5 Wisdom / CIB – Journey to a Dream: Day 5 of 13


5 Wisdom / CIB

Greetings Kin,

Tone 5 offers the Source of Power to complete a new climb of Spiritual Growth. We are given the way to navigate the illusion of our powerlessness.

Wisdom/CIB is a Day Sign of the Old Ones and the Wisdom of the Ancients. CIB represents those aligned with the ancient memories held in the temples and sacred sites all over the world. Our Spiritual Growth depends on the courage to look at our own memories. CIB offers a gift of objective introspection to develop our Inner Strength.

Eagle/MEN encouraged us to hold the Highest Hopes and to reach beyond what we initially thought was possible. Holding such lofty dreams, we might expect to face our own feelings of limitation.

On 5 Wisdom/CIB we are given an opportunity to resolve our fears. We have to feel them to heal them. Our natural response may be to think of our failures and the injustice we’ve had to bear.

The Wisdom/CIB glyph represents the mind in a State of Forgiveness and Enlightenment. The rays of light expanding in all directions represent the Highest State of Spiritual Communion. Wisdom/CIB draws  Higher Consciousness to the energetic and spiritual nature of all things. CIB can encourage us to see that the struggles we face are only the constructs of an undisciplined mind. At any time, we hold the power to overcome our own fears through the simple act of forgiveness.

5 Wisdom/CIB (KIN 96)
is a Portal Day that magnifies what is focused on and opens a channel to Spirit. A Portal will magnify our connection to the Ascended Masters. This is a day to seek the Wisdom of our Elders. We are offered the heightened senses to hear their guidance as a Portal magnifies our Spiritual Gifts of Intuition and Knowing.

We could find our thoughts focused on people and circumstances that most need our forgiveness. We could see all the burdens we bear that are not of our own making. The obstacles that seem the most “unfair” can seem the hardest to let go.

Through the Strength of Introspection we are capable to look beyond the grudges we hold to see the Real Truth of our Blessings. It takes Inner Strength to forgive the unjust circumstances in our life. We might struggle because we see ourselves as “right” or that the facts of a matter are worthy of our hard feelings. CIB can help us break through by seeing that the “offense” was our own creation.

“Create all the happiness you are able to create; remove all the misery you are able to remove. Every day will allow you, –will invite you to add something to the pleasure of others, –or to diminish something of their pains.”Jeremy Bentham

Looking inward, we could discover that our resentment is born from the lack of Faith, Acceptance, and and Gratitude. Through forgiveness, we can live in integrity with our Life Purpose to Give as we Receive.

Today is a day to forgive our self and to count our blessings. The Intention of Tone 5 is to gather what is needed to make our new way forward. Wisdom/CIB is said to grow luck like a crop using a balance of prudence and tenacity. CIB encourages us to be diligent at thinking things through – a “good day to sit on a rock.”

The Cherokee Day Sign of the Owl stands for the wisdom and ability of all great hunters – “the cunning of a fox, the tenacity of a bulldog, and the strength of a bear.” The Owl holds a torch aloft to find our return path to the stars. CIB provides the Power to Move Forward through the strategy of looking deeper within our Self. Owl holds the wisdom for a Karmic Cleansing.

To all my relations, may we reflect on the personal cost of our unforgiveness. The Old Ones can help us see what needs to be forgiven. May we be vigilantly on guard for the thoughts that could turn our hearts cold. The Old Ones can help us to restore our Faith in the Creator’s Grace and Divine Justice that lean in our favor. May we realize the Power of our own Spiritual Integrity that is Resolved through Forgiveness.

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle / MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and insight on the Uinal and Portal Days of the Road/EB trecena.


5 Wisdom/CIB (Cherokee, Owl U’GUKU’)

Galactic Tone 5: Empowerment. At the center of the cube we find Five. Five is an intelligent, organizing force which manages communications and materials, knowledge and application. Fives are natural net workers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.

Wisdom/CIB: The old ones. Wisdom of the ancients. Wisdom persons are aligned with the ancient memories that wait in the stone of temples and sacred sites all over the world. Wisdom people grow luck like a crop using a balance of prudence and tenacity. The tremendous inner strength of this sign enables silent introspection to discover areas of oneself that contain wisdom more valuable than any trove of archaeological treasure. Wisdom persons are valiant defenders of family and community. They may become hardened to life and sentiment turned cold. In these cases, they need much forgiveness for their uncaring errors. Periodically connecting with nature and or visiting sacred sites will bring great stability to wisdom persons. A good day to sit on a rock.

Cherokee, Owl U’GUKU’ : Symbol is the Owl is Arcturus, the brightest Star in the Constellation Bootes. The Cherokee Bear constellation (Ursa Major) includes the Big Dipper plus four stars in Bootes.  Owl is a hunter, who stands for the wisdom and ability of all great hunters, the cunning of a fox, the tenacity of a bulldog and strength of a bear. Energy for deep thinkers, strong-willed, rigid convictions, bold and authoritative.  Owl is the Mystic Ferryman who guides Earthlings on the return path to the stars holding the torch aloft.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

2 thoughts on “5 Wisdom / CIB – Journey to a Dream: Day 5 of 13

  1. My son and I both had dreams last night specifically about issues we need to let go-both of us had to realise some resentment we were harboring-and both of felt sorry and surprised too-thinking that was over a long time. (The resentment was not at one another) He talked to me about his, tearfully-and then I shared my own with him-wow!

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