4 Wind / IK – A Revival of Spirit: Day 4 of 13



4 Wind / IK

Greetings Kin,

On Tone 4 our Inherent thoughts are turned to the Intention of Stability. 4 is symbolized by the cube that defines dimension by the parameters. On Tone 4 we establish the boundaries of our own dimension of thought. We will choose the Truths we will stand on as the thoughts we will follow.

The Sun/AHAU and Storm/CAUAC trecenas represent the Brightest Lights of God. Sun/AHAU shares the Light of each Day is the Relationship with a Divine Light that guides us, and the Lights of Faith around us, Above and Below, that all hold the same Dream of Peace, Love and Happiness. We learned from AHAU, the Master of all things, that when we invite the Divine thoughts off the Creator into our Conscious, and when we hold the Wisdom of our Ancestors, those thoughts are brought to Life in our mind.

The Truth of their Wisdom and Love will silently work in the background to be applied to Our Divine Discernment of Experience. For the most important climb toward the Inner Strength of our Maturity, the Truth we are given to stand on is God’s Word.

Wind/IK is the Element of Air that forever holds the Promise. The Elders say that the Sound of the Wind is God’s Voice. Wind illustrates a Force of God that Human can feel. In the Up Above, Wind is Force of Consciousness that speaks to our Heart, can guide us in a direction of thought, and can change the landscape. When the Storm/CAUAC trecena manifests its End, we’ll be standing on Higher Ground with a different reflection of Reality. We’ll see a different landscape of uncharted territory.

The Element of Air is a Force of Consciousness that relates to all the inner workings of our mind. God’s Word is the Divine Air that upholds our Consciousness of Love and Spirit. Of all the Resources of Life, the Element of Air is the most important resource of Life and Consciousness. We can’t live unless we breathe. The human mind can’t process without the perpetual nourishment of Air.

Take 5 deep breaths of Air now. Are you breathing? God gave us involuntary breath. Sometimes we forget to breathe. Remember we are in the process of a Divine Delivery. We need all the Air we can get to think straight. There’s a reason why singing is the first thing on the church service agenda. So do many traditional ways down through time begin with chants, songs and dance, to increase the Air that is offered to the mind for Divine Discernment.

There is a Cause and Effect to every movement of Intention. Whenever we hold a Divine Intention it WILL Cause a Divine Effect. Under the 5th uinal, we’re given an accounting of all our Divine Resources, what they’re for, and how to use them. By Universal Laws – Divine Parameters, Above and Below, perfectly reflected in physics (Below) and Divine Laws (God’s Word Above), we can’t choose and apply an Intention, without producing an Effect. For it to work, we have to hold the Intention and Apply it Universally for a Time.

The Elders always said that you can change your whole life in 4 days of Sacred Ceremony. The Mayan calendar reflects cycles within cycles. The one we’re less conscious of is Human’s all around experience. The Medicine Wheel reflects Human’s full circle of experience Below. Each set of 4 colors that begin with Red, is a Medicine Wheel experience, all the directions from which we can discern the Whole of an experience. We can change the landscape of our life in the next 4 days, through a Sacred Ceremony to draw the Divine Air of God to our Heart and Mind. Add one thing by intention to your Spiritual Practice to see a Divine Cause and Effect. Under the Direction of Both of our Midwifes (CIMI and CAUAC), we are guided to Breathe the Breath of Life and the Breath of Spirit. Something will change when we begin each trip to the altar with Sacred Breath. There’s an unlimited number of ways. Maybe yours is a walk in nature and the breath of Fresh Air. We can draw from the Common Element that holds Divine Thoughts as the Beginning of our Prayers.

Wind/IK resides in the North the place of ALL Wisdom. North is the “up above” Below that is the thoughts of Wisdom of generations that came before. North is the “up above” in the realm of Spirit as the Divine Thoughts of the Creator that were Spoken at The Creation. The Truth that was given for us to Stand on is Divinely held in thin Air. The Air created from the Hydrogen of the Universe, delivered by the Sun, and the Oxygen of Mother Earth, manufactured by Living Things on Earth is a Breath made for us by the Whole Universe. God Designed it that way. God Intended for us to have a Life to Death relationship with everything that IS. Relationship implies a Communion and a Dialogue. Wind/IK is an eternal Resource for Divine Guidance. 4 Wind/IK guides us to Stand on the first Wind of God’s Truth.

The Cherokee Whirlwind represents the double-helix of smoke that carries our prayers to the Creator. The Whirlwind is the 13th Dancer, the Divine One Above that leads the 12 Below. Road/EB, the Day Sign of Human is Position 12 of the 20 Day Signs. The 12 is led by the Day Sign in Position 13, Reed/BEN the altar where a Channel of Light shares the Divine Light of Love and Truth when Human who kneels below. God has a way, and the way is lined up and ordered by Time through a calendar of thought Divinely Placed as an Inherent Human thoughts that are ordered to manifest the Creation of our Dreams.

The Universal Laws set forth on the Emerald Tablets haven’t changed and will never change. The Laws written down by Human were attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. The Greek name, Trismegistus, meaning the thrice great is the Greek name of the Egyptian god Thoth. Thoth was the nahaul, the essence of the Whole Consciousness of Wisdom and Truth. A body of Divine Discernment of Truth. 

The Beauty of God’s Creation is that it is Perfect in its integrity of Truth from the micro to the macro. From the Truth of one thing, Human was given the faculties of thought to discern all things that were equal to the same one thing. From what we learned from Earth, we accumulated the Wisdom of the Universe. If we look, there is always something in the Near and the Far, the Above and the Below, that will prove the Integrity of the Divine Design that was manifested by the First Words of God. The Elders say that the first and enduring Gift to Human is Mother Earth. The place that holds everything that is needed as a resource for Living on Earth, also holds everything we need for our Spirit to Live and Be what was intended and placed in the Heart of Our Seed.

The glyph illustrates the Portals in Stone that represent the “T”, the Tree of Life. Portals were carved to magnify the Sound of the Wind, and also positioned for the observation of the Stars. The Tree of Life is the “axis mundi” that is a zero point, the center of a channel between the Above and Below. “Te” is a Sacred Word to the Maya who define it as the Sound of the Spoken Word of Creation.

The Elders taught us that the Wind Speaks to us and to take notice when we hear the Wind or Feel the Wind. They said to turn to our own thoughts and consider what the Wind is telling us in reply. We could easily discern that the gentle breeze that caresses our cheek means something different than a gust of Wind that moves us. Take a Stand on the Voice of God. Hold an Intention to take it ALL in, from the Sacred Breath to the Consciousness of the Wind that rustles the leaves, the Wind we can Hear and Feel. Just as it serves as a Breath of Life to our Body and Mind, Wind Perfectly offers the Same Resource to our Heart and Mind. We are waiting for the Light. We are waiting for a New Resource of Air, a Breath of Give and Receive. Through a Conscious Breath, Human Receives. Through the Involuntary Breath, we are Breathed by God. God Remembers for us. God Intends Breath. Human doesn’t have the power to STOP breathing, without God stepping in through a Divine Design.

As long as we are living, our Divine Resource of Consciousness is given Breath to Discern the experience of Living and Being. Our own Breath is the Divine Sign that Our “I Am” is meant To Be.

All the Truth and Beauty of Love is the Solid Ground we can Stand on in thin Air. When we look at the  Beauty of ALL the Divine WAYS that are part of the Whole of Creation, the all-in-one comes down to One Divine Truth. God HAS WAYS… more Divine WAYS than Human could ever imagine without a Living Illustration. Wind is held as Position 2, marked for the “2” of Human Duality. Wind/IK holds the Power to Resolve the 2 by bringing us back to the 1. Humans that know by comparing 1 to an “other” can Know a Life Above through Life Below. Wind is the essence that holds the forces of Human thought, discernment, and understanding. Through the Conscious Breath of Wisdom and Light,  we’re moved by the Living Thoughts within. The Number 22 is a symbol of a Master Builder within. The Genius of the Master Builder of Creation lives within as a Resource that Knows EVERY WAY that “holds up” a Divine Creation.

To all my relations, may we See and Feel how Divine Thoughts that are given life in our Consciousness universally serve the Body, Mind and Spirit. May we recognize that when we hold the “Earth Magic” of Jaguar’s Gratitude, every Breath is a Miracle of Light to our Spirit. May we Open our Mind with the Sacred Breath by Intention when we go to an altar, within and without, to Draw the Light of Wisdom into our own Heart and Mind. May we find our Way by Standing on God’s Divine Words. Through the Consciousness of the Breath we Choose to Breathe, we are inviting the Genius of THE MOST POWERFUL Ways.

Breath can be an Intention of Stability for the Delivery of a New Born Spirit. May our Hearts Know and Feel the Truth of Breath as the Holy, Holy, Holy, Consciousness of Being that believes and upholds the Universal Laws of Creation. “As Above, So Below” is the most Beautiful of all the Laws of Creation. What we imagine from a Divine Realm of Being will be Balanced in Harmony and Equity in every realm of our life.

May a Sacred Breath be the First Resource we turn to for every Intention. May we Draw it like a Common Field of GENIUS and LOVE that will work in our Mind and lead our thoughts to Divine Ends. May we See and Feel that Believing in a Divine WAY from every beginning, by the Laws of physics and by the Laws of Spirit, will always guide a Divine Way to an End of Creation and the Beginning of a New Life, Above and Below.

May we draw a Conscious Breath of ALL the Love that went into such a Divine Creation. May we allow the Power and Divinity within the Breath to go wherever it wants to go in our Body and our Mind. May we crystallize the Power of the Wind in our Consciousness between breaths. On the out-breath may we shared the Breath of a Prayer, “God, “I AM”, standing on Your Divine Word. Thank you, for the Promise that What you Say will ALWAYS Be.”

in lak’ech, I am another you

Debra, Jaguar Spirit, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for a daily energy forecast with insight on the Uinal and Portal Days of the Storm/CAUAC trecena.


4 Wind/IK (Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA)

Galactic Tone 4: Stability; the cube is most stable of all forms and establishes volume by definition of height, length, depth and breadth; 4 directions establish orientation. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, work, or relationship.

Wind/IK: Breath of Spirit, breath of life. Winds embody the power of dissemination and planting of good seeds or ideas. Dreamers and planners with powerful imaginations, Wind persons make great orators and they spread the word of spiritual inspiration as it is carried by the wind. Wind is the power behind the movement of natural cycles such as weather, erosion, and cultural change. As the wind, these persons are extremely changeable and adaptable. They may appear inconsistent or fickle to others. Wind can be destructive to self and others by putting on airs. When Winds strut and boast, expanding on facts and accomplishments, they are building the dark clouds of trouble that may become hurricanes.

Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA: Whirlwind’s symbol is a double spiral helix in rising smoke. Wind brings energy for an Inquiring mind, learning and wisdom. In Cherokee, the constellations are represented by 12 birds (dancers), the 13th bird is the Whirlwind, the lead dancer. This reflects the whirling of life. Wind is the breath of the Universe (matching the Mayan symbol) channel of communication and carries the Sacred Smoke to the Great Spirit (Source- Hunab Ku in Mayan); matches the pulse of the breath of the Cosmos.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

The details are outlined on my PRE-PUBLICATION ANNOUNCEMENT.


9 thoughts on “4 Wind / IK – A Revival of Spirit: Day 4 of 13

  1. Wonderful words of wisdom here, and one of the very cool things about the T shape carved into the pyramid surrounding walls, dwelling walls, and all other T-shaped windows is that with certain wind directions it makes a whistling music coming thru; God’s breath musicalized by the Mayan mind.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Chris. I appreciate the extra info on the portals. That really is awesome. I didn’t see any portals at Ek’ Balam. The sound there was amplified by all the humidity in the air, so I can imagine it. much love, in lak’ech, Debra

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Dear Debra,
    I have been reading your posts from time to time, and I am grateful every time for a renewed understanding of the Nawales. For me, today is my 192nd day of my 11th cycle of 260 days of following the Sac Be. I, too, have been keeping journals. I am gathering bits of wisdom from these journals to write A Maya/Sufi Journey, which I hope to share in written form sometime soon. I have been a practicing Sufi as well, and have found great similarities in these two wisdom streams. In my daily devotions, songs have come to me based on each day’s Nawal, united with one or more of the Sufi 99 Beautiful Names. My son is helping me to instrumentalize these songs. So, for example, on the day IQ, I discovered the Name of God that relates to The Wind: AL QAWI. In Neil Douglas-Klotz’s translation it means “Winds of Change”. So it is God as this incredible power of wind, breath and ideas to create change. The words to my song are:
    Winds of Change, renew me
    Clarify what I need to see
    Winds of change renew me
    Purify and revivify me
    Winds of Change,
    Winds of Change
    Blow through the windows
    Of my heart and soul,
    Winds of Change,
    Winds of Change,
    Blow through the windows
    Of my heart and soul!
    Ya, QAWI! (Repeat 8 times)
    (Ya means “O!” Or “Blessed” – it is an honorific.

    Liked by 5 people

    • That is a beautiful way and a beautiful song I will write down to remember. Thank you. I love the traditional ways of the tribes of Love on Earth, how they are ALL aligned in one Divine Purpose. We all take the same Divine Breath of God. much love, and thank you for sharing the beauty of Divine thoughts. I feel much Power of Wind in those words. in lak’ech, Debra

      Liked by 1 person

    • What an exciting post, beauxZoe1, i wish you the persistence and the passion to write a book, and also record your songs! Humanity needs this elevated perspective. I too have done some cultural blending, by combining the Chakras with the 13 day count in the following manner; Tone 1 is Root, 2 is Sacral, 3 is Solar Plexus, 4 is Heart, 5 is Throat, 6 is 3rd Eye and Tone 7 days are Crown, then we start to go back down, so Tone 8 days are 3rd eye again, 9 is Throat, 10 is Heart once again, 11 is Yellow in the belly, 12 is Sexual / Creativity / Intimacy, and on Tone 13 days i recommend that we think about all 7 Chakras. Today i am wearing a sky blue shirt and am focusing on my voice, and choices i make.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your beautiful Journey of understanding…I am so grateful! The messages that you have learned and still learning that you share are beautiful. Yes, the Mystery School knows no ‘class’ or segregation, asks of us only the understanding of the messages – in whatever manner we may receive them. and that is the point, to be open to that reception, to ‘get it’ – and ultimately to ‘be it’ and share it in our Be-ing! you are a beautiful Messenger Be-ing – mahalo! en lak’ech aloha with so much love ~e

    Liked by 2 people

    • Much love and aloha back to you. I have to attribute the renewal and regeneration of CAUAC is opening all our minds to conceive new things together. I am so grateful to be sharing it together. much love back to you, in lak’ech, mahalo nui loa, LO SIENTE! Debra


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