1 Night / AKBAL – Transformation of Possibility: Day 1


1 Night / AKBAL

Greetings Kin,

The Next 13 Days…

On 1 Night/AKBAL we begin a new 13-day cycle of creation. Night will lead us on a Journey to the Void, the Place where all Potential Lies. Night/AKBAL offers Light to our Divine Destiny and Life Purpose, revealing the deepest desires of our Unconscious Self. We begin a journey that will guide us to throw out every notion of our limitation… to Dream the BIG Dream.

Akbal empowers us with a limitless vision of who we are and what we may become. Over the course of the next 13-days, we will be guided to see how our dreams could really come true.

PORTAL DAYS: Element of Ether – The Night/AKBAL trecena includes 3 Portal Days that will thin the veil to other dimensions. These are days when we are capable to Experience our Spiritual Gifts to feel the Presence of Divine Guidance that would guide us Dream a Bigger Dream of intention. On 2 Seed/KAN an open channel will draw Truth to our Power of Creation. On 7 Offering/MULUC we will be Balanced in the Truth that our Power to Manifest is a Mutual Effort that is supported by Divine Agency. On 10 Road/EB a Portal will help us see the Truth of a new manifestation.

10th UINAL: The Night/AKBAL trecena is held in the Higher Intention of the 10th Uinal of Manifestation. The Power of Tone 10 will be doubled by Uinal 10’s Higher Influence of Manifestation.


  • 6 Star/LAMAT – The Totem Rabbit will energize a Pattern of Movement that multiplies Abundance.
  • 7 Offering/MULUC – Will offer Peak Energy for an experience of Oneness with the Creator.
  • 8 Dog/OC – Dog returns on the Holy Day, bearing the Divine Justice of Unconditional Love.
  • 9 Monkey/CHUEN – The Monkey will offer a Divine Perspective to Engage a New Transformation of Possibility.

Today’s forecast…

Every Creation is born from an Inspiration. Tone 1 has an Intention of calling forward an idea – a Dream to follow. This energy is Doubled by Akbal’s ability to see into the Depths of our Soul. Many associate Sunset as the time when energy shifts from one Day Sign to the next. The Inspiration of Tone 1 may have already started in our dreams or in our waiting thoughts. Akbal is the Day Sign that Speaks to us in our Dreams.

We may be brought in touch with an idea of something we always wanted but never hoped for. Or, we could be inspired by something new we might barely pause to consider due to its perceived impossibility.

Akbal resides in the West, the direction of everything Unknown. Akbal is the Day Sign that holds the Light in the Void of Darkness. A dim light may be all we can see, but it will be enough to lead us in the right direction. Akbal encourages us to walk bravely into the Unknown with only the Dreams of Possibility.

We might take note of our state-of-mind as the next 13 days could have us feeling a little “out there.” Akbal days are often reported as “dreamy” – lost in thought or a little fuzzy in their clarity. It’s a time to set the rules of our reasoning mind aside and to just experience “what is.”

This entire trecena will be influenced by the Realm of Spirit and our unconscious mind. As Dog/OC guided us to Open our Heart, Night/Akbal will guide us to Bare our Souls.  It is worthy to Initiate Ourselves in our Highest Intention. We can ask for the Protection of the Ascended Masters, Angels, or other Divine Beings who work for the Highest Good of All. The Divine Justice of Harmony and Equity can serve our Spiritual discernment.

As Akbal leads us to a Transformation of Possibility we might hold our Dreams Close to the Chest. Impossible Dreams are only Possible by the Truth of our own discernment.  The first 4 Tones of this trecena are led by Dynamic Day Signs of Creation and Transformation. Under the Day Sign Akbal, magical abilities are possible.

The Elders say, “You can change your Life in 4 days of Sacred Ceremony.” It is a worthy time to observe the next 4 days as Sacred Ceremony. We can acknowledge our Self in the center of the 4 directions as the place of our Sacred Consciousness. We could observe our everyday Being as a symbolic Sacred Service – gathering the Food of Life, sweeping what no longer serves out the door, blessing our food to the nourishment of Spirit, and acknowledging the Sacred of Ordinary. Each day is a Sacred Event that will never come again. Never will the same people or circumstances be presented exactly as they are today.

A trecena led by a Blue Day Sign (West) signals “Incoming Light.” Akbal presents a time to Honor our Feelings and Intuition.  Our new Truth will not be discovered by reasoning, but will be born on our Faith in something we Feel, Sense, and Know.

To all my relations, we will be opened to bare the Dream within our Soul. AKBAL can draw us by the Light of our Highest Aspiration. May we approach this trecena holding the Truth that the Creator’s gift of Love is an unlimited opportunity. May we give thanks that Akbal can illuminate a Truth deep within. All our Dreams are Worthy. As we pay attention to our Dreams, Akbal can show us something we’ve Always Dreamed. May we lean on Higher Discernment. Whatever still exists in the Void of the Unknown holds every possibility, including the possibility of Happening in a Moment.

in lak’ech, I am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Night/AKBAL trecena.


1 Night/AKBAL (Cherokee, Hearth/O’YA  O’UO)

Galactic Tone 1: Galactic Tone 1: Unity. One is the beginning of all things, the first, the whole and the all in one. One’s are assertive and self-guided and give a good push to whatever project they are associated with. One persons work bestt when meeting a challenge. Do not expect One-persons to be attentive to details or to put the finishing touches on things.

Night/Akbal: Bringers of the Dawn. Dreamers who bring the new sun to clarify and illuminate the road of life. Thus the insecurities and doubts born of darkness of the sub-conscious mind are dispelled. These persons travel the Void. a place where nothing yet exists but all potential dwells, the womb of creation. From this void, Night persons bring forth new solutions and artistic inspiration. Night’s voyages of dreams build confidence and happiness with a sense of well being. If night does not bravely journey into the void they may find themselves wandering the darkness of self doubt and insecurity.

Cherokee, Hearth/O’YA  O’UO: Hearth’s symbol of the triangle of Orion. The Hearth is the Torchbearer who holds the light and warmth throughout the night.  Belief is so strong that the surrounding elements become entrained to their rhythm and all resistance falls away. With respect and honor of intuition combined with knowledge this energy creates the magic of the center in this dimension. AKBAL-Night-Totem-OWL, Guardian of the Night Sun. Energies for the opening of mystic secrets, see through the masks of deception, trickery.  High ability of discernment.  Portals open to other worlds and dimensions for your learning and spiritual growth.  Magical abilities are possible.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, or share your local energy report.

14 thoughts on “1 Night / AKBAL – Transformation of Possibility: Day 1

  1. this is an exciting time. It is showing up in my life. So much motion, things falling in place. I have realised things are always falling in place-the right place for us.-However is is a happy time when when things happen as you were hoping. thank you and in lak’ech, Michele

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