4 Flint / ETZNAB – Vision of Higher Perspective: Day 4 of 13


4 Flint / ETZNAB

Greetings Kin,

Tone 4 establishes the Stability of our Intention. 4 represents the cube and its dimensions that create volume. Our Dream begins to take on form and the dimensions that define its boundaries and rules.

“So far, we as beings here on earth have been the spectators of Creation for the most part with aspirations of someday taking the field and playing the game as the stars we dream we are. In any game there are 3 things, freedoms, barriers and goals.” ~ Article: Ian Xel Lungold

Flint/ETZNAB is the Sacred Knife made of flint or obsidian that cuts to the heart.  ETZNAB is also known as the Mirror, presenting a perfect reflection of Truth. Flint’s Intention is revealing Truth that is hidden or covered up. Flint helps us to recognize our own “truth” so that what no longer serves can be swept away. Flint holds the passion of Intention to get the job done, one way or another.

ETZNAB “beams the Stellar Ray of Truth to Earth as a crystal sword cast down along the path of a lightning flash.”

Days led by flint always present the unexpected Truth, while at the same time revealing that we Knew this Truth all along. On Flint days we have the experience of knowing what our own Truth feels like – and how false truth also feels. We can Know Truth as feeling we can’t deny, even though we try to because we don’t want to believe it, or because believing it would require us to choose a different direction, or take up a cause we feel in capable to uphold. We can distinguish false truth easily if we look. It’s always confusing and leaves us with unanswered questions and answers that don’t line up. We Know Truth when it’s presented to us. Today, we are given an opportunity to experience and Know how to Discern our own Truth for our Self.

Above all, ETZNAB can show us just how Important the Truth is and the Freedom that comes with the Truth. For all the fear of our illusions, our Human Nature is inclined to fear the worst. I’ve considered that the worst things that ever happened to me in my life, never happened at all – they were the dark imaginings of what COULD happen.

We are perfecting the Seed of our New “I Am.” Flint/ETZNAB can clear away darkness that we never realized we were even holding – old illusions that we Know Better than to believe, but need some Divine Wisdom to break free of, so these old things can die away before the New “I Am” is born.

Flint is said to present an energetic of temptation, a desire to “act out.” Some of my worst “acting outs” have presented themselves on Flint days. Flint is a day that marks many interesting notable experiences that make a long-lasting impression.

My cat has her own Flint story that was revealed by acting out from her own fear of abandonment. Her profile at the shelter indicated that she’d been passed around and finally abandoned over litter box issues. No one wanted her. She’d been at the shelter 3 times longer than any other cat that was there. I had to take her home, in spite of the issues. She never presented any problem until this particular Flint/ETZNAB. She tore off in a lightning flash from a litter box failure, under the bed, as if her worst fear was about to be realized again. Instead, I approached her with love and concern over what might have been the problem – it was a grooming issue with her wool-like fur. It was clear that failure was associated with very negative consequences. When I adopted her in 2015, she was also 12 years old. Her age was also undesirable.

It was my first time beginning a cat relationship with a full-grown adult. There was a longer period of adjustment to establish the trust between us for a close relationship. This Flint day was a miracle for Shadow. She was loved unconditionally, and taken for grooming – which, I’m sure was some concern as I had to leave her there. Everything was different when she came home. Everything in me Knew that She Knew for sure that this was her forever home. The distance between us was closed by the Truth.

I’ve had these same Flint experiences of realizing what I was afraid of, and how the fear held me back from the aspirations I hoped for. Flint can reveal Truth that we could never put our finger on, why we do the things we do. Flint’s Truth is a Light that can pierce through our Darkness to support our Highest Hopes and Aspirations.

Vigilant Consciousness is our only defense against impulsive action on Flint/ETZNAB. We can learn the easy way, or we can learn something from the consequences of our action that WILL NOT GO UNNOTICED. Flint is a “lightning strike” of Consciousness.

Flint can go either way from being good news to hard news, but either way the Truth is a Blessing of Freedom as something we needed to see. Another description of Flint’s Truth is the experience of a “stroke of genius.” We may have seen barriers, where none exist to a great idea that once passed through our mind, or see new potential from an inspiration we never took the time to inspect more closely.

4 Flint/ETZNAB holds the potential to stabilize the rules of our “game.” We may discover self-imposed rules that don’t serve any purpose. Our new rules, above all else, will be seen as worthy when they are defined by our own Real Truth.

Tone 4’s Intention of Stability offers the foundation for moving forward in the Truth of our own Intentions. With the Higher Perspective of Eagle/MEN we can sort through the reasons why we do what we do, and grasp hold of the Divine Intentions that will support our Belief in the Truth of Miracles. When we are doing what we Know is the Highest and Best service we can share with one another, the return will always be Believing that the Creator sees our effort, even when we fail.

To rise to our Highest State of Divine Consciousness means to stand in the integrity and authenticity of our Truth, without any fear, claiming our Right to Be exactly as we are, even when we’re broken. We can Love Being Human when we Know the Truth of our own Investment in the Intention of reaching beyond our Human limitations. We feel our own Divinity when we make choices that require our Faith in the Creator to see us through.

Flint/ETZNAB holds the energy to change the “static to the dynamic.” We can make a Huge Leap of Spiritual Growth, believing in our own Gift to Know what’s True. We can claim what is always True and Real is the Experience and Wisdom of our Spirit. Spirit was our First Identity and the Enduring Identity of Who we Are. The material world is the Illusion.

Flint is also an archetype of one who is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for another. Through the Consciousness of our Human Self, we can bring Death and Release from an attachment to act upon our Human impulses. We can claim a new way of Being in Spirit by sacrificing the needs of our own Ego.

To all my relations, may we apply our Vigilant Consciousness to the Truth we can Know within. May we be the Conscious Observers of our own thoughts and gut instincts, to discern truths that generate fear and confusion from Truth that we Know without any evidence or proof. May we see the Truth of a very Special Gift of Knowing that offers a solid foundation for every Human choice we make. May we offer our Gratitude for a Time that was given the Purpose for Knowing our Truth is Real. May we never have “blind faith” in our own truth, but see Truth as something that demands the application of Wisdom and Discernment. May we discover what a blessing it is to be presented with a gift that can sweep old obstacles away, that we hadn’t realized were holding us back from Believing in our own Miracles of Being. May we open our Heart to the Truth to allow ALL Truth to enter in as a Blessing of Freedom offered by the Creator. May we claim a Foundation of Truth that can stand before every false truth and illusion we encounter. May we Offer our Deepest Gratitude to the Creator for the Beauty of the Truth.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Eagle/MEN trecena.


4 Flint/ETZNAB (Cherokee, Flint/DAWI’SGALA)

Galactic Tone 4: Stability; the cube is most stable of all forms and establishes volume by definition of height, length, depth and breadth; 4 directions establish orientation. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, work, or relationship.

Flint/ETZNAB: Mirror of reality. As a struck flint, these persons are the divine sparks of intelligence. Flint’s innate abilities are utilized to discriminate emotions from fact. Flint persons stand tireless to protect, defend, or cure others by personal sacrifice. By courageously wielding the sword of truth, falsehoods are cut away. Flints, it was said, can receive information on inter-personal troubles or evil plots of others by reflecting in an obsidian mirror. Their valiant service as warriors of the truth must be impeccable or they will experience sufferings of accidents, misunderstandings and gossip.

Cherokee, Flint/DAWI’SGALA: Opener of the Way, a creator, innovator, stretches the mind to outside limits of capabilities. Changes the static to the dynamic.  Brings about change, often through separation and destruction.  Beams the Stellar Ray of Truth to Earth as a crystal sword cast down along the path of a lightning flash. The transformer brings things to a head and wipes the slate clean.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

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