4 Deer / MANIK – Journey of Realization: Day 4 of 13


4 Deer / MANIK

Greetings Kin,

Tone 4 brings the Intention of Stability. The cube is the most stable of forms, offering the dimensions of height, length, depth and breadth. Tone 4 sets the rules and parameters to establish a sense of Direction and Orientation.

Deer/MANIK will guide the way for the new Seed of our Self to stand on solid ground and to fulfill its Divine Reason for Being. MANIK is said to “uphold the pillars of the 4 directions.” The Deer can teach us how to Stand in the Truth to uphold the world we Create from the Realm of Spirit.

Deer/MANIK is the giver of Spiritual Tools, said to have kept every tool it’s every used. Deer resides in the West, the direction of our Unknown Experience, and the Element of Water that holds the Ether of Spirit. Deer/MANIK speaks to us through the Language of the Heart. Deer can draw the fears of our limitations to the surface so we can be given the Spiritual Tool that overcomes them. MANIK can wash away our illusions of powerlessness through the Consciousness of our Connection to a Divine Source of Power.

10-DAY PORTAL, DAY 2: Ether of Spirit
Portal Days hold the power to magnify our supernatural experiences through a thinning of the veil to the realm of Spirit. We were blessed with a magnification of our Consciousness for the purpose of our Highest Creation, a reality of Happiness, Harmony, and Love. On 4 Deer/MANIK, a Portal magnifies the Light of the Spiritual Tools we were given to fulfill our Sacred Reason for Being. MANIK shares the Power to Stand in our own Truth of Spirit.

The Day Sign Deer/MANIK is also known as Hand. The glyph illustrates a hand with the forefinger and thumb grasping a thread of ether to complete a circuit of Divine Power. The circle is the eye of the Deer, and a symbol of its Vigilant Observation and faculty for Divine Discernment.

The Deer represents Human’s Divine Meaning and Purpose is to guide the whole. MANIK is the Day Sign of the Mayan priest, God’s Hand in the world. The priest observes all the Sacred Rituals and Ceremonies that mark important milestones of experience. They draw people together in Right Relationship. The priest lives as a demonstration, so that others will remember. Through the Gift of Harmonic Resonance, Deer guides a journey of Spirit to a Higher Ground of Truth.

4 MANIK speaks Truth to our Heart from the dimension of Spirit. A portal is open and the Ether of Spirit is within our grasp to be connected to the Mind of the One Divine Consciousness of the Creator. Above all the things the Creator knows about us, is the condition of our Heart. The Creator Knows how we shine when we are Conscious of our Connection.

The Creator wants us to use our Consciousness to see beyond our Human limitations. The priest offers a Sacred Time and Place. Through ritual and ceremony we exist in Divine Relationship with the Creator and made Conscious of One Another.

4 Deer/MANIK can share with us the Gift of Solid Ground. Awakened to our own Gift of Consciousness to Know the Truth, MANIK guides us to build our Foundation on the Truth we discern for our Self.

There is nothing equal to our own Truth. Consciousness makes possible the Wisdom of Experience, more valuable than Wisdom we learn from anyone else. All Truth will radiate out from our own One Truth of a Divine Consciousness that Created us, Loves us Unconditionally, and established a Divine Plan for us from the Beginning to the End. We are learning by our own Experience of Creation. So are we defining the experience for a new Seed of our Self.

This is a day to draw from your Direct Connection with the Creator. A Portal can magnify the experience. Following the way of the Mayan priest, we would observe a Sacred Ritual for the Whole. The Highest Prayer we can offer is a supplication for the Whole to Know the Truth of a Divine Connection with the Creator… a Sacred Prayer, in perfect alignment with our own Divine Meaning and Purpose, and fulfilling the Creator’s Dream of Relationship. This is a prayer the Creator is always waiting to Answer.

We are created from different sparks of the Creator. In order for the Creator to Know the All-in-One, the One Light was split apart to represent all the possible Divine Ways of Being. We are each different, but equal in all our ways of being. Each one of us Sacred for reflecting our own Divine Aspects of the Creator.

Our own Truth is important. The Divine Truth that we discern on our own, reflects our own Divine Perspective and the Expression of Love we were created to share with the Whole. No one else in the world has to see it in the same way. We are experiencing our Self for the Creator.

We can only stand on Truth we’ve proven for our Self. We can only “mostly stand” on Truth shared by someone else. Our Truth has to be impeccable as Truth we Know with every fiber of our Being. Our Own Truth is stable in the face of all other false truth.

To all my relations, may we be Given Truth we Know we can stand on, beyond any need to defend it to anyone else. May we Know it because the Creator spoke it directly to us. May we see it as a Truth that stands between the two of us – our Self and the Creator. May we serve the Creator by including the Whole in all of our Prayers. May we pray that each spark of the Creator is Awakened to the Gift of their own Consciousness to realize a Divine Connection and their own Power of Knowing the Truth. May we designate a Time and Place for Consciousness and enter Communion with the Creator to Know the Truth of our Connection to a Divine Source of Power that holds the Authority of all Creation.

As old parts of our Self die away, may we remember to fill the empty spaces with Love, to prepare the Soil of our Spirit as the place for a new Truth to grow. May we fill our self up with the Creator’s Love.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


I’m sharing a the “21-Days of Gratitude” as a perpetual Personal Ceremony through the next journey to 8 Monkey/CHUEN Maya New Year. The “21 days” begin and end on Jaguar/IX.

21-Days of Gratitude: Day 15

I’m grateful that the Creator wanted a relationship with me.


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Seed/KAN trecena.


4 Deer/MANIK (Cherokee, Deer/Ahwu’sdi)


Galactic Tone 4: Stability; the cube is most stable of all forms and establishes volume by definition of height, length, depth and breadth; 4 directions establish orientation. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, work, or relationship.

Deer/MANIK (Hand): Deer are spirit tools. Silence itself is a spiritual experience for Deer. For Deer life is a pilgrimage. Deer are dominant persons who defend the people and will make sacrifices for others. The spirit of Deer upholds the pillars of the four directions. With the power inherent in the number four, Deer pushes away bad influences or negative energies. Skill and quality of work are very important to Deer. They are presented with tools for every task in life and it is with these that they are able to rise above limitations. Deer has a habit of keeping every tool it has ever used. This leads to clutter and indecision, loss and procrastination. When confronted with promises not kept, Deer becomes stubborn, manipulative and evasive.

Cherokee, Deer/Ahwu’sdi: Symbolized by Constellation Galagina, the Stag, known as Taurus, the Bull. It does not include the Pleiades and Hyades clusters which in Cherokee are viewed as separate. To feed, gatherers of food and supplies, they enjoy rituals, ceremonials, feasts, the souls of hospitality, sociability. Freedom versus security issues often inspire leadership and unique solutions.  Combined with artistic and inspiring energies in harmony with lunar cycles, they nourish the clans. Totem-Deer: A priest or shaman, a powerful person in general, to overwhelm an individual with one’s personal power, divination; inclined to become a teacher, healer, guru, civic leader, or politician.  Ability to create harmonic resonance.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

I mentioned a few weeks back a potential opportunity to travel to the Mayan pyramids. The vision is clearing as an opportunity for accommodations has been manifested. I’ve started a gofundme page to raise money for the ticket and expenses related to book publishing scheduled for Spring 2019. Please only share if its Easy. You are already the blessing of just being here. (But you could help me spread the word.) much love, in lak’ech, Debra https://www.gofundme.com/life-dream-a-pilgrimage-of-spirit

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