9 Crocodile / IMIX – Building an Altar of Light: Day 9 of 13



9 Crocodile / IMIX

Greetings Kin,

Tone 9 is the second Peak Tone of Transformation. Number 9 is all about Completion, holding an Intention of Patience to see a Bigger Picture.

Tone 9 is a very important Spiritual Tool of Consciousness. There is always something more to learn when we look Far and Wide. Every Inspiration we receive is worthy to take past its own Beginning. And, so is every Human experience. We grow Leaps and Bounds WHENEVER we are paying Close Attention to all the details.

Crocodile/IMIX is the Alpha to the Sun’s Omega. IMIX is simply the Beginning of All Things. A New Life begins on IMIX. It’s known as the Dawn of a New Awakening.

The Crocodile is the Primordial Mother that crawled from the Deep onto dry land. The Cherokee Sign is the Turtle. The story is that all was darkness below, when water covered the Earth. The Turtle rose to make a Place for Human. The Turtle became the Land of Earth where Human could experience living in the Light. There are 13 scales on the back of the turtles on Cherokee land.

That was Human’s story. The Spirit’s version is, Once we began in darkness without any consciousness of Time or Place. All the things we could Be and Do were covered in darkness. Then, we had a thought of consciousness of it all. A Light of Consciousness broke through. Then we realized a Voice from somewhere else. There was MORE than One. Our next Higher Thought was, “Who am I.”

The Zenith Sun completed the 3rd Uinal of Movement. AHAU is a motivating energy that gathers our Will and Determination. The 4th Uinal is associated with the God of the Sun and Warriors (Tonatiuh). In our harvest season, between the 4th and 5th uinal we change from a Sprout by taking on Leaves. In a the journey of Transformation, we are seeing the first Signs of our Real Identity. By looking around at others, we’ll know our Self.

IMIX is always full of wild ideas that come in random order. It’s one of the hardest days to write for and the hardest day to lay the pen down. So, like IMIX, my post may be all over the place. (This is on top of long phone conversations that were hard to end… always one more thing.) I wonder if you feel it that way.

I’m still lost in the idea of an internal Divine Navigation system that runs our mind through the same progression of thoughts day after day, so that SOME Day, we might Notice that a Divine Sense is leading where we want to go. We can accelerate our Transformation, if we took those same steps BY INTENTION.

IMIX is the Womb of Divine Discernment, the Gift. We couldn’t See our Self in the Womb. We only Knew this One Sensation. We could be Anything. Then we realized the Voice was One with the Mother. “I must Be Like Them.” We Dreamed of the Answer in the Womb.

In Spirit the Prayer has already been answered. The experience of Right Now is part of the story Being Told. Like every bedtime story, Human would never want it to end. But, we only get one chapter at a Time. It’s the last 24 hours, the Sacred Event of a “DAY.” Man can change a calendar that matches ours, but the Sun holds the Authority of the DAY. Nothing can ever change our Relationship with the Sun.

Sun/AHAU gave us the Zenith Light as a Sign to plant the Seed of our Dream. Dad picked out the Best Seed, inspected it closely for perfection and said, “This is Good.”

That’s all we get from Dad. The Mother helps us Discern what we might Choose this Seed to Grow into. As long as we’re in the Womb, we can choose anything. A Divine Mother helps us to discern Meaning and Purpose so we’ll choose something we Love.

IMIX is the Divine Feminine the Womb of Discernment, a place with lots of Questions in the Creative Void of ALL Possibilities. IMIX can offer a million reasons that are ALL Divine. A Seed needs its Own One Reason to reach for One Light.

The Crocodile is fiercely territorial and defensive of their young. IMIX is the Compassionate Love that feels what the child feels. Her Gift for the Darkness is the Light of Consciousness. She tries to describe what Life Might Be. But, she’s telling us about a world we’ve never seen.

Imagine all that our eyes would behold the first time we Saw the Light. Our eyes were veiled intentionally from a Light TOO Bright to see at first. When we trained our Eyes on the Sun, the veil would be burned away offering the Vision to See it.

The Creator new what our first Question would Be and is telling our story. “Who we are” could only be explained by all the experiences. To Know our own Divinity we would have to See our Self Transcend our own physicality. It was slowed down into 24 hours, so we could see the synchronicity of our Current Time and Place, and Remember this is a story being told. We might “get attached” to a physical image that is NOT really who we are.

IMIX helps us see the Reality that We Are Our Consciousness. The Mind of Human was gifted with all the pieces and parts of it to create ANYTHING in the Place that is REAL to Spirit. “Up here, we can Create ANYTHING – ANY Kind of Beauty we can draw from our Imagination. We can Create Anything Up Here. Human can too, but you gotta Love it.”

The Great Law of Creation, “So Above, So Below,” says we can choose any realm we want for Creation and it will be balanced in all others. Look at what Walt Disney imagined, “The Happiest Place on Earth.” The REAL Geniuses DARE to Imagine something different and beautiful. Ian imagined glyph jewelry. Both Ian and Walt Loved what they were doing enough to be wholly focused on the task. The Dreams made Geniuses of THEM. It kept on spiraling into a Higher Dream. Ian carved glyphs. Walt Disney drew cartoons.

Sun/AHAU told us to go out and Create Something. We turn to Mother to ask what Create means. Crocodile/IMIX shares wild ideas. If we wanted to be a chef, she would tell us to start with the Perfect mud pie.

On Tone 9 our Transformation is Completed, Knowing Love is the One Reason that holds the Power of ALL the Possibilities. Sun woke us up early and IMIX will give us a Reason to get started.

We are ALL the Same, but we are ALL Different. We all have different Reasons for the Love we want. The Reasons, our Intentions, is what will identify us from anyone else. IMIX inspires a Dream for all the Reasons we Love.

We can only Receive it through the Light of everyone else. In the Light of Others we see the Love that’s wanted by everyone else. Learning what others Love, our Love will be Changed when we Meet The One Love we think of Night and Day.

Our Love will show up connecting Love to every Leaf on the Family Tree. Together, we are a Tree of Life, everyone a Leaf of One and the Same Thing. As Above, So Below is illustrated by the Tree. The Tree tells a story of Spirit’s Life Blood that goes below for a Dream in the Winter, and rises through the Center into the Light. What is Grown Below will Balance what is Grown Above.

Plowing Snow: View from AboveIn the Winter in our Dreams we can See the Truth during the Dreamtime. We were Given Light to carry below as the Fire of our Dream. The Growing Light of a New Spring is bringing to our Consciousness the Love Story we were dreaming about for a New Creation.

We’re called to Branch Out so we’ll be More Connected to Each Other. There’s something on our mind we’ve been thinking we’d Love to Be. A Divine Mother wouldn’t tell us to be like our Father, but to imitate the Authority and the Will To Be.  We are an Inspiration for each other.

Everything that came before was left for us from another Season, another Generation of the Seed.

The diagram of the Womb of the Gods is located at Xochicalco, the place of the Solar Light Observatory. The Womb of IMIX holds all the Seeds and all the Generations waiting for their Own Season in the Family Tree.

Itzamna was the Highest God, the first to Bring Wisdom to Earth. Ixchel was the Mother and the Womb for its Creation. I’m going to find out who the Archetypes might be, exchanging the Breath of Life and Spirit to be Given to the Newly Born.

Who we Are was Destined to be by the One that Created us. Each One was born as a Day, a Sacred Event with a Meaning and Purpose to Know Love. We were created to be One Refection of Divine Love.

To all my relations, May we Dream for the One that is All of Us. May we imagine a world created as thin as air where everyone around us is Creating the Characters and the Paradise.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN


I’m sharing a the “21-Days of Gratitude” as a perpetual Personal Ceremony through the next journey to 8 Monkey/CHUEN Maya New Year. The “21 days” begin and end on Jaguar/IX.

21-Days of Gratitude: Day 9

I’m grateful for Dreams like glyphs and Mickey Mouse can be the Genius Inspiration for a Miracle.


reed-ben-trecena-wave-trecena-cycleVisit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and insight on the Uinals and Portal Days of the Reed/BEN trecena.


9 Crocodile/IMIX (Cherokee Turtle/ DAK’SI  I’SB)

Galactic Tone 9: Patience. The energy of Nine is one of the getting a better perspective of the bigger picture. With the energy of Nine plans or patterns begin to come to completion. Nine requires patience and perseverance that is found in the bigger picture, otherwise there is great suffering from the lack of insight. The completion of cycles of action is all-important to Nine.

Crocodile/IMIX: Crocodile receives messages of primal creative force; simply the beginning of all things. Crocodiles who follow their hearts are seen as genius. There is no order to the primal messages, so Crocodile persons should direct their energies toward practical and cooperative efforts to bring productive results. Crocodiles have a strong nurturing energy and will work hard to provide security to family and friends. Being extremely territorial, Crocodiles must watch not to be over protective or too dominating. While in these states, Crocodiles are insecure, indecisive and emotionally volatile.

Cherokee Turtle/ DAK’SI  I’SB: Turtle Island; direction East. The Turtle Constellation Orion, one of three stars in the Cosmic Egg. In Mayan is the Cosmic Hearth. Turtle is the Energy of Creative force at the one-on-one, personal level; dawn, awakening, birth. The beginning of each new era, this star in Orion appears with the rising Sun, heralding the creation of a new World cycle.


[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

4 thoughts on “9 Crocodile / IMIX – Building an Altar of Light: Day 9 of 13

  1. Walt Disney is an Imix (tone 5). Mickey Mouse made his debut on Tone 9 (cimi). Writer Naomi Shihab Nye is Imix Tone 9. She wrote a novel about a turtle, tho i recall her poem ‘Burning The Old Year’ about fire birthings and leaves the most. I am grateful for your daily messages, Debra, they connect colorful dots — all over the place!

    Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android Device

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for that. I never thought to look for Walt’s destiny kin. Empowered (5) to create wild ideas (IMIX). And 9 CIMI did lead to a major life change. I was sure Einstein must have been IMIX, but he was 11 Sun – and he WAS getting a direct transmission of Light. 🙂 I LOVE that the Maya gave us TIME to play with. much love, in lak’ech, Debra


    • FYI – I looked up the date of my first Sun/Moon Dance, a “turning” point on my spiritual path on Sept 20, 2002. I was 52, the age the calendar notes as entering a new understanding of life. I found out it was 3 Eagle/MEN – I didn’t know my Mayan sign then, but it was a first day of movement for an Eagle/MEN. We are where we are supposed to be in Time and Place. 🙂


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