9 Dog / OC – Living as a Creator: Day 9


9 Dog / OC

Greetings Kin,

Tone 9 calls for our Patience. This is a day of a Divine Intervention that will facilitate the process of our new Transformation. Tone 9 offers an energy of Enlightenment  that helps us understand the Divine Laws of Love, Karma, and our own Soul Purpose. When we receive a Divine Discernment that would heal our Emotions and establish a Right Relationship with our Self, our “fair exchange” for the Gift is by extending that Gift to the Whole.

Through a Higher Discernment, we remember we are only One in the whole family of Humanity that is struggling to know its Self, and to Live in the Truth of Authenticity. The Truth we were given to restore Peace and Harmony within, is our own currency of Divine Justice.

Dog/OC is the Day Sign of Unconditional Love. Dog lives for the next opportunity to give and receive Love. We are given a demonstration of how a new Love of our Self is a gift that will help us complete our Divine Purpose.

Dog/OC offers a perfect demonstration of Unconditional Love. Dog expresses its love through affection, loyalty, protection, companionship and faithfulness that survives beyond death.

Through the Healing of our Emotions we learned a Way of Loving our Self that is no longer dependent upon our Outer Circumstances. Our Love and Happiness is no longer dependent upon the return of Human Love. We found Divine Love, greater than Human can comprehend by experience. When we realize the magnitude of Divine Love, our Desire to Give becomes Greater than a Need to Receive.

When we operate solely in our Lower Self, we are in constant need of More Love. Our Emotional Body is constantly seeking a Validation of Love from something outside of our Self. Our Lower Self cries for it, and unconsciously demands that it be given. We seek only the resolution to our own lack of Love, unable to see the Love that is needed on both sides of every relationship.

Love is patient and kind. Love asks nothing for itself, but seeks to unconditionally be given. Love sees the best in everything and holds others in their Highest Regard. Love is always willing to offer Forbearance and Understanding. As we are continually raised to a Higher Consciousness, we are more capable to see that we could receive it for a lifetime and still never fully comprehend it.  Like the Sun that’s too bright to look at, we only need a glimpse to know its Power.

Dog/OC calls us to a Divine Discernment of Love in the World. We could remember that in all our relationships, the conflicts that arise are always grounded in a call for more Love. Every burden of our Emotional Self boils down to a Call for Love. Every conflict is a Call for Love. Every injustice is a Call for Love. Hate is the deepest of Humanity’s emotional burdens to bear… its deepest need for Healing and its loudest Cry for Love.

Atoned with the Creator, we accept every experience as a means to a Divine Blessing of Justice. If we WERE despised for our Truth, it would be a Blessing to Know where Love will not be found. Our Divine Justice is to be Loved as we are. Like Dog, the Blessing of Knowing where Love can’t be found, is that a new opportunity presents itself to find an equal exchange of Love somewhere else. Our Higher Self offers us the freedom to move on. We don’t have to Prove the Right to Be Who We Are.

Knowing Unconditional Love is the most important thing we were to undersatnd. We need to be assured over and over again. Our Lower Self measures Love by our Emotions. In a Higher State of Consciousness we would experience Love without the Fear of every losing it.

To all my relations, may we know the joy and freedom of loving things just as they are. May we realize that our opportunities for joy are as expansive as the Body of Love we were made part of. May we consider that “standing in our Truth” is not a take-away, but a Gift. When we share the Truth of our Self, we encourage others to share their Truth. We can cease to see our differences as a point of conflict. Dog/OC can help us see Love as a Decision, as an accepted way of Being. Where Love isn’t found, we don’t have to hang around to demand that it be given. We just move on to the place where Love is offered as a fair exchange. As long as we’ve Offered our Truth and Unconditional Love, we’ve done everything we need to do. For all we know, that Intention of Love and Truth lives on. Speaking our Truth is offering Unconditional Love to our Self.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Wind/IK trecena.


9 Dog/OC (Cherokee, Wolf/KANA’TI)

Galactic Tone 9: Patience. The energy of Nine is one of the getting a better perspective of the bigger picture. With the energy of Nine plans or patterns begin to come to completion. Nine requires patience and perseverance that is found in the bigger picture, otherwise there is great suffering from the lack of insight. The completion of cycles of action is all-important to Nine.

Dog/OC: Courageous, loyal and warm-hearted, very alert and valiant, people born of Dog are respected for their sense of justice and their protection. People born of the sun sign Dog are very sensual and know how to enjoy life. Playfulness and a good understanding of the basic human nature lead to prosperity for Dog. Dogs are good team players who love to travel and have a keen sense of their position in society. Dogs are ambitious and will take opportunities when they offer themselves, including infidelities. Dog persons share the nature of coyotes, spies, wolves and lawyers.

Cherokee, Wolf/KANA’TI: Wolf is symbolized by Sirius (Dog star) and Antares, one or the other always visible but never at the same time.  Wolf is our brother, shares our very roots.  All dogs are domesticated wolves, companionship and guidance.  Wolves are a connecting link between the worlds; ones who inspire loyalty, diplomacy and sense of humor with unlimited potential.  Wolf is the Day Sign of teachers, healers, pathfinders and transformers; sharp as obsidian, gentle as a lamb. OC-Totem –Dog:  Loyalty and faithfulness that survives beyond death.  This was the first day of creation energy in this 4th world, sets the energy for love, loyalty and faithfulness on the 5200 year cycle.  Heart chakra energy is involved so that we can move to the state of “unconditional love” with compassion.  All sexual desire issues that are not in harmony will surface to be cleared.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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