9 Dog / OC – A New Mission of Spirit: Day 9 of 13


Minisa Crumbo Halsey, 1 Wind/IK

Minisa Crumbo, Dawnwoman, shares her Breath of Spirit in her book Spirit Talk: a count of days that was the encouragement to write a journal. Minisa holds the Inheritance of Marcellus “Bear Heart” Williams, the Uncle who raised her up on the traditional path of the shaman. The rich accounting of the way he was taught is written in “The Wind is my Mother.” Minisa also draws on the Wisdom of the Sacred Pottawatomie tradition of her heritage, holding the Wisdom of the Sacred words of the Pottawatomie passed to her from Donald Perrot, Member and Elder of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation. Connect to Minisa through Dawn Woman’s Blog


9 Dog / OC

Greetings Kin,

Our Transformation of Spirit is Completed on the Peak Tone 9. Tone 9 calls for our patience to see the Bigger Picture. A very important Spiritual Tool is to look Higher and Deeper into our own Inspiration. There is something more to see when we take the time to draw to our Self the Meaning and Purpose of our Divine Inspiration.

The Number 9 holds the Intention of Completion. We were transformed through an Offering of our Self. We volunteered to bear the blame for the darkness we ALL see, so the Forgiveness we ask for our Self, could be a Gift to the Whole. Through our Patience, our Consciousness can be Drawn to the Divine Meaning, “Why?”

Dog/OC is a symbol of the Creator’s Unconditional Love, and the example of how we were intended to Experience our Lives on Mother Earth. The Elders said that when the Dog/Wolf appears bringing a gift of Love, it become a lifelong companion that acknowledges that you are forever part of its Pack. Dog is known of its loyalty, and seen as the nuhaul that is loyal even beyond death to guide us to the “other side.” The Milky Way was seen as the “place the dogs ran.”

9 Dog/OC will complete our understanding of the Creator’s Love and Protection that always stands in our corner, and always sees us in our Highest Intentions. Our Transformation will be complete as we are seen through the Eyes of Unconditional Love.

Seeing and Acknowledging our place on Mother Earth as part of the All-in-One, we are lifted Higher. We can rise above the Consciousness of a Judgement of “Good” or “Bad” that would polarize our Love. Accepting the Whole, we can live in Perfect Balance between the Above and the Below.

Seeing the whole of our experiences as all part of a One Divine Process of Transformation, we can Love Every Thing. In order to Heal the Whole, we must Love the Whole. Love is the Experience of Human that holds the Power to Change Everything. We are changed by Knowing the Creator’s Love. So can the Love we Offer each other, be the Change that Transforms our Human Love into Divine Love.

Our greatest challenges is to open our hands and allow the Love we Receive to Flow back to the Whole. From a human perspective we can make the judgement of who most deserves our Love. And who doesn’t.

Dog/OC resides in the North, the place of the Wisdom we learn through experience, and the place where the Wisdom of all the Ascended Ones who walked this way before. Dog holds the Element of Air that represents all the faculties of the Human Mind. Dog’s transformation on Tone 9 completes a Change of Mind about our Intentions of Love.

We were each created with our own perspective. No two of us see things in exactly the same way. It’s easy to classify these differences as either “better” or “worse” than our own measure of Divine Intention. Dog/OC is unwavering in its Love, understanding how our differences allow us each to contribute something important to the Pack. Where one falls down, another is capable to lift us up. The weakness in our Self is just as subject to the “better” and “worse” that we impose. Unconditional Love breaks through this perspective as we seek to see what the Creator sees, the Divinity of all our Human ways of Being.

We’re not Loved because we are perfect. We are Loved because we ARE. We only have to look around to Know that a Divine Mind imagined all of Creation down to the finest details, and Spoke the Creation only when the discernment was made that everything was Perfect. We can see it in our Self. Holding the Wisdom that we are Divinely Capable to create our own experiences, we are drawn to Create the things we Love the Most. We want everything to turn out just right, as we always imagined they could be. Holding the Wisdom of our Power as a Creator, there would be no reason to dream of the unwanted.

Each one of us is Wanted by the Creator. Each perspective is Inspired by a Divine Mind. Deep within every Human is a Dream of Love that is experienced in Equal Measure to everyone else. When we are unconscious of the Creator’s Love, we defend our Position that we are worthy to receive it in the only way a Mind of Duality knows to do. We REASON why we deserve it and find the only reasonable comparison of our potential to Receive it in a comparison between one Human and Another.

Knowing we already have the Creator’s Unconditional Love, there ceases to be a reason for a comparison. When we Know how it Feels to be Truly Loved without any conditions, Loved because we ARE, our minds can be changed. When Love ceases to be seen as a Limited Commodity, there is no reason to guard Love as if it could be stolen. We could conceive the thought that every thing that becomes Conscious of this Unconditional Love, would raise the Power that lifts the Whole above the gravity of Darkness Below.

In Truth, we have things all backwards. Those who are suffering the most and in the darkest place of perception are the ones whose transformation of polarity can release us from the thoughts that hold us down. The Humans that are attracted to the darkest intentions, are balance as the very ones capable to reveal the Brightest Light, transformed in Balance from one extreme to the other.

What if we saw this as the Truth as we made our Human comparisons to one another? How would it change the way we carry out our own Mission and Purpose? How do we carry it out? Imagining our “enemies” as a source of our own Salvation? It seems impossible. Though, that is the very opportunity for a Miracle.

The Creator offers a Divine Agency of support to carry out all our Divine Dreams. Everything Divine is possible when we ask. See our enemies for their potential of Light, and Believing it, might be our Highest Calling. It doesn’t mean we must accept and love their behavior. We can still stand in the Truth that they are Loved by the Creator, just as they are. We can offer the Love we are capable to call on to shine through us. What we can’t do in our Highest Intention, the Creator can do for us. We only have to be willing to allow ourselves to see through the eyes of the Creator’s Love.

We can look to the Dog to see the Promise of our Earthly Experience, when we have been Balanced by Unconditional Love. We are living FREE when we Know that nothing can separate us from the Creator’s Love. When we use our mind and our imagination to see how the Creator sees us, we will Know so much Love it naturally overflows. When we have more Love than we could ever need to be happy, our Mission becomes to Share it.

We will naturally dream that everyone else would also Know this Love. We would go from one to another, just like the Dog, hoping to experience an Exchange of this Love. Knowing our own Joy in the experience of Love, it would be more important to keep moving to every opportunity for love, than to stop along the way to hold a resentment.

One of the struggles of being a single parent was experiencing their Beauty all alone. There was a natural desire to share with someone else all the amazing things they did. We want to share our Joy when we experience it. It someone doesn’t feel complete until it is seen and acknowledged by someone else. Our Joy can turn into suffering when there’s no one else to see what we’ve seen. We can see this Truth in all the stories a Mother wants to share about what her children have accomplished, the funny things they say and do, and in the innocent ways they reveal their Love. We should do more than tolerate the sharing of these stories, we can engage them to draw out the Light they can bring to the Whole. We can help reinforce the Vibration of Love by standing in the corner for everyone with a story that longs to be shared about something that is Loved.

There is more than enough Love to go around. Instead of responding from a mind that compares, we can respond from a mind that sees itself standing near another Light of Love that was shared with us. We can see the Truth that someone else saw us as someone they would want to share it with.

We’re proud of our “stuff” and our own accomplishments. Though, drawing light to our own accomplishments, we only reveal the worldly gravity that can hold us down. The greatest Light we share is in the exchange of a Gift that was a manifestation completed outside of our Self, through the Whole of the Divine Creation.

May we celebrate Love everywhere we see it, and claim it as our own Blessing to Know it. May we add our own magnetic Love to the experience. In Hawaii I learned about the Blessing of the “Aloha Spirit.” A small pink book, called “Aloha Spirit” by xxxx, was found available in many places there. The Gift it Shared was the Intention to Bless every demonstration of Love that we see as One in our Dream of Creation. If we Dream of a Happy Family, we bless every happy family we see. If we Dream of greater strength, we Bless the strength we see in the tallest trees, the elements of the landscape that reflect strength, and every strength we see in others. We proclaim that because it exists, it is a Blessing that is offered to us in Harmony and Equity. The Blessings of others become evidence of our own Blessings, no longer a threat as a limited commodity, but Abundant in everything around us as something within our own grasp.

This is the Freedom of Unconditional Love, and the motivation for our own Creation of it. We can never be Blessed by the Dream of another that we would seek to grasp for ourselves. We wouldn’t know the Creation from its beginning to the end. We could never claim the Truth that it was Our Divine Inspiration that Authored the Dream from its beginning to its end. That is what the Creator most wants us to Know, than our Dream is just as Beautiful and holds the Most Potential for OUR Experience of Love.

Instead of judging the darkness and limitation in another, just as we learned to overcome the darkness in our Self, our minds can be changed to see ALL darkness as an opportunity for Light and the Miracles of its transformation as a Blessing to the Whole.

May our Consciousness of the Dog be a way to Know the proof of all the Love that can be discovered on Earth below. Dog revels in Being and drawing the Beauty of Life through all of its Senses. The Dog holds all kinds of Love, from the Compassionate Love that sits by our side, to the Love that stands up for us when we can’t stand for our Self. Think of all the times as Human we are unable to stand in the Truth of our own Integrity. Dog will protect us anyway, knowing our Greatest Happiness is existing in Unity.  We can learn so much through our darkness and the darkness of others. If nothing else, we can claim the Truth of consequences and suffering we never had to face, because we saw it happen to someone else.

May we never wish consequences that are due to another Human Being. May our own Consciousness be focused on the potential for Love to change everything. May we stand in the Truth that every Human is worthy of all the Love they can possibly Know.

May we hold Faith that the Creator will transform our believing that Love is freely given, not earned or given as a reward for anything we do, but as a Promise for Being.

To all my relations, may our Transformation be completed by a Gift of Seeing that each one of us is Seen through the Creator’s eyes of Unconditional Love. May we Know this Truth, realizing that even one of us didn’t deserve it, then there would be no way to believe in which side we were on. Questioning our own Salvation, our lower consciousness would only seek to see how we were better or worse to prove we earned the blessing. From a Higher Perspective may we see the Truth that there are no limits to the Creator’s Love, and that all the Choices we were given to make – whether they are Wisely Chosen or unconsciously chosen, the Creator made a way for every experience to reveal the Evidence of the Love that holds the Authority over every Creation. The Creator’s Heart’s desire is to see the Creation of Love that WE would manifest from its beginning to its end. May we Bless Creations of Love, everywhere we see them, even as they are carried out through our Human limitations.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Wind/IK trecena.


9 Dog/OC (Cherokee, Wolf/KANA’TI)

Galactic Tone 9: Patience. The energy of Nine is one of the getting a better perspective of the bigger picture. With the energy of Nine plans or patterns begin to come to completion. Nine requires patience and perseverance that is found in the bigger picture, otherwise there is great suffering from the lack of insight. The completion of cycles of action is all-important to Nine.

Dog/OC: Courageous, loyal and warm-hearted, very alert and valiant, people born of Dog are respected for their sense of justice and their protection. People born of the sun sign Dog are very sensual and know how to enjoy life. Playfulness and a good understanding of the basic human nature lead to prosperity for Dog. Dogs are good team players who love to travel and have a keen sense of their position in society. Dogs are ambitious and will take opportunities when they offer themselves, including infidelities. Dog persons share the nature of coyotes, spies, wolves and lawyers.

Cherokee, Wolf/KANA’TI: Wolf is symbolized by Sirius (Dog star) and Antares, one or the other always visible but never at the same time.  Wolf is our brother, shares our very roots.  All dogs are domesticated wolves, companionship and guidance.  Wolves are a connecting link between the worlds; ones who inspire loyalty, diplomacy and sense of humor with unlimited potential.  Wolf is the Day Sign of teachers, healers, pathfinders and transformers; sharp as obsidian, gentle as a lamb. OC-Totem –Dog:  Loyalty and faithfulness that survives beyond death.  This was the first day of creation energy in this 4th world, sets the energy for love, loyalty and faithfulness on the 5200 year cycle.  Heart chakra energy is involved so that we can move to the state of “unconditional love” with compassion.  All sexual desire issues that are not in harmony will surface to be cleared.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!


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