10 Transformer / CIMI – Discovering Our Dynamic World: Day 10

10 Transformer / CIMI


Greetings Kin,

We are led to a manifestation of a new understanding. It’s important to take stock of where we are. Tone 10 asks us to claim our Personal Growth. We’re called to look collectively at the experiences and feelings  presented in the past 9 days to put new understanding in context.

Tone 10 carries a responsibility. We might guess there’s at least some measure of innocence when we “don’t know any better.” We are called to a higher standard of behavior when we do. Manifesting a new Truth calls for our corresponding alignment. We manifest a new strength when we do.

Transformer/CIMI is the Day Sign known to be a leader of change. The glyph bears the image of death because whenever something new is born, something of the old dies away. 10 Transformer/CIMI signals a change that will be significant to our lives.

One of the symptoms of change is the chaos of establishing a new way. The old ways are familiar and our new ways are yet to be proven. We might wonder what is to become of us as we move toward uncharted territory. And, our change may be uncomfortable for those around us who expect us to stay the same.

Our work is to surrender to the uncomfortable process of change and embrace it for the gift that it is. CIMI can help us walk into a new unknown one step at a time.

The energy of Transformer/CIMI is right on time to guide us through a change of an Awakening of Consciousness. The symptoms are a heightened sense of self awareness, an ability to be more present in the moment, acknowledgement of one’s own gut feelings, a greater sense of connection to Earth and One Another. We will be less afraid of looking at ourselves when we accept we are always a work in process.

I claim a manifestation of change I see in my own Spirit. On October 18, 2015, I was fighting the idea that I had ceased to have a purpose on the planet. One day had proceeded another with a declining return for long enough that changing it seemed impossible. I started with an intention to journal a calendar as my last ditch effort. My words seemed so unworthy that I didn’t sign my name. Today I know I can always find Joy from an Earth I feel connected to. I know I have the power to Create a loving world every day. The change was so gradual, no one day revealed the turning point. There were days forward and days I thought I’d lost ground.  Only by learning to pay attention and count the days could I discern the changes that kept me moving forward. When I think of the Joy there is to find in Mother Earth, on any given day, I know the “old me” no longer exists. The evidence of the Creator’s Love is offered in every direction, every day.

To all my relations, may we embrace even our smallest changes. Change was meant to be accomplished in small and lasting increments. Just as life is all about the journey, growing is about a continuing process of change. We not only have the right to change, but our Spiritual Evolution depends on it. May you look back to 6 months ago, or a year, or even yesterday to see what new Truth has changed you. May we be grateful for every thing we go through to accomplish our change that invests us in the Joy of its Manifestation. Maybe change was meant to take time, because Human is inclined to forget the moment.

in lak’ech, I am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Earth/CABAN trecena.


Galactic Tone 10: Manifestation. What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy of Ten. What is focused upon with attention and intention becomes real with Ten. Ten is a powerful energy that carries a great responsibility.

Transformer/CIMI: Cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Transformer persons achieve goals and emotional wealth. Transformer people can become highly respected business persons. They have the ability to help others through any and all transitions with tranquility due to their spiritual strength and guidance. Communities often benefit from Transformers discipline and organization skills. They strengthen the life of pregnant women and guide them through the transitions of maternity. Establishing contact with the ancestors activates innate psychic abilities, gifts to be used as tools to assist others. Transformers can have the ability to send evil intentions telepathically, this is their undoing. From these acts they lose power, easily fall into a victim role and begin to manipulate with a vengeance. A good day to tie all loose ends.

Cherokee, Twins/ TAKATO’KA: Twins symbolize the Female Sun and Male Moon, whose union keeps the world going round. Cherokee myth has the Morning Star heralding the Sun, Venus, also being the Evening Star as representing the TWINS. The energy brings major changes all throughout life, riding the tsunamis of earthquake and upheaval, making their own waves wherever they go. They undergo powerful transformations, alternating like a flashing neon sign. The challenge is to master Balance while experiencing Chaos leading to re-birth and abundance through infinity.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, or share your local energy report.

7 thoughts on “10 Transformer / CIMI – Discovering Our Dynamic World: Day 10

  1. I am so glad you found your purpose- Look at you now-out there healing us one by one. I am so grateful. Lots of big motion in my life right now-all positive. After I got still-and was able to wait -things started moving. Things are always moving, I think, we may not recognize that at times-but things do move along anyway. thank you-in lak’ech love Michele

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  2. Dear Sister, been trying to comment, computer acting up, grrrr….omg you are so Amazing, every day for the last couple of weeks (since I signed up!) I read these incredible affirming, validating, empowering and always very real sharings that you write Every Day! It’s a challenge for me to read them every day! You are a Gift to us All, never doubt it my Love!! I am going through the same stuff, and each day you have some guidance that so perfectly fits my journey I am, well not stunned, I’ve been living in the magic for some time, but super humble and grateful. Claim your Awesomeness! You are! More soon, in lak’ech, Jen 11/Manik sending this via reply to your daily post, couldn’t get the comment box to work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • How kind of you, Jen. It’s this amazing calendar that stuns me every day. The synchronicity in my own life each day amazes me how the Maya were able to discern such a perfect orderly direction. For me, it was a missing piece that made every other teaching more relevant. I love that the calendar was not a religion, nor any man-made organization or hiearchy – but that every one had an equal and divine purpose. That is the world I imagine a Divine Spirit would create. Much love – thank you for your encouragements and for sharing the day. in lak’ech, Debra


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