4 Offering / MULUC – Birth of a Savior: Day 4 of 13


4 Offering / MULUC

Greetings Kin,

The vibration of Tone 4 establishes Stability. We created a new Vibration of Love. We could think of Tone 4 as a frequency that takes form… how a wave of vibration will continue to flow in its own pattern of ups and downs. Tone 4 can help us discern how to Hold the frequency of our Loving Intention.

Tone 4 establishes the boundaries and parameters within a vibration will continue to flow as intended. These are the “household rules” for our Wayeb trial as the babysitter left in charge. We could stand on the premise that what we are doing is “for their own good,” but that’s the Human way. We’re growing to reach for the Divine way.

Offering/MULUC is the Day Sign of a Savior. The glyph illustrates a single drop of water raised above the whole. Through an Offering we are lifted up as one shining example of the whole of us. When we kneel in Humility with an Offering, we cross a Time and Place when we demonstrate to our Self that we See and Acknowledge something Holy, far greater than we are – worthy of Kneeling whenever we’re in Communion. It is a Divine Time and Place, when Father and Child are Conscious of One Another at the same time. When we have been Seen by the Creator in an equally opposite Divine way that we see our Self, it will only take One Drop of us to send ripples of such Divine Love through the Whole.

The closer we get to each other, the more we Know the Divine Ripple of CHICCHAN between us – a Spark that Lights a Fuse of Life Force and Divinity, a movement of Spirit that moves us, Body and Soul. The closer I See and Acknowledge You, a Divine Family, the easier my own Spark of Love is to ignite.

I came to Believe in the Ether Between Us at Ek’ Balam, where there was so much water hanging in the air – Water that holds the Ether of Spirit. A Communion among living things was the most tangible Miracle of the whole experience. When birds chirped at you, you Felt the Vibration through the acoustics. It was a Miracle in the imagination, yet it had a scientifically substantiated reality, that was easier for a Human to realize.

Offering/MULUC is the SYMBOL of Water everywhere from the cosmos to our own tears. It is a symbol of Holy Water, as MULUC holds the Element of Fire. ALL water holds the Ether of Spirit. ALL water is part of a One Spirit. The water in the ocean rises in the air and forms the clouds. The Maya saw clouds in the sky as the presence of the Ancestors… those who had returned to the One, risen into the clouds by the Sun to float in the sky. The Cherokee Day Sign is The River flowing with Spirit. The rain from the clouds continues a perpetual course of Water – the Life Blood of Mother Earth. When our drop, an image that was Purified by Holy Water, reflects only the Beauty of who we are as it will be remembered by the Whole. Love won’t end when we are returned to the Whole. We will rise to experience all the Love Again to see Love from every perspective. Through ever elevating Divine Vision, we’ll see the Miracle was possible by Love all around us, and experience it over and over again to carry on the Vibration forever.

Offering/MULUC is a sign of the Moon and our Human emotions. Through MULUC’s gift our emotions can be healed, so our Growth can be the Inner Strength to make choices based on Truth through the Discernment of emotions. It’s a day to honor your own emotions and feelings, and do the same for everyone else. There’s a REASON why children mis-behave. It’s an expression of Feelings. When we allow others to express their emotions, they are telling us their REASON. Unless I’m different than every other human, my first knee-jerk response when I’m broken and someone tells me I’m wrong, I want to give my REASON… why I forgot, or why I thought I was doing a good thing. When we feel love is threatened, it’s only natural for the Ego to defend it. It seems counter intuitive to even think, “maybe they’re right.” We CAN find a better way if we listen. And, we CAN honor what emotions led us to do. When we SEE IT and HEAR IT, looking for Love, we’ll see the mistakes that were made were still an Expression of Love – and the fear of losing it.

Our Emotions are the Voice of Divine Spirit – the Heart of Spirit hurts when Human can’t see Love. The Heart of Spirit Leaps for Joy in Love. Our Hearts were tied together by the strings of Ether and all the Water in us. The Maya know the Heart as the Divine Sixth Sense, the very center where a Divine Communion takes place between the Above and the Below.

If we imagined we were in the Yucatan, where every living thing that moves returns the feeling of an echo, we could conceive a mental image of the Love that connects our Spirits. I’m becoming more conscious of my Spirit’s Response to Love held in another heart. It’s so obvious I know you see it too. I thought it was my heart crying out with a leap of Love at weddings and graduations. I’m beginning to perceive it in a different way. My heart leaped for joy because it was tied by strings to the Bride whose heart was leaping. My heart leaped because the heart of the one walking across the stage was leaping. My heart leaps when an actor FEELS the part enough that I feel it too. If we could harness our own CHICCHAN Spark of Love, our Hearts could Leap for one another.

Offering/MULUC is the Day Sign of a Savior. One who volunteers its Heart on behalf of the Whole. When we VOLUNTEER to receive the wounds of all the broken hearts on behalf of the Whole, we will always shine a Light through Forgiveness for others to see their own Light and Worth. Our own emotions will be healed BECAUSE we’ll remember we Volunteered to Listen and See the Love that was expressed in Human’s broken way.

When we volunteer to see others just as we have been seen through the Divine Light of the Creator’s Atonement, no matter how things go, we’ll Know the Power of our own Divinity to BE the One that fulfilled a Meaning and Purpose for someone else to see their own Light. The injustice of human mistakes and failure won’t hold a candle to the Love we’ll be able to see in all our hearts – through darkness and light.

We might realize that “I don’t know what’s best for you,” any more than “you know what’s best for me.” We can open both sets of eyes together, as long as we don’t assume the answer in advance. We could actually ASK the best way to show our Love. Instead of the knee-jerk response of self-defense, when blame is cast unfairly on us, we could ask how we could make it better. (It’s Divine how answers are simple when Human emotions are out of the picture. May we ask for the Healing of our Emotions.)

Today we’ll know the way to hold the frequency of Love we started at the beginning, all the way to the end of a Manifestation of Love. The CIMI trecena is affecting a major life change at the Beginning of a New Season of Love, guarded by 13 Dog/OC, an Ascension of Unconditional Love. We are stabilizing a frequency of Love that will elevate us to our Maturity of Spirit. So are we establishing the frequency of Love for THIS climb of Spiritual Growth through the foundation of an Offering.

We are the One that we have been waiting for. We are all the Ones. We are the One, that through the sacrifice of our own “hurt feelings” will be the Salvation for one who won’t have to carry the Blame. We’ll volunteer to carry the blame. We will Demonstrate the value of others and what they mean to us, when we flow with the Heart. When we volunteer, the FIRST question will be, “What did I do? Where did an Intention of Love fail to come across as Love? What was I FEELING and sending across my thread of Ether when I was delivering the message?” Maybe that’s the answer to everything. To stop and listen to everything that is shared with us, whether it feels like injustice or love. Then to first make the Discernment of Love that is trying to be heard – and Feel it, so the Spark will be Hot when thoughts are exchanged that begin from Love in the Heart.

We have the presence of mind to consider many ways when our first priority is the wounds of another, instead of our own. We recognize a Divine Intervention within our Self when we do it. We can be the Savior to our Self and everyone else when we Volunteer to be the Living Sacrifice for the Sake of Love.

MULUC resides in the East, the direction of Divine Inspiration, and the Love and Light from Above. We are called into Communion with a Divine Creator. Kneeling in Communion as the Offering, we’ll be Seen in a Divine way we’ll always remember. Instead of fearing injustice that one human unconsciously inflicts on one another, we’ll only see the Divine Opportunity to Know Again the Love that is Poured over us today.

This is a Day for a Blessing, Healing, Baptism, and Purification of our Spirit through water. Honor Water for the Holy Sacrament that ALL water is… whenever, and however it touches us. The water we Drink – we drink as a Blessing of Healing and Purifying Love. The water we bath in is Liquid Crystals of Light Descending from Above to Below. For One Day, all our attention can be directed to this Blessing of Life that carries Spirit through our veins. Things that move carry a magnetic force, a current that draws other things along with it. May we Dive In to Love like a River and let go of anything and any reason we would ever try to hold ourselves back from sharing it with anyone.

Offering/MULUC is a day observed for Paying Back and Paying Forward. We can start by paying back, and paying forward, the Love we likely missed the first time around. May we ASSUME that some of the blame for our own experience of injustice with another was something we started, when we didn’t see it given in a better way that last time we had an exchange. May we give love for the Sake of all the Love we missed seeing in each other.

To all my relations, may we begin with a call for Divine Intervention for an Offering we can Intend, more than we could ever perfectly carry out as Human. May we volunteer to Give and volunteer to be the one who fails, so that even for one Moment, we could experience the Love that can flow between one heart and another. May we stand on a Truth that our Heart does share its own Leap of Love, and the Divine Justice of Harmony and Equality would always be manifested for the Whole. May we Stand on a Truth that in the Perpetual Flow of Love, all the Miracle Moments we see in our Time and Place will always come back around again.

We might reflect on the physical manifestation of Earth as it is seen by eyes from far away. The most prevailing color of the Whole and the Sign that Life and Love exist here are identified by the Color of Water.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN

MORNING COFFEE SERVICE:  I’m claiming that one of you poured me a cup of coffee this morning. I kept meaning to get up for a refill and when I finally reached for the cup to do it, it was already full. I sure don’t remember getting up. It’s possible that one of you could, if miracles are possible. On the first cup tomorrow, I’ll remember to pour one for you… and serve the cream and sugar on the side so you can have it your way. I’ll be thinking of Love when I pour it. As long as it’s a dream, assume it will be the very best coffee you’ve ever been served.


I’m sharing a the “21-Days of Gratitude” as a perpetual Personal Ceremony through the next journey to 8 Monkey/CHUEN Maya New Year. The “21 days” begin and end on Jaguar/IX.

21-Days of Gratitude: Through to the Haab New Year, February 20, 2019

I’m grateful for learning I can never know what’s best for another. I’m grateful that when our emotions are healed, it becomes a simple matter to ask.

Our candles burn for Don Alejandro, reflecting the Light he shared with us. May we send the Grandfather Tata, our Love and Light.
Don Alejandro is bed-ridden at 90 and we’re holding watch. A contact email for a donation to help cover his medical care is included in the Update on Don Alejandro’s health shared by his dear friend Joseph.


transformer-cimi-trecena-waveVisit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for a daily aspects with insight on the Uinal and Portal Days of the Transformer/CIMI trecena.


4 Offering/MULUC (Cherokee, The River/YUN’WI GUNNAHI’TA)

Galactic Tone 4: Stability; the cube is most stable of all forms and establishes volume by definition of height, length, depth and breadth; 4 directions establish orientation. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, work, or relationship.

Offering/MULUC: Also known as the sign of water. Ceremonially, Maya use water as an offering in baptisms and purifications. These ceremonies are done to bring about a collective strength, adaptability and harmony. In sincere appreciation, Offering people gladly give more than they ask for themselves. Offering persons are dynamic communicators with great intelligence making them excellent employers. Like a shaken vessel of water, Offering people regain equilibrium quickly. Also like a body of water, there may be deep undercurrents of emotion and hidden dangers. Others perceive these as hidden agendas in offering people and so extend them little trust and may even slap blame on them.

Cherokee, The River/YUN’WI GUNNAHI’TA:  The River is symbolized by The Milky Way, the Gihli’Utsun’stanun’yi “Where the Dog Ran” to gather the souls for Heaven.  The River is the minion for Grandfather Moon.  Long Man is the personification of the River stretching from the mountains to the lowlands, speaking to those who can understand.  People of this sign find “sermons in the stones” and good in everything.  These souls march to a different drummer, driven by inner volcanic forces.  The Moon controls our fluid cycle, to clear and understand emotional issues.  When you take this step to clear the emotional body, then you are ready for transformational energies at the next level.  As humans, our actions are ruled by our emotions, the key is to understand the connection and honor the emotions.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!




3 thoughts on “4 Offering / MULUC – Birth of a Savior: Day 4 of 13

  1. Love you Debra with all my heart, your amazing daily post bring me light on my way. I hope to find a way to share that amazing enery with many people on this planet. I am so gratefull for everything what comes in my life!

    Liked by 1 person

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