11 Deer / MANIK – Dawn of Our Own Creation: Day 11 of 13


11 Deer / MANIK

Greetings Kin,

Deer/MANIK holds every Spiritual Tool we will ever need to Stand in the Truth of Divine Love. Some might think our Dreams are too High, Impossible Dreams for Human Beings.

Our expectations of Others WILL always be too High for Human Beings. The Truth is, we should never depend on a Human for Divine Love. Only the Creator’s Love is Divine. Human Love is Sacred for the Willingness to make the Choice for Love Higher than its own.

Tone 11 offers the Inspiration of Resolution. Tone 11 is compared to a set of Divine Antennae that tunes us in to our Meaning, Purpose, and Place in the Universe. We can see where our Love Belongs and the Place our Light WILL Shine for the Whole.

The Chaos of Major Life Change is the Roar of Human Love, calling out to be Seen and Acknowledged. With CHICCHAN’s “Lightning in the Blood” running through all of us, our Passion is Ignited. CHICCHAN awakened our Primal Instincts of Love. Our Darkest Days are the ones when we can’t See any Love in each other.

Deer/MANIK reminds us of Symbols that Speak to our Heart. The Deer keeps every Spiritual Tool it’s ever known. There’s a Shadow warning if we invest our Faith in too many ways. We could be blessed by many paths, or we may have so many paths than none are so well worn. Think of how many  Miracles it takes to Believe in Miracles. Our best path is one we followed enough times to Believe.

The Deer’s path is Humility, given the Destiny of the Mayan priest. Deer/MANIK leads by kneeling in Humility to a Higher Love.

Deer/MANIK lies in the West, the place of Unknown Human Experience. The colors of Black or Blue are associated with the West, illustrating the Darkness of Night, the Blackness of the Creative Void, as the very place of the Unlimited Possibility of Spirit. The Mayan priest uses Water that holds the Ether of Spirit as a Spiritual Tool for Baptisms, Blessings, Purification, and Initiation.

Deer/MANIK upholds the Pillars of the Divine Realm of Spirit. MANIK is a symbol of the Stability of 4, with one foot firmly planted in each of the 4 directions. No matter where you stand in the 4 Directions of the Medicine Circle, the Divine Answers are right in front of you. We are in the West, when we feel lost in the Unknown. When we see everything familiar dying away and find our Self in Fear of the Future, we’re in the West. The West holds every Human Response to Experience. The Element of Water that holds the Ether of Spirit is a Symbol of the Moon and our Emotions.

When Emotions rule, the Answer is straight across in the East. When we look back to the East, we’ll see a Sunrise and the Divine Inspiration that lead our journey to the West. We were prepared for an Unlimited Creation of Love. When we remember our Reason for the Journey, our Fear can evaporate in a New Light of Believing.

The only way to lead others to Unconditional Love is clearing a path to an altar. When it’s a Path we Illuminate, we won’t call attention to our Self. We won’t try to demonstrate “perfection.” Our Highest Demonstration is a place to go when ALL Hope is Gone.

Deer/MANIK DEPENDS on a Divine Source of Power to fulfill its Mission to Lead the Whole. MANIK is also known as Hand. The glyph illustrates a Hand and the Eye of the Deer. The forefinger and thumb grasp the Ether of Spirit that completes a Divine Circuit of Power. The Eye symbolizes the Vigilant Consciousness of the Deer, it’s primary means of survival in the world is holding on to Divine Truth.

The priest fulfills its purpose by observing the Sacred Ceremonies and Building the Fires of Love. The priest applies the Holy Water of Baptism and Purification, and all the Initiations of Spirit. Each is an Expression of Love that is Seen as Symbols by our Spirit. When one kneels, others are inclined to follow… not to be Like the One who kneels, but as one reminded of Something Divine worthy to kneel before.

Deer’s Promise is a Spiritual Tool for every Human limitation… the Promise of Divine Intervention when Human brings an Offering of Humility to the altar of the Divine.

Human attached to the world thinks we have to explain all the reasons we make a choice. When our Reason is for the Sake of Love, the Creator’s Knowing is enough.

We couldn’t explain it to another Human, anyway. They would have to listen to our whole life story to come close to Knowing the Reasons for Our Expression of Love. We’re different. Our reasons are totally different, compounded by different life experience.

Through the Divine Eye of Love, we can see the Truth of all our Human chaos. We’ve all lost faith in each other. We followed the paths of division. We took opposite directions on our quests for Love. We ARE all acting on our Primal Instincts. We all thought we could jump in as a Human hero, aiming to be the Savior for one. Only, there were millions to be saved. We pushed aside the life of one to get to another. At a Divine Altar we’ll see that our Salvation MUST be Divine to save the Whole, our Self included.

To all my relations, may we keep a Vigilant Eye on the Promises of Love. May we Believe our Spirits still remember. May we stand silently in our own Truth, so all the questions are still open to Divine Answers for others who might seek to Know their Own Truth of Love.

May we Give Thanks that Human is Always Sacred for our Reason To Be and the journey we make through the Darkness.  May we know our Place in the world below is at an altar where we will receive the Most Divine Love to begin a new journey in Harmony as One.

in lak’ech, I am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN


A prophecy shared among Native American tradition is an advancing darkness. There will be signs and symbols in the sky to foretell the coming… time to prepare and take shelter. When all are drawn home, doors would be secured and windows covered to prevent our Spirit from seeing what’s happening outside. Over a course of 3 days the world would be consumed in darkness. There would be rattles at the doors and windows, and the screams of familiar voices – all dark temptations to open the door. We would be Divinely Protected, stowed away in a small safe place, sitting in Silent Communion with the Creator. Human can carry on for 3 days with only Air, the Breath of Life and Spirit. Elders said to prepare a place with basic provisions. If we didn’t have the provisions, we were reminded that we were Designed to Last for the 3 days. 

At the end of 3 days, a New Sun would appear to wipe away every darkness. A Greater Light of Life, Love, and Happiness would hold its Authority over Love on Mother Earth.

The Prophecy was shared by the Elders as a very Important and Sacred Spiritual Tool for the future. I have been compelled to share it with my children and anyone else who might hear it and remember.

10 Transformer/CIMI is the Sign of a Major Life Change… the Manifestation of Light Shining from Human for the Earth Below. We see the Signs and Symbols of a coming darkness, a Dark Journey into the Unknown. The Symbol of the Prophecy is the Total Absence of Light. Light symbolizes the Illumination of Human’s Divine Consciousness. Human’s Darkest Shadow is a total absence of Consciousness, a loss of Common Sense. When we lose all hope, when Human can no longer Believe in ANYTHING, We Don’t Care Anymore. All the reasons we HAD to try to Care cease to matter when we Lose the Light of Faith and Hope. The most Shadowy Humans in the world are those that BELIEVE there is no longer ANY HOPE for Being Loved.

Human might think we have the Power to jump in. Our Place is at an altar, kneeling to the One with the Power over ALL Darkness. Once we Loved the Darkness of our Mother’s Womb. A Divine Creator with a Provision for every Human limitation, gave us a Divine Inspiration at our First Dawning from the East.

The Moment we Chose to Know it and asked our Faith to be Transformed into Believing, we fulfilled a Mission for a Promise of Divine Justice. We promised to hold on and asked for a Divine Intervention.

We can BELIEVE our DIVINE JUSTICE would be an ALTAR and SANCTUARY from every Human Storm. Storm/CAUAC helped us see how we would be naturally drawn Home, and that from Home we would exist in the Center of Love, away from Human love spinning out of control on the parameter. In Communion with the Creator we’d see the Swirling of Divine Love fiercely intending to be. In Divine Communion an Agency of Spirit will Intervene.

May we Know the Greatest Light to be discovered is at the Depths of Darkness, where the only direction for Spirit to go is toward the Light of a New Dawn. May we not look back at what we choose to leave behind, but look Vigilantly forward on our own Path to Light.

We can Stand like the Deer on our own Divine Truth. We can shine Symbols of Light best without any words that only attach a Human answer. In Silence we leave the Divine Questions that can be taken directly to Spirit.

May we remember the Deer’s Promise. There’s a Divine Provision for EVERY Human limitation. It takes a Divine Intervention to stand on the Integrity of the Promise. May we join the Silent Army whose Power is claimed, grasping a single thread of Divine Light to pull us through.

May we offer our Gratitude and Appreciation to Don Alejandro who serves as the Mayan priest for us, sharing the Divine Light and Illumination of 13 Generations for a Sacred Path of Love.



Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Earth/CABAN trecena.


11 Deer/MANIK (Cherokee, Deer/Ahwu’sdi)

Galactic Tone 11: Resolution; 11 assists every new thing to find its place in the universe in the process of ‘fitting in.’ some modifications must occur. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement.

Deer/MANIK (Hand): Deer are spirit tools. Silence itself is a spiritual experience for Deer. For Deer life is a pilgrimage. Deer are dominant persons who defend the people and will make sacrifices for others. The spirit of Deer upholds the pillars of the four directions. With the power inherent in the number four, Deer pushes away bad influences or negative energies. Skill and quality of work are very important to Deer. They are presented with tools for every task in life and it is with these that they are able to rise above limitations. Deer has a habit of keeping every tool it has ever used. This leads to clutter and indecision, loss and procrastination. When confronted with promises not kept, Deer becomes stubborn, manipulative and evasive.

Cherokee, Deer/Ahwu’sdi: Symbolized by Constellation Galagina, the Stag, known as Taurus, the Bull. It does not include the Pleiades and Hyades clusters which in Cherokee are viewed as separate. To feed, gatherers of food and supplies, they enjoy rituals, ceremonials, feasts, the souls of hospitality, sociability. Freedom versus security issues often inspire leadership and unique solutions.  Combined with artistic and inspiring energies in harmony with lunar cycles, they nourish the clans. Totem-Deer:  A priest or shaman, a powerful person in general, to overwhelm an individual with one’s personal power, divination; inclined to become a teacher, healer, guru, civic leader, or politician.  Ability to create harmonic resonance.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How are you? Bix a beel?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!


How are you? – Bix a beel? (pron. Beesh-uh-bell)

Source: YucatanLiving.com


3 thoughts on “11 Deer / MANIK – Dawn of Our Own Creation: Day 11 of 13

  1. May 26, 2019

    Okay Debra, Jaguar Woman / 9 Eagle/Men! It is hot today, but I am thinking a Fire Ceremony is due tonight on 11/11 just to be safe.

    I am grateful for Don Alejandro, his sharing with us, and preservation of “the Divine Light and Illumination of 13 Generations for a Sacred Path of Love” through us so that we can truly appreciate the Creator and his Gift of Unconditional Love. Many Blessings, Love, and Healing prayers for Don Alejandro. May we all return to the Good Red Road.

    in lak’ech, i am another you


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