared Divinity.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


8 Wind/IK (Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA)

Galactic Tone 8: Justice. Harmony and balance are the intent of Eight. Eights carefully weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. Eight is the power of organization demonstrated in the statement, “As above, so below”. From simplicity to infinity, the energy of Eight organizes all levels of creation. Some Eights are “Neat Freaks”.

Wind/IK: Breath of Spirit, breath of life. Winds embody the power of dissemination and planting of good seeds or ideas. Dreamers and planners with powerful imaginations, Wind persons make great orators and they spread the word of spiritual inspiration as it is carried by the wind. Wind is the power behind the movement of natural cycles such as weather, erosion, and cultural change. As the wind, these persons are extremely changeable and adaptable. They may appear inconsistent or fickle to others. Wind can be destructive to self and others by putting on airs. When Winds strut and boast, expanding on facts and accomplishments, they are building the dark clouds of trouble that may become hurricanes.

Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA: Whirlwind’s symbol is a double spiral helix in rising smoke. Wind brings energy for an Inquiring mind, learning and wisdom. In Cherokee, the constellations are represented by 12 birds (dancers), the 13th bird is the Whirlwind, the lead dancer. This reflects the whirling of life. Wind is the breath of the Universe (matching the Mayan symbol) channel of communication and carries the Sacred Smoke to the Great Spirit (Source- Hunab Ku in Mayan); matches the pulse of the breath of the Cosmos.

13-Day Trecena Guide: 13-Day energy forecast for the Eagle/MEN trecena.

Daykeeper Resources: A collection of resources for a deeper understanding of the Mayan Calendar.

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, or share your local energy report.

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