11 Night / AKBAL – Building an Altar: Day 11 of 13


11 Night / AKBAL

Greetings Kin,

Tone 11 brings the Intention of Resolution. We’re offered the Clarity to discern some modifications that are needed and our place of “fitting in.” Tone 11 is a dynamic force that facilitates Change of our Transformation to a Higher Consciousness.

Night/AKBAL is the Day Sign offers a multi-dimensional experience, connecting the Unconscious to the Conscious, and the Left Side thinking to the Right. AKBAL speaks to us through our Dreams, either waking or asleep, and draws a Response Directly from the Heart.

The Reed/BEN trecena has led us to this place through the building of an Altar. We saw an Altar placed in our Home and a Channel of Light seated at an Altar within. We were drawn to see that we were made the Holy Ones with a Divine Purpose to Serve from this Altar.

Tone 11 helps us see how a new Understanding will be integrated into our lives. A Voice of Divine Spirit will guide us to see where our Altar exists in the dimensions of a Divine Creator. AKBAL can help us understand How our Service will fulfill the Divine Purpose of Altar of Home.

Night/AKBAL is a Blue Day Sign of the West. Blue represents the energy of “Light,” meaning incoming Inspiration. West is the direction of our Unknown Journey of Life. This is the place of our emotional response to our experience of living. Just as we are raised up to Know the Heights of our Divinity, we are equally laid Low in the place of our Human experience. AKBAL speaks the Language of the Heart. Often a Breakdown is the Breakthrough.

We will see that our place is in Two Worlds. To exist in Perfection, we must Live in the Humility of being Human. As we are evolved to a Higher Consciousness, we must accept in Humility the Depth of our Human emotions.  This is the Archetype of the Wounded Healer, capable of miracles due to the shared experience that offers the Love of Compassion. Like the Christ Spirit that bore the suffering of Humanity, we must also bear the pain of Humanity to bring the miracle of Healing.

This is an important day to Honor our Feelings and the Feelings of Others as we bear our deepest wounds. We may experience AKBAL as an emotional day. Our Common Suffering is our reflection on the “hard road of life.” We can Thank the Creator that we have a Place to Go. Maintaining our Altar starts by seeing it as our Channel to God. Through our Attention, Presence, Prayer and Sacred Ritual, we draw down the Light from the Creator to Heal our Wounds.

During “hard times” we must turn to our Spiritual Tools. The closer we are drawn together, the more we will Feel our Collective Pain. Our Altar was built as a place for our own Healing and Communion with the Creator.

Our Altar exists in many dimensions. “As Above, So Below.” Our Altar shines a Light Above. There are many places that our Altar exists. Just as it was seated in our Heart, it also exists in the realm of our Imagination. When we turn to our Altar, we are Seen by the Creator at an Altar Above. A Divine Creator’s Intention of Equality made it possible for ALL to enter in to the Sanctuary of Spirit.

As AKBAL arrives at Sunset I felt the sorrow of the past, right on schedule… the injustice, the time I wasted blaming others, and even shame in still feeling the pain. I wondered what could possibly fix this disappointment in myself. To Honor our Feelings we must Feel the pain. We can call on our Higher Self to listen. We can go to the Altar, light a candle and smudge off to release our Fear to the Creator. We Honor the Sacredness of all the Elements that were provided by Mother Earth, and pray that they are used in a good way. Our thoughts will drift with the smoke to the Creator, where the words we need to hear are spoken.

The glyph illustrates the veil of Darkness drawn aside to reveal a Light that is always shining in the Dark. The Cherokee Day Sign, the Hearth, is the Sacred Fire that is tended through the Night by the Council of Elders. All we have to do is call, and they will come to help tend our Altar too.

The Reed/BEN trecena is calling our Hearts to Home. We started in the Earthly realm. We were led to see the Home and Family that is Always with us in Spirit. We don’t have to climb a mountain, or make a pilgrimage to a place far away to find a Holy Place of Sanctuary.

We are bearing the burden of the pain and destruction we see around us. We also see the Higher Spirit of Humanity in people helping people, and even in the Increase in our own Compassion. We were raised up to help bear the pain of others. To Serve as Healers, we must first Heal Our Self. Our place on the Altar is in the Center where we can Draw Down the Light to Heal our Self.

Our Altar is built to exist Everywhere WE ARE, never to be limited to a certain time or place. Tone 11 is the Day the shaman climb to the Highest Altar. We can always Climb to a Higher Place of Light that will overcome the Darkness. When we share our wounds with the Creator, they are Healed with Exactly the Right Words to Speak to our Heart.

To all my relations, May we Listen for the Voice of Spirit that Speaks to us in our Dreams. May we not shame our Self with negativity, but first allow ourselves to Feel our Feelings. May we pray for ALL who are being impacted by natural disasters. May we remember there are people in our sphere of influence will be impacted and offer the Service of Kindness to those around us. May we help ease the Pain of Humans and all Living Creatures that exist in harms way. We are the Higher Vibration that draws Lower Vibration into sympathy. May we Heal our Self First to maintain our Purest Vibration, and be Humbled that We are Always First In Line to the Creator.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN



Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for a trecena energy forecast and insight on the Uinal and Portal Days of the Reed/BEN trecena.


11 Night/AKBAL (Cherokee, Hearth/O’YA)

Galactic Tone 11: Resolution; 11 assists every new thing to find its place in the universe in the process of ‘fitting in.’ some modifications must occur. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement.

Night/Akbal: Bringers of the Dawn. Dreamers who bring the new sun to clarify and illuminate the road of life. Thus the insecurities and doubts born of darkness of the sub-conscious mind are dispelled. These persons travel the Void. a place where nothing yet exists but all potential dwells, the womb of creation. From this void, Night persons bring forth new solutions and artistic inspiration. Night’s voyages of dreams build confidence and happiness with a sense of well beging. If night does not bravely journey into the void they may find themselves wandering the darkness of self doub and insecurity.

Cherokee, Hearth/O’YA: Hearth’s symbol is the fire pit in the Center, velvet black as the night. The triangle in Orion. The M42 nebula (home of the Central race from the WingMakers) in the center of the triangle of Orion is the fire in the Hearth, also matching the Mayan. The Hearth is the Torchbearer who holds the light and warmth throughout the night. Belief is so strong that the surrounding elements become entrained to their rhythm and all resistance falls away. With respect and honor of intuition combined with knowledge this energy creates the magic of the center in this dimension. AKBAL-Night-Totem-OWL: Guardian of the Night Sun. Energies for the opening of mystic secrets, seeing through the masks of deception, trickery. High ability of discernment. Portals open to other worlds and dimensions for your learning and spiritual growth. Magical abilities are possible.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

3 thoughts on “11 Night / AKBAL – Building an Altar: Day 11 of 13

  1. I have been terribly behind as of lately-but I have wanted to tell you, that for me, your posts are more beautiful than ever. They speak to my heart with clarity. I feel there has been a shift in your work. I have always admired it, but for me there is this gentle but strong impact in your words-maybe it is just me-but whatever the reason-I am truly blessed by your posts. in lak’ech, Michele

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michele – Thank you for sharing such a blessing. I believe we are ALL being shifted to a higher experience of Love. The calendar amazes me even more in its synchronicity and the unfolding truth of Mother Earth’s power to bring us together at a time when we’ve needed each other so much. Thank you for your gift of love. in lak’ech, Debra

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