5 Earth / CABAN – Building an Altar of Light: Day 5 of 13



Greetings Kin,

Tone 5 is a day of Empowerment. At the Center of the Cube is the Force of Intelligence, organizing and managing the resources, substance, and knowledge for application. Tone 5 gather’s all the resources together to empower the last steps of our climb toward Spiritual Growth.

Earth/CABAN represents Mother Earth as the Source of everything Human knows. Earth was the Gift of Living Beauty given to Human by the Creator, so we might experience Life where Love can Grow. Her movement creates the Time for the Experience.

Earth/CABAN offers the Living Demonstration to Move Forward with Passion, Love, and a Divine Purpose. The Cherokee Heron is the nahaul who carries out life as a perpetual migration. The Heron is always moving away from the Abundance it finds to reach a Greater Blessing. Heron is also the symbol of the Phoenix who rises from the ashes of its past. CABAN encourages us to Reach for Higher Meaning and Purpose with all our Heart.

Earth/CABAN keeps us moving on, beyond our status quo. We are guided to see Abundance as a Gift that will continue to Multiply to even Greater Abundance as we keep moving on.

K’iche Glyph: N’oj (CABAN)

N’oj is the K’iche Day Sign that represents the Human capacity for Knowledge. The N’oj glyph illustrate 3 minds of Consciousness – the Human mind, the Spirit mind, and the Mind of the One. Through the two Sources of Spirit from Above to Below, the thoughts of Human rise to Divinity. N’oj is the Divine Eye. Like the Eagle is constantly adjusting it’s vision. We can consolidate Human and Spirit Consciousness, like the muscles of One Eye, using them in perfect synchronicity, we’d see clearly even beyond darkness.

We were never expected to arrive at our Highest Accomplishment. Human was meant to always be Creating. Creating is a Communion of Spirit. All our capabilities of Consciousness are Divine. When we are mindlessly manifesting a creation, we’re expressing a Communion of Spirit that engages our Whole Mind together in a State of Unconditional Love, a State of Personal Freedom of Choice. We’re trying to express something the way WE see it, as an experience that can be shared that’s like no other.

The Aztec sign is OLLIN (All-in), simply meaning Movement. Ollin is depicted at the center of the Aztec stone calendar, marking 20 points of TIME, and PLACES through which to experience Life, human eras and perspectives. We are climbing to a Higher Perspective. The Aztec warn that OLLIN is lucky for the “active principle” and unlucky for the “passive principle.”

OLLIN offers a foretelling that this is a day to follow our own path and our own Truth. We’re not supposed to just “go along.” We were shown the Wisdom to make Wise Choices. Now that we know how, Wisdom is ours to employ. The Ascended Ones shared a way to follow our own Wisdom, and to Believe in our Truth when we’ve Forgiven.

Today, we’re offered a Vision of who we could become with all the Spiritual Tools at our Disposal, and the Wisdom and Integrity to use them Wisely. With this New Vision of our Self, CABAN offers the supporting Movement to Go for it with everything we’ve got.

A Dream the Creator promised in our Future has been calling our attention. It is a Dream that seemed so far off we could only see a speck of it. Yet, as Eagle/MEN the speck was all we needed. The Wise Old Owl, CIB, backed it up with the Eyes to See in the Dark. We can now see the Dream both Night and Day. That’s the Sign of a Genius Dream – the one that we can’t stop thinking about, that even pops up in our Dreams. This is a Sign of the Passion for Movement, and the Love for a Possibility of Divine Creation.

It may have seemed like the Dream was too far off. But on Earth, there will always be a Sign of forward movement. Today we can see it as clear as Dark and Light. We’re on our way. Seize the Day.

We don’t have to complete the journey in one leap. Thank the Creator, we were only given one day at a time. Each day with the Creator’s Light was the Sacred Event we’re given, the One Step at a Time that promises a Divine Destination. Our Divine Destiny is a Place that Overflows with the Abundance of Unconditional Love. We get their as we learn to Love one Experience to the Next.

I was called to re-read Ian Lungold’s short biography. I found something new. His path was led from loving one thing to another. He started out from the Beauty he saw in the glyphs. He engaged the Love of recreating them as his jewelry. That was the only end. There’s something magical in engaging all the elements of the calendar as a personal experience. He felt the Vibration and “CHICCHAN” that Tzolk’in followers share as a common experience. The calendar touched him through the glyphs.

When he was done, he realized a limitation. He had all this Day Sign jewelry, and no way to identify to whom they would belong. Without a calendar to translate the current date, we’d never know our Mayan Birthday or which glyph to buy. He started with a jewelry project he loved, with no higher intention. Look where the calendar led Ian’s journey, all from a Creation of Love. We can only Dream of the Divine Plan the Creator has for us, just from following ANY Dream we Love.

It won’t be our last Dream. One Dream we Love will always lead to a Higher Dream. There will always be a reason to move on from what we are doing today. To Believe this, you only have to Look at Mother Earth to see how much there is to see and do. If we were stuck on one thing forever, we’d miss a lot of her Beauty. Our Mission is to share our Experience of her Beauty with the Creator. To fulfill our Divine Meaning and Purpose, to actualize the Creator’s Dream, we have to keep moving on.

To all my relations, may we turn to the Beauty of Mother Earth. May we look at all her colors, given to be re-arranged in an endless number of ways. Think of the millions of photographs, paintings, poems, and artistic expressions that she’s inspired. We LOVE HER. She’s in EVERY family portrait… either as US, or in the background. When nothing else is in the frame, Her Beauty alone will always engage with our Heart.

May we see Mother Earth as the Source for moving forward. She inspires ALL of our Dreams, either through the knowledge we draw from her, or our experience of her Beauty. May we see ALL the Beauty as the Reason for the Gift, a Reason for living that could stand on its own.

May we See and Acknowledge Mother Earth and turn our eyes to her. We could never see all the things a Divine Mother has provided for us. May we share with her the Truth that we Know, that we could gaze at her forever and never see all the Beauty. May we bring her a Flower, a Prayer, a Poem, a gift that tells her we Remember. May we go for Life with all our Heart, knowing the Heart that Beats with our own will Share all the Joy of our Happiness. Today, the effort we make, moving in an Intention the Mother shared with us, we can propel our Self toward the Higher Ground of a Dream we see as our Heart’s Desire. If we Love it, a dream of a lifetime could start with a mud pie. (After all, didn’t we start as a “mud pie?” God made us directly out of an Illustration of Living Beauty.)

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


One of the Sacred Ceremonies of the Maya is a count of “21 Days of Gratitude.” We’re 2 days short of 21 days to the Haab New Year, February 20, 2019, but it’s never too late to start. Jaguar footprints led me here. There’s a little bump before we get there. The 5-day Wayeb, when it will seem like nobody’s in charge. (The Maya stay close to home. There is no Year Bearer in this short transition. So it may sense we’re a little on our own.) I’m counting my Blessing thru to the New Year.

21-Days of Gratitude: Day 6

I’m grateful for fallen snow outside my window and the beauty of the living things that pay a visit there. I’m grateful for Beauty that extends from the closest perspective to as far as Eagle and the Owl can see together.


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for a trecena energy forecast and insight on the Uinal and Portal Days of the Reed/BEN trecena.


5 Earth/CABAN (Cherokee, Heron/GUWI’SGUWI)

Galactic Tone 5: Empowerment. At the center of the cube we find Five. Five is an intelligent, organizing force which manages communications and materials, knowledge and application. Fives are natural net workers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.

Earth/Caban: Earth/Caban: Keeper of the garden of Earth. Profound synchronistic connections to Earth’s natural cycles and energies provide power of creations and memories of ancient wisdom. Earth persons help dispel bad intentions, habits and ideas. This makes them very good counselors and masters of all arts. Studious and intelligent, Earth persons endeavor to bring a flow of natural order to all aspects of life. Being connected to the dynamic forces of nature, Earth persons need much liberty to facilitate their expression of migration or the sending of long distance communications such as the whales, elephants, birds and many other creatures. Sometimes Earth’s delicate sensitivities are upset resulting in quakes of emotion even the display of volcanic temper.

Cherokee, Heron/GUWI’SGUWI: Sign of movement, of perpetual motion, recycling, regeneration; environmentalists fighting for the underdog. Heron is mentally alert, rational, yet opinionated; has a great faith in people and in the divine plan, holding the magic of ministry, medicine, marketing and matchmaking; healing abilities, especially with crystals; negotiation and mediation energy. Heron is symbolized by Deneb, located in the Northern Cross beside the Milky Way. “The Northern Cross is the Tree of Life, Beside the Milky Way River & Perched atop is Guwi’ sguwi, the Cherokee Heron Spirit Bird, comparable to the Egyptian Phoenix. One Myth has it that a Beautiful Young Maiden (the Heron Spirit Bird) fell from the Tree of Life in the Sky Vault, & Found no Place to Land on the Primordial Sea. Turtle came to the Surface of the Water & gave her a Place to Land. She nested & Laid her Cosmic Egg, From which came all Life on Earth.” (Cherokee Astrology: Animal, Medicine in the Stars, Raven Hall)

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

11 thoughts on “5 Earth / CABAN – Building an Altar of Light: Day 5 of 13

  1. Every morning, i rise with your post… with my personal mayan log in hand… i become one with the spirit infusion… i am grateful… 2day i note other mayan “birthdays” of tone 5 earth: jack gilbert, elliott gould, byron katie, and my home tribegurl, gilda radner, and so, in gratitude, i am reminded of you, traveling upon the below words… everywhere i go, there i am in tone 5 math majix of earth ascending 🎈⚘ 4. Mexico said its population of wild jaguars, the largest feline in the  Americas, grew by 20% in the past eight years, and 14 Latin American  countries signed an agreement to implement a regional conservation  program for the big cats through 2030 Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android Device

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a wonderful reflection, zo valentine. I have adopted a similar practice of rising with Debra’s reflections on the daily glyph. I read this as I also hold my little Catness domesticated kitty who likes to curl up on my lap as my familiar and muse as I work with the readings here and read of the saving, care and propagation of the Jaguars. Feeling yummy being on the Mothership Earth, honoring the good news and her perpetual renewal.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you Debra for sharing Ian’s beginnings with the Mayan Calendar by recreating the glyphs in his jewelry. I have shared how when I first started out 15 years ago or so with the Mayan Calendar, I started by tracing the glyphs and creating collage and interfacing with the Gregorian calendar. By doing this daily it traces into my soul the vibration of the day. I really resonate with your particular rendition of the glyphs and find myself creating off of them in yet another expression much as Ian created off the original glyphs. I am asking for divine guidance where to take this next. This morning before opening your writings, in closing my eyes breathing up & down my Central Channel, I saw an eye 👁 inside. Then I read about the N’oj or Caban. And of course, I happen to be 12 Caban myself. I called this 5 Caban day “We move through space nestled in the Mothership Earth.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your Divine Sight and all the blessings of CABAN you share with the WHOLE. I’m grateful to read about your common experience. It seems that no matter which elements of the calendar we engage, it somehow reaches into the memories of our Spirit. Blessings on your own glyph project. It was only last night that it finally sunk in that my own journey started with a commitment to creating glyphs. Some things are right in front of our faces and we still can’t see them. So do you return a synchronicity back to me with your “Central Channel and the Eye inside.” That’s exactly what I’m writing about this morning, from a teaching shared by our friend and Daykeeper, Jen in Guatemala. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. Thank you for sharing the glimpse of that with me. Much love, in lak’ech, Debra

      Liked by 1 person

  4. January 30-February 5, 2019

    Timely and informative your posts have provided me both guidance and counsel in the fluctuating chain of events that are currently effecting my life. I remain actively seeking change. Thank you for the comfort the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar DayKeeper’s Journal shares. “Always Thanks and Blessings, and Unconditional Love.” Your posts have delivered me from a super difficult place to a place of understanding and acknowledgement of human’s weakness in comprehending our own intentions. It is good to know that we are not alone and that the Ancestors, and agents of Mother Earth and the Creator continue to provide guidance and inspiration.

    in lak’ech, i am another you


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Kai. I know that experience myself. All our Love is meant to be Seen – every Spark of it. That’s the Truth I stand on… the promise that all the love we tried to give, will be seen through the purity of a Divine Intention. That’s the promise good enough to claim the happiness of “right now.” It’s the Truth that gives me the Power to Wait, Believing. much love to you, in lak’ech, Debra

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