2 Eagle / MEN – Journey of Spirit: Day 2 of 13


2 Eagle / MEN

Greetings Kin,

Tone 2 reflects Duality. Tone 2 calls for a Response to Divine Inspiration. We’re presented with an idea upon which we can imagine a Higher Experience of Living and Create the Reality of our Dreams.

IMIX raised our awareness to the Truth of our Eternal Oneness with a Divine Creator who longs to help us manifest our Dreams. We can Believe in the Spiritual Gifts we would be given to express our own Masterpiece of Unconditional Love. The Creator longs to see each Spark of Genius and Beauty in the Whole.

IMIX led us to walk by leading us with Unconditional Love and the encouragement to move toward our Heart’s Desire. IMIX shared the Truth of Oneness with a Divine Creator who longs to help us manifest our Dreams.

The 1st uinal represents the germination phase of a Higher Perspective of Consciousness. With each transformation of 260-days we are equipped to serve our Meaning and Purpose in a Higher Way. Like the 4th generation of the Monarch butterfly that completes the journey of migration for the Whole, we are still flying toward the same final destination. Yet we have our own Unknown journey that starts from a new place. We’re learning to walk again, carrying a new mantel of Divine Consciousness.

The “reality” of our experience will be influenced by our two sources of Consciousness. From the Truth of our Divine Consciousness we feel drawn toward the Light. All our “Human eyes” can see is that we’re low energy, trying to figure out one foot in front of the other in the dark, bumping into obstacles, and having to take right and left turns to move around and beyond them.

IMIX’s Truth we needed to Know first was that a Provision was made for us, that we are watched over and guided by a Divine Power of Love. Our Higher Consciousness will Remember. Our Human consciousness is likely to question where every step will fall. How will we apply the Truth of our Divine Consciousness?

Eagle/MEN is the Intermediary who can lift us up for a Vision from Above. Today we are guided by one who can show us a way to follow the Path of Spirit as we Walk as Human. Eagle/MEN is a Day Sign that encourages High Hopes and High Aspirations. Eagle shares the Truth that if we can See the Dream, the manifestation of its Creation is within our grasp. Eagle/MEN shares the way to navigate by Spirit.

The Elders explain that walking is a matter of balance and imbalance, that between each step is a Fall. We learn to walk with the courage to Fall Forward toward the next place of Balance. Between these two steps Human makes a Discernment of a worthy place for our next foot to fall. Learning to walk, Human spends a lot of time looking at the ground. By the time we learn to run, we’ve engaged a lot more tools of consciousness. We determine speed and inspect a broader range of landing places in advance. We learn to accommodate when we don’t hit the perfect landing place, allowing momentum to help maintain our balance. If we knew we had to intuitively learn all these pieces of Truth from the beginning, it would seem an impossible task to Human. It would be so hard to measure any progress, if our first Intention was to run. The Creator has a purpose for every Time. Each step is important and Sacred in its Divine Purpose.

In the 1st uinal our first Human assessment might be that there are too many obstacles, and too many things to take into consideration for us to make any progress. We were so excited about the possibilities two weeks ago, now suddenly it looks like long uphill climb, in the dark. Allow this vulnerability to be. Love your Human self unconditionally and claim the Truth that you know exactly what you were meant to know Right Now.

Eagle resides in the West, the Direction of our Unknown Journey. Holding the Element of Water, the Eagle can touch our emotions. Eagle raises us up to the closest proximity of God from the Earth below. From Up Above, we can see the Creator’s plan for our future.

Eagle/MEN shows up at the Perfect Time. Eagle directs a way of movement like flying. We don’t have to figure out steps and there are no obstacles in a heavenly path from Point A to Point B. We just hold a vision of the destination and we will show up there.

“As Above, So Below.” Eagle can help us see it’s the same way we move below, if we observe it from a Higher Perspective. The mind (the Above) directs the body (the Below) to move where it wants to go. Once we believe we can walk, we just see where we want to go and our body will take us there, like “magic.”

Human does a lot of magic stuff we don’t notice. This morning my waking thoughts were about the Aspects of Divinity held in everything touched by the Hand of the Creator. In all the Elements of The Creation are Divine Forces of Nature. The Element of Air holds the power to touch our thoughts. The Element of Earth holds the Force to Awaken and Nourish Life. Water holds the Element of Ether capable to Purify our Spirit, and the Element of Fire holds the power to Transmute all the Elements from one form to another. Everything Created by the Supreme Creator holds a Divine Force.

Made of all these things, so is there a Force within Human to be changed, like the shape-shifter, into another Expression of Being – and, to exist as the Ether of our Spirit. The Creator is capable to bring out the Divine Aspects of Human when we turn our mind from thoughts of “how” to simply imagining what we Love.

The Eagle shows us that all we need to do is focus on the destination. As long as we hold a vision of where we want to go, our Spirit will take us there. All the calculations will be made intuitively.

On Tone 2 we are guided to Choose a Destination, a Vision of how we would Dream our Life could be. Turning to the Truth of our latest Inspiration, our Spark is One with the Divine Consciousness of the Creator. The Creator will Intervene in the manifestation of our Dream. So, given the Promise of the Creator’s Provision – if we were the Creator, what would we want to Create for us? What Dream would manifest a Miracle of Love when we reached the destination?

Eagle/MEN encourages us to reach High. We won’t prove anything by reaching for a dream where we know all the steps. We would only credit our success to Human intellect or willpower. To prove the Miracle we need to reach for something we see far off, something beyond human grasp, but within the distance of our imagination. We have to at least be able to see what it looks like.

Reviewing old journals I was reminded of one of my first dreams as I began my daily commitment to the calendar. I was starting from what felt like the bottom of a very long climb. Each morning began from a waking nightmare, a fear of personal circumstances that were impossible to change in the short term. I started each day right back at the bottom. No amount of affirmations could change it. Even though I was learning to set Intentions by the calendar, it never occurred to me to set an Intention for this to go away. I assumed that what happened in my sleep was impossible to change. Only by Divine Inspiration did I even think to ask. This waking nightmare had gone on every morning for years.

God must have determined this among the first things that needed to go. I can’t remember the details that inspired me, only that the idea came to ask God to help change this. Within the 13-days of a single trecena, the nightmares were gone. I’ve never had another. Ever since, I wake up to Divine Inspiration, a sentence or a thought that guides my interpretation of the calendar for the day. I would have never thought to even ask for such a Blessing. It could only be a Miracle of Divine Justice, because I thought to ask for very specific Divine Help. I can’t even claim the idea to ask. It was like a Provision that was made for me. I’ve seen many Miracles work this way, through a Choice for Divine Will… led to unconventional Dreams that changed many things all at once.

What baggage are you carrying that makes it hard to be Happy? Let’s face it, all we really want is to be Happy. What are the daily obstacles to your happiness, obstacles that seem impossible to work around? We can’t change anything but our Self. It’s a Divine Intention to ask that we could Love the experience of each morning, waking up with Hope in the Future that could carry us through the day.

To all my relations, may we know that we will never grow beyond the limits we reach for. We will miss the experience of Miracles if we only Choose Dreams we are certain we can accomplish. To Know the Truth of a Miracle, we have to reach for a dream that can only be accomplished by a Miracle. The Meaning and Purpose for Human to Create our Dreams was to realize the Love that Intervenes. As we consider all the possibilities for Creation, may our Heart lead us to the Vision of what our own Happiness would look like.

MERRY CHRISTMAS. May we Receive the Gift of High Hopes the Creator has left under the tree.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide
for daily aspects and events of the Jaguar/IX trecena.


2 Eagle/MEN (Cherokee, Eagle/UWO’HATLI)

Galactic Tone 2: Mysterious as the question ‘to be or not to be?” Two is the recognition of the separation of self from all else and the desire to be rejoined. Walking a balance while making choices of all kinds, light/dark, male/female, good/bad, Yin/Yang, is the energy of this number. Experiencing the differences between one and another is the use and purpose of this number.

Eagle/MEN: Intermediary between Heaven and Earth. Due to the Eagles superior point of view and keen intelligence, they achieve material abundance and good fortune. A messenger gifted with patience and a deep sense of value, Eagle brings hope and trust on the wings of Spirit. Eagle persons are very detail oriented and technically inclined. Compassionate service to others sustains prosperity for Eagle personas as the flapping of wings would sustain their bird brothers. If Eagle becomes viciously competitive or possessive, greed and jealousy cause a fall from the heights. Eagles, being blessed with freedom of movement, should be aware of escapism. Eagles may be tempted to just fly away from troubles by using indulgences.

Cherokee, Eagle/UWO’HATLI: Eagle’s symbol is Mars the Spirit Warrior. He is a minion of Grandfather Moon. Eagles were the warrior society, the braves the protectors of the nation. Women were included. There was no discrimination which is reflected in the language: third person singular is divided into animate, human and animate, not human instead of he and she. The energy of high hopes and anticipations, dreams and visions, cosmic consciousness and commitment. On earth, a provider of excellence, leader, husbandry, care-taking of others, financial security and inheritance.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

7 thoughts on “2 Eagle / MEN – Journey of Spirit: Day 2 of 13

    • The calendar has a way of doing that. I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad’s health and pray for improvement. Sometimes the solstice introduces some physical issues. I’ve been dizzy, nauseated, and off-balance for a couple of days, like earth is shifting under my feet (and it really is). I look for this in my own 91/92 parents to remind them about potential for flare ups around this time. I had back issues going on the week of the summer solstice. I never notice the timing of these strange, troubling, health events until an Elder noted the seasonal shift. I’m more prepared with something to attribute it to when it happens around this time. much love, in lak’ech, Debra

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