11 Jaguar / IX – Engaging our Dynamic Potential: Day 11


11 Jaguar/IX

11 Jaguar/IX

Greetings Kin,

Tone 11 brings the energy of Resolution. The energy of 11 helps us find our place in the world. Whenever we are transformed by a change within ourselves, we are faced with the questions of how our new understanding would fit in to our daily life experience.

Remembering the binary nature of our journey to Wisdom, each day’s energy alternates between “Light” and “Dark.” Days of “Light” (Red/Blue Day Signs) reflect a process of incoming inspiration, followed by a day of “Dark” (White/Yellow Day Signs) , that challenge us to apply our new understanding. This bears Truth in our Wisdom of Learning. Human is capable to store vast amounts of information. Yet, the real Wisdom of Understanding comes when it’s associated with an experience. As a “White” Day Sign, Jaguar/IX calls us to Experience our new understanding.

Jaguar/IX is said to be the most Spiritual of Day Signs. Following in the footsteps of the Jaguar we are led to a Spiritual Experience. The magic of Jaguar is born of its True Love for Mother Earth. The Jaguar lives its life independently. With Earth as its “life companion” Jaguar sees Earth as its Mother and the Source of every Blessing. We can draw Wisdom through a Spiritual Experience with our Mother Earth.

PORTAL DAY: This is day 9 of our 10-day journey through a Spiritual Portal that thins the veil to other dimensions. The Portal magnifies our Senses and connects us the Spiritual Gifts of telepathy, intuition, and Knowing. Guided by the Jaguar, we could hear the Heartbeat of Mother Earth.

Tone 11 is the day the shaman climbs the mountain to the highest altar. In the footsteps of those who have gone before, they bring an Offering and to seek Higher Understanding.

As we seek a Higher Understanding we are called to see through the eyes of the Jaguar. The Jaguar is a shape-shifter that is capable to travel to any time and place, sharing the vision of what it sees. In stealth, Jaguar would lead us on a journey through the Natural World to see a reflection of our Self in our Mother.

The Earth is telling us we are in the New Beginning of Spring. A new Season of Light is calling us to a new Season of Growth and Transformation. This morning on my balcony, I notice a single shoot emerging from the birdseed I’ve thrown in the winter. Two days ago, there was frost on the windows of my car.  Today Sun greets me earlier in the morning as Spring heralds a new Season of Light. Our darkest days are over. We will emerge where we are planted for a New Beginning. Mother Earth holds the Dynamic Forces to bring our Seed of Love to Live.

Nature will show us that we, too, hold a Dynamic Force of New Life. We are capable to Grow Toward the Light, even when we are buried in darkness. The Earth holds the power to return every thing to Beauty.

I watched a large plant brought inside for the winter drop one leaf after another. I wondered if it could make it to Spring. I placed it back outside a few days ago, where it could determine its own future, at least in its favorite environment. Even though it withstood light frost, it appears no further leaves have fallen. After a heavy rain it looked happy on a cool Spring morning with water clinging to its leaves. Once again the birds are sitting in its branches. Life is taking on new and happier beginnings all around me.

We can hold the magic of the Jaguar through a rediscovery of Spring. Through the Jaguar’s Spiritual Vision, we could claim the Truth that we have “made it” through our season of darkness. We have the beauty of New Life to look forward to as the first flowers of Spring.

Jaguar’s magic in born of its Deep Gratitude for Mother Earth. Holding an Intention of Gratitude and Appreciation, we vibrate a Higher Frequency of Love. We are called to See Mother Earth and Know that that She has always Seen Us.

To all my relations, may we witness the Miracle of True Love that is offered by Mother Earth. Like the Miracles that Humans are capable to Create, when Earth’s Miracles are Seen and Acknowledged, we will Share a Blessing. May we get down and up close to Mother Earth like a Jaguar. May we acknowledge that every element that nourishes our lives is a Gift from Her. Even the Air we breath, is sustained through a Divine Orchestration of Life and Light. Our Love for Mother Earth is always overdue. Jaguar/IX is a ‘day of High Magic.’ May we survey the Beauty of every living thing, and recognize the same magic in our Self.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Seed/KAN trecena.


11 Jaguar/IX (Cherokee Panther/ Saho’ni)

Galactic Tone 11: Resolution; 11 assists every new thing to find its place in the universe in the process of ‘fitting in.’ some modifications must occur. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement.

Jaguar/IX: Born with a deep love of the Mother Earth, Jaguar or shaman is directly tied to the source of all Earth magic. They possess great power of intellect and strength or character through integrity. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of jungles, plains, and mountains. The spirit of Jaguar inhabits the Mayan temples and is called on to assist in spiritual as well as in material ways. Jaguar is also the god/goddess of gratefulness.

Cherokee, Panther/SAHO’NI: Panther is symbolized by comets, meteors, shooting stars, fireballs, and magicians.  Meteors appearing around the middle of November are Heralds of the Coming of the Light, the Cherokee New Year. Panther is the Shadow of the Sphinx, Herald of the Dawn, guardian of the night when the sun is traveling through the underworld. Panthers have unlimited imaginations, visualizations, and are spellbinding speakers. The Cherokee Totem Jaguar is the guardian of the portals to other dimensions; shamanic abilities will open; multi-dimensional magic; healer, leader, way shower energy when used for spiritual growth.  Conducive to pray for grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters and wives day. For wisdom at 4 Balances, cunning and protection of Mother Nature. To thank the Earth for sustenance. Ix is the native cunning, enterprising, vigorous, bold and realistic.

[Please see links to Resources of study on the Daykeeper Resources Page.]

Seed/KAN Trecena: Galactic Portal DaysGREEN DAY: Today is Kin 154, the ninth of 10 consecutive “Galactic Activation Portals” that will magnify our experiences. This is a thinning of the veil, that remains open for 10 consecutive days. The trecena of Seed/KAN has the power to bring forward the conscious awareness of the inherent power of Spirit through the 5th Element of Ether.Visit the Tzolk’in Page for enlarged image of the calendar.

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, or share your local energy report.


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