11 Wind / IK – Human’s Road to Destiny: Day 11 of 13



11 Wind / IK

Greetings Kin,

Tone 11 holds the Intention of Resolution. Number 11 reflects a Higher Frequency of thought, symbolizing 1 Above and 1 Below, side-by-side. Whenever 2 stand in agreement as 1, our prayers are empowered by the exponential factor of Divinity.

Tone 11 offers a clarity of High Resolution to facilitate dynamic change. Tone 11 simplifies our new Truth so it can be integrated into all our variables of Common Sense. Tone 11 creates a path to Higher Ground.

Wind/IK is the Breath of Life and Breath of Spirit. Wind resides in the North, the direction of Wisdom and the Collective Divine Thoughts of the Whole. Human Life and Consciousness are most dependent upon the Sacred Breath. We can go without food or water for a Time. Without Air we quickly lose Consciousness and Life.

Wind/IK symbolizes the whirling of Life. The Cherokee Day Sign the Whirlwind is a symbol of the double-helix of smoke that carries our Prayers to the Creator. The Whirlwind is recognized as the 13th Dancer that leads the 12 of Humanity Below – 12 tribes, 12 disciples, and 12 constellations. The Whirlwind is the Divine Master that guides from Above.

“Master number 11 brings higher intuition and spiritual insight, supernatural abilities, increased sensitivity, as well as empathy and natural intelligence. The number eleven is a sign of enormous power – both mental and physical. In addition, this is the first master number from a total of three (11, 22 and 33).” (Source: Master Numbers)

The Elders say we Breathe and are Breathed by the Creator. Human has the Power to take a Conscious Breath. Breath we Receive is held by a Power beyond human’s control. Even when we try to hold our Breath, we are Divinely given Breath to sustain our Life and Consciousness. Wind/IK is a symbol of God’s Power that exists in the Element of Air connecting all living things who Give and Receive the Earthly particles of the Whole.

The Element of Air upholds the vault of Heaven and completes the Circle of Life all around. The first spoken words of Creation are still suspended as a Promise in thin Air.

The glyph symbolizes the Sacred “T” as the Tree of Life, the Center, the axis mundi of Consciousness that moves between the Above and Below. “Te” is a Sacred Word to the Maya, the first Sound of Creation. Breathing is a movement that creates very little Sound. “Te” implies a Breath given Sound by Intention. The First Breath of Creation was the Sound of the Creator’s Light. Consciousness.

Wind/IK is a Force of Nature that can change things. The Element of Air relates to all Human faculties of thought. A Sacred Breath can change our Mind.

The Elders taught us to always Listen for the Wind to hear the Voice of the Creator. When we feel a gentle breeze or hear rustling in the leaves, we were taught to stop and remember what we are thinking. The Wind is the Creator’s Voice. We will understand the language. A gentle breeze will mean something different to us that a big gust of wind. One is a Blessing and another is a push of direction.

Days marked by Wind/IK are guided by an Act of God. Wind holds the power to change the landscape of our lives. Lives of “order” can be upended in one mighty “blow of Wind.” God can start our Life over again by a Power beyond human’s resistance to change. The Wind speaks the Truth of God’s Will.

We are given a New Breath of Life and a New Breath of Consciousness by 11 Wind/IK, one that will put all the pieces exactly where they belong for us to See the next Higher Road to our Dream. We are rising to Maturity where we will be born again into a New Life, by a New Breath of Life and Spirit. Through Human eyes, we’ll see the Truth of our new landscape and the Higher Ground made ready for us to carry out our Highest Purpose. We are Ready to be given a New Breath of Life. We are only waiting for the Divine Time a Creator has chosen to draw us into the Light of a whole new world.

Most everything I know about Wind/IK I learned from my chosen sister, Minisa Crumbo (1 Wind/IK). She commands the Power of the Spoken word. She shares the path in the traditional way, giving Breath to the Beauty of Life and Mother Earth. She gives breath to the Sentient Beings that are One in the Whole of Creation, and shares the shaman’s path that is Conscious of Living in Relationship with a Living Mother Earth. She shares the tradition of “picking” for the harvest, and the wisdom of the Sacred Exchange. My words about the “hollow bone” are words of Minisa’s wisdom. Her words hold Truth that lasts.

She’s pushed me to dreams beyond the limits of my imagination. Impossible dreams. She suggested the trip to Ek’ Balam for the Day of the Dead in October 2018. It raised a fear of limitation, but I saw it as an Act of God when I saw the dates marked Ian Xel Lungold’s Mayan Birthday on Halloween, 13 years after his passing.

I always cried because I could never go. Everyone else seemed to have a way but me. When she spoke the Dream it became Possible. I suddenly realized the only reason I hadn’t been there was the fear there was no way. Of course there was a way. There’s always a way with Time. I also discovered I was afraid to go. The farthest I’d ever traveled was 120 miles across the Canadian border. The landscape before me would be defined as a solo flight and barely spoke the language. I HAD to go on the Pilgrimage because God’s Will was written and signed by the Date.

Wind/IK holds a Force to change our Life by sharing a New Reality of Consciousness. Wind can draw our Dreams from the realm of “impossible” into the reality of “meant to be.” Wind/IK will prove the Power of the Wind by elevating a Truth of our “reality.”

On 11 Wind/IK we are tuned-in to the Creator’s Divine Thoughts to see that God stands in Agreement for the manifestation of our Highest Dream. We were guided to the Truth of Power and gave it back to the only Hand with the Integrity to hold it. Wind will deliver the Sacred Exchange through an Act of God that pushes us toward the Light of All Possibility.

On 11 Wind/IK we climb to the Highest altar with an Offering of Gratitude for KNOWING the Power that intends the Happiness of Harmony and Equity. We Humble our Self to the One Divine Consciousness that makes everything Fair. God has Seen our thoughts and knows all the “impossible” things found unfair in the darkness. God waited for the Day we would sacrifice ALL our Dreams, so our “impossible” dreams can come True. God wants us to give back in Abundance, giving Breath to a Dream that was too “impossible” to hold and too many doubts to even ask.

A veil will be lifted to the Wisdom of Divine Spirit as we see things at a Higher Frequency of Vibration. Simple truth we couldn’t see will be plain to see at a Higher Resolution.

Human holds the illusion that Miracles = Impossible. Universal Laws are promises that can’t be broken. Like my Miracle of Ek’ Balam, Miracles were already possibilities. It was just a “humanly created impossibility.” I was sure it was impossible to go. Thousands of humans go there all the time. I claimed it and manifested an “impossibility for me.”

To all my relations, may we Give thanks that we are as Close to the Creator’s Love as Every Breath. If we are still Alive we are Conscious and God is Breathing us for a very Divine Meaning and Purpose.

The Elders told a story of one who said he had come near death on more than one occasion. He was grasping for life’s meaning, and asked the Elder, “Why am I still here?” The Elder said, “Because you haven’t been Seen.”

A Divine Creator wants to share a Sacred Exchange that proves to us we’ve been Seen by the Creator. God’s most Divine Moments are the Times when Human can See the Truth of God’s Love.

May Acknowledge the Wisdom of Divine Power that can never be corrupted, and Breathe a Sigh of Relief that that God reserved the Power for all our Dreams.

in lak’ech, I am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle / MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and insight on the Uinal and Portal Days of the Road/EB trecena.


11 Wind/IK (Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA)

Galactic Tone 11: Resolution; 11 assists every new thing to find its place in the universe in the process of ‘fitting in.’ some modifications must occur. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement.

Wind/IK: Breath of Spirit, breath of life. Winds embody the power of dissemination and planting of good seeds or ideas. Dreamers and planners with powerful imaginations, Wind persons make great orators and they spread the word of spiritual inspiration as it is carried by the wind. Wind is the power behind the movement of natural cycles such as weather, erosion, and cultural change. As the wind, these persons are extremely changeable and adaptable. They may appear inconsistent or fickle to others. Wind can be destructive to self and others by putting on airs. When Winds strut and boast, expanding on facts and accomplishments, they are building the dark clouds of trouble that may become hurricanes.

Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA: Whirlwind’s symbol is a double spiral helix in rising smoke. Wind brings energy for an Inquiring mind, learning and wisdom. In Cherokee, the constellations are represented by 12 birds (dancers), the 13th bird is the Whirlwind, the lead dancer. This reflects the whirling of life. Wind is the breath of the Universe (matching the Mayan symbol) channel of communication and carries the Sacred Smoke to the Great Spirit (Source- Hunab Ku in Mayan); matches the pulse of the breath of the Cosmos.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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