7 Wisdom / CIB – Quest of Love: Day 7


7 Wisdom / CIB

Greetings Kin,

Tone 7 is the Peak Energy of Balance. At the top of the pyramid we have a 360 view. Where we “couldn’t see the forest for the trees,” we now have a balanced perspective of the whole landscape of our experience.

Wisdom/CIB is the Day Sign of the Ancestors… the Ascended Masters who followed this Quest of Love before. They are the Ones who achieved the Highest Consciousness of Love. They are always present and only wait on us to call so that they might share their Wisdom.

PORTAL DAY: Element of Ether – The Peak Energy of Tone 7 is magnified by a Portal. These are days when the veil thins to other dimensions. This is a day to pay attention to Intention and Gut Feelings. As we are Connected to the Ancestors, we might hear their Thoughts of Wisdom.

“Wisdom people grow luck like a crop using a balance of prudence and tenacity.”

Looking back at my Jaguar/IX Experience of Joy and Peace, I realized I considered it an event that happened To Me. I caught myself wondering when it might happen again. The Higher Thoughts that sunk in was that Love doesn’t Happen, we Choose it.

Holding an Intention to Follow our Love is a Pattern of Movement that will Always Lead to a Spiritual Experience.  This is the Gift the Creator most hoped we would discover.

Tone 7 is helping us to be Balanced by Faith in ourselves. If we persevere, Divine Justice will insure we reach our Highest Potential. We gain Wisdom from our Joy when we realize We Created the Experience. We have the Wisdom of the Masters to look deeper still. We can look back to our experience to see how we orchestrated our own Joy.

Wisdom/CIB also reminds us that mind in a Pure State of Illumination is only possible through forgiveness. We can’t give Unconditional Love, and withhold Love at the same time. Forgiveness is the Staff we Lean On, so that nothing can deter our path.

In synchronicity with the trecena of Dog’s Unconditional Love, this Easter Holiday Celebrates a Story of Love and Forgiveness. The Passion of Christ Offered a Gift of Forgiveness that would leave no question of the Power of Love. A Sacrifice made for every Human was accomplished by the Wisdom of Almighty Love.

To all my relations, may we forgive our differences so we can apply our full focus to Love. True Love that asks nothing for itself will always be reciprocated with Peace and Harmony. May we seize the opportunity of a connection to the Ancestors to call upon their Wisdom. And, may we give them the Honor of Listening for the Answer. As a Portal is open to Spiritual Insight, may we take Time to be Present in the Moment.

in lak’ech – i am another you

Debra – Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the DOG/OC trecena.


7 Wisdom/CIB (Cherokee, Owl U’GUKU’)

Galactic Tone 7: Reflective; 7 stands as the mirror to divide light and dark and reflects all that is and is not. 7 is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. 7 establishes the purpose to current and future goals.

Wisdom/CIB: The old ones. Wisdom of the ancients. Wisdom persons are aligned with the ancient memories that wait in the stone of temples and sacred sites all over the world. Wisdom people grow luck like a crop using a balance of prudence and tenacity. The tremendous inner strength of this sign, enables silent introspection to discover areas of oneself that contain wisdom more valuable than any trove of archaeological treasure. Wisdom persons are valiant defenders of family and community. They may become hardened to life and sentiment turned cold. In these cases, they need much forgiveness for their uncaring errors. Periodically connecting with nature and or visiting sacred sites will bring great stability to wisdom persons. (A good day to sit on a rock.)

Cherokee, Owl U’GUKU’   O’JJ: Symbol is the Owl is Arcturus, the brightest Star in the Constellation Bootes. The Cherokee Bear constellation (Ursa Major) includes the Big Dipper plus four stars in Bootes.  Owl is a hunter, who stands for the wisdom and ability of all great hunters, the cunning of a fox, the tenacity of a bulldog and strength of a bear. Energy for deep thinkers, strong-willed, rigid convictions, bold and authoritative.  Owl is the Mystic Ferryman who guides Earthlings on the return path to the stars holding the torch aloft.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, or share your local energy report.

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