13 Road / EB – Ascension: Day 13 of 13


13 Road / EB

Greetings Kin,

Our Vigil of Light with Sun/AHAU has guided us to an Ascension that would reveal our Human Destiny. Together, the Creator and the Ascended Masters have helped us see we were born to tend a Harvest of Light.

Tone 13 is the Sacred Number that is the Sign of our Ascension to a Higher Consciousness of Love. Road/EB is the Day Sign of Human and the Road of our Destiny.

The glyph illustrates the Road on Human’s head. The circles on either side mark important milestones. The Journey itself is our Human Destiny. We were given the Free Will to choose our direction. We transcend the limits of our Human Power, when we Choose to Serve a Divine Purpose. As the Hand of the Creator Human’s Journey fulfills a Divine Destiny.

Human was perfectly placed by the Creator, so that we exist in the Center of our own Universe of Love. Mother Earth reflects the Creator’s Love in every direction. Love exists beyond the bounds of time and space. We are made capable to find Love in our future and our past, and beyond the bounds of our own lifetime. We were created so our Love be a bridge to our Home with the Creator, and Love could even bring purpose to the Darkness below.

The world was Created as an Expression of an Almighty Love so pervasive that every Human who sought it would find it. As the Creator’s Divine Intention for Human, God’s Creation will not be complete until every Human Knows the Grace of Unconditional Love. Our Highest Mission is to Love the Whole of Humanity.

The Cherokee Day Sign the Rattlesnake Tooth is a symbol of Spiritual Medicine. The rattlesnake tooth was used by the shaman to break the skin in the Sacred Ceremony of a healing. Our direct communion with the Creator would leave a mark that we would always see and remember. Today we can mark a new milestone on the journey to our Destiny.

The Rattlesnake Tooth is a Day Sign of Signs and Wonders, compared to the Rainbow, an ethereal display of the Creator’s Light projected from Up Above. Rattlesnake Tooth expresses our Destiny as the “Guardian of the Way, Keeper of the Keys of the secret Kingdom.”

The Creator’s Love was the Divine Seed of Intention embedded in Human’s Heart. As we take on our own Characteristics of Divine Love, the Love that is Everywhere could also Shine through us. Our Light would help to complete the Creator’s Creation of Love. Love was intended by the Creator to be Human’s Highest Experience of Being. So, this is the Purpose we were given.

Sun/AHAU shares our Journey on the Road to our Divine Destiny. In a Vigil of Light we gathered the Light of the Creator’s Love to share with the world. AHAU led us to the Consciousness of our Highest Calling. The task before us was meant to be as easy as sharing our Love.

This is a time of great challenge and opportunity. Our Love is needed now more than ever before. The evolution of Human’s intelligence has expanded our sphere of influence to include the whole world and even into outer space. Yet, our primary assignment is to shine where we are.

Like the New Sun of the Eclipse, a New Light has made a Bright appearance in my neighborhood. A little boy, I would guess to be about 8 years old, has emerged over the past few weeks. When I carry my trash to the garbage bin, he’s made an appearance to offer a hand.  Last week he found his way to my front door to ask if I had any trash. I had just emptied it, so he asked if he could come back tomorrow. I wondered if this was his own idea or if, perhaps, a parent had encouraged this offering of help.

Though he never asked or expected anything in return, I was inspired to stock the freezer with some frozen “Otter Pops” so I could offer a fair exchange. When he returned, I offered one to him and asked whether he would like some to share with his friends. He mentioned the colors his brothers might like. I put them into a bag and threw in a few extra for good measure. He was excited that now there would be enough to share with his Mom, his Aunt and even his baby brother. The light of this little boy nearly broke my heart. Given something extra, he only saw he had more to give away.

I asked what had made him think to help me with my trash. He said that it was something he liked to do, and that he helped other neighbors with their trash too. Later that day, I saw him making his rounds. He called out to me to offer a comment on the beautiful weather we were having. Who would have guessed that an 8 year old boy would be the Star of our apartment’s neighborhood. The purity of his kindness is an Overwhelming Light.

His name is Julian. I looked to find that the meaning of his name is “Jove’s Child” – a child of the god of the sky and thunder, the king of the gods in Ancient Roman religion and mythology. Even by his given name, Julian is the Personification of the Creator’s Light. Julian is the Sign and Wonder that marked a Personal Appearance by the Creator in my Vigil of Light… an unforgettable Light.

To all my relations, may we know we were equipped to serve as a Light to the World. We were created with a Spark of the Creator, that would shine through us in the simple tasks of caring for one another. Our Love holds the Power to leave a mark on the Hearts of those who receive it.  We are each given the Divine Inspiration to create the Beauty of our own Offering of Love. No Supernatural Talents or Capabilities are needed to share this Love. Our Spiritual Gifts would only serve to help us Discover and Harvest the Divine Love that can be found in every direction. Through a new Ascension of Consciousness, may we be raised up as Innocent Children of God, whose love is Spotless and Pure. May we be Humbled that the Creator shared the Keys to a Divine Kingdom so Awesome that its Beauty exceeds the capacity that a single Human Heart can hold.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide
for a trecena energy forecast and insight on the 3rd Uinal and Portal Days of the Sun/AHAU trecena.

13 Road/EB (Cherokee, Rattlesnake Tooth/KANU’GA)

Galactic Tone 13: Ascension. Thirteen assists us to go to the next higher step, propels us to try something new or to try again. Thirteen energy takes us over the next mountain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort. Thirteen is a number associated with the Ascended Masters, creation, expansion, and manifestation.

Road/EB: The bearer of time and conductor of destiny; also known as Human; these persons open the road and guide to the future groups, communities and individuals alike. Likable, obedient, dedicated hard workers and organizers, Road persons are fortunate in business and travel. Many become care takers of the poor, sick, or old people, where they may make personal sacrifices. Road is sometimes referred to as the sign of grass, which is the most bountiful of all life forms, but is also the most humble. Road persons are affectionate and emphatic; they are easily hurt but slow to anger. Holding in of negative emotions and unexpressed resentment can lead to illness, a poisoned opinion of others and a false bravado for this sun sign.

Cherokee, Rattlesnake Tooth/KANU’GA: Symbolized by a rainbow, the delicate display of electromagnetic rays of the SUN. Rattlesnake Tooth is the Natal day sign of Medicine, the Shaman, the Priest, the Healer, and the Sorcerer.  Guardian of the Way, Keeper of the Keys of the secret Kingdom.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

6 thoughts on “13 Road / EB – Ascension: Day 13 of 13

  1. how beautiful is that? such a blessing! some of the ‘new’ children are incredible Light Beings, bearing a love to share so authentic – to set a new standard of being, for the creation of a new and more loving world. aloha en lak’ech ~e

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