8 Wisdom / CIB – A Journey as One: Day 8


8 Wisdom / CIB

Greetings Kin,

The Tzolk’in illustrates Human’s Way of Transformation. Each day builds upon the experience of yesterday, and each trecena builds upon the Ascension of the last. The MULUC trecena is building upon an Ascension from the Wisdom/CIB trecena. Wisdom/CIB returns on Tone 8 to mark the place from which a New Transformation will begin.

Tone 8 is observed as a Holy Day for Sacred Ritual. Our Sacred Rituals are said to hold the power of theurgy, the ability to draw Divine Agency to Human affairs.

As a Yellow Day Sign of the South, Wisdom is a symbol of Relationship. CIB is the Day Sign of the Old Ones, those who walked before and  who accomplished the Highest Levels of Consciousness. They are with us in relationship on this Holy Day to help raise us up to a new level of Transformation that will be completed over the course of the next 6 days.

Tone 8 carries the Intention of Divine Justice. We are at the beginning of a Transformation aided by Divine Intervention. Tone 8 holds the Potential for a Spiritual Experience. I’ve begun to notice that many of my Major Milestones, ones I don’t forget, are marked on Holy Days of Tone 8. This is a day with great potential for a Divine Revelation.

The position of the 8th Tone is significant as the place we arrive after an investment of effort in our Intention. We’ve carried “our share” of the work in an upward climb. On Tone 7 we stood in the Balance. On Tone 8 we are met by Divine Agency that will administer our Measure of Divine Justice.

The Wisdom/CIB trecena focused on the aspect of Divine Forgiveness. The glyph illustrates a mind in a perfect State of Consciousness that is only made possible by Forgiveness. We learned that the paradox of Divine Forgiveness is that it is Forgiveness that sees no Fault.

Human’s make assessments from the Reasoning Mind. Controlled by the Ego, we’re inclined to measure our shortfall. By the  Ego’s worldly assessment of success, we would never be “enough.” A Divine Agency measures our Sacred Intention, the Choices we Made to seek Relationship of the Creator. And, we will always Receive more than we’ve Given.

The Creator’s Intention of Divine Justice is that we would equally share in an opportunity for Love and Happiness. When the Intentions and Dreams we hold are Offered to the Creator, we can Know the outcome will serve the Highest Good of All. When we pursue this purpose we are fulfilling the Dream of the Creator. Of our own Free Will we Chose a Journey as One. Aimed in this direction there is no fault to forgive, yet we long for this forgiveness to be released from the fears of our Ego. Wisdom helped us see that Divine Grace is our Inheritance. Grace is guaranteed on a Journey as One with the Creator.

This is a day to Honor the Wisdom of the Old Ones, passed down by those before who were able to accomplish the Highest States of Consciousness. We can Give Thanks to them for preserving the Sacred Wisdom. The Sacred Sites around the world are their Milestones, Carved into Stone to never be forgotten. Considering the size and scale of these Ancient Sites, they are symbols seen from far away. Carved into stone, they were intended to endure for following generations. The substance of their Wisdom is so great it’s still a mystery. Yet, all we really need to Know is the Truth of their Possibility.

In a paradox of Spirit, though we walk together, Divine Wisdom is an effort we must accomplish all alone. We must discern our own Truth based on our Own Experience. On a Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment we can only be shown the Way to arrive at our own Truth.

Our life circumstances will never be fair. As we consider our inequities, we can see others with far greater burdens by no fault of their own. The Creator’s gift of Divine Justice “evens the score” with a way to transform every darkness through a Divine Relationship.

It’s our Human Nature to want everything when and how we want it. We might hope for a life-changing singular event. Yet, we’re inclined to forget even major singular events. Road/Eb (Human) is the “bearer of time.” Our Wisdom is built from many small steps of experience. Only by paying vigilant attention, can we see and remember that our Miracles are Happening all the Time.

Under the Day Sign MULUC our hearts are Open. Our Revelation will likely come through the weight of our own burdens. When we share our burden and the inequities of OUR hard road of life, we may be led to Give Up in Surrender. This is the very experience the Creator waits for us to share. By sharing the Authenticity of our Experience, a Divine Agency can reciprocate our Offering with the Perfect Healing. A New Divine Wisdom can replace our Fear.

To all my relations, may we hold our Deepest Gratitude for the Unconditional Love of a Creator who’s Highest Intention was to Bless us All The Same. May we climb upon the altar in a total surrender as a Sacred Ritual of the Heart. As we call upon Divine Intervention, may we not concern ourselves with the right words or justification, remembering the Creator sees no fault. Our emotions are the language of the Heart, the Voice heard by Divine Agency that perfectly articulates what is needed. A Divine Agency holds nothing back – sees no one more worthy than another – and holds the Highest Aspiration for Harmony and Equity. Our Grace is “earned” by a Choice to Be in Relationship with the Creator. May we be Present Now for a gift of Divine Justice that would mark a major milestone when a darkness was turned into Light.

May we look for the Signs and Wonders of a Gift of New Wisdom.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Wisdom/CIB trecena.


8 Wisdom/CIB (Cherokee, Owl U’GUKU’)

Galactic Tone 8: Justice. Harmony and balance are the intent of Eight. Eights carefully weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. Eight is the power of organization demonstrated in the statement, “As above, so below”. From simplicity to infinity, the energy of Eight organizes all levels of creation. Some Eights are “Neat Freaks”.

Wisdom/CIB: The old ones. Wisdom of the ancients. Wisdom persons are aligned with the ancient memories that wait in the stone of temples and sacred sites all over the world. Wisdom people grow luck like a crop using a balance of prudence and tenacity. The tremendous inner strength of this sign, enables silent introspection to discover areas of oneself that contain wisdom more valuable than any trove of archaeological treasure. Wisdom persons are valieant defenders of family and community. They may become hardened to life and sentiment turned cold. In these cases, they need much forgiveness for their uncaring errors. Periodically connecting with nature and or visiting sacred sites will bring great stability to wisdom persons. (A good day to sit on a rock.)

Cherokee, Owl U’GUKU’ : Symbol is the Owl is Arcturus, the brightest Star in the Constellation Bootes. The Cherokee Bear constellation (Ursa Major) includes the Big Dipper plus four stars in Bootes.  Owl is a hunter, who stands for the wisdom and ability of all great hunters, the cunning of a fox, the tenacity of a bulldog and strength of a bear. Energy for deep thinkers, strong-willed, rigid convictions, bold and authoritive.  Owl is the Mystic Ferryman who guides Earthlings on the return path to the stars holding the torch aloft.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. Debra]

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