Wesak Moon: The Moon from the Big Island of Hawaii

Elena follows up her photos with the experience of six women who joined in the Sacred Ceremony to offer a Blessing for the Whole.

Wesak Moon’s late passing on the Western Horizon from the Big Island, Hawaii. May 7, 2020

Thank you, Elena, for your Aloha with so much love!
in lak’ech, Debra



It was such a beautiful and powerful ceremony, I am so honored. I would have written but I sent them (photos) from my phone late in the evening. The intentions were set by each and every one of the six women that gathered, we were there totally with purpose in realigning the energy focus for a better world, the birthing of this New Paradigm – we talked story, sang, drummed and munched on delicious offerings. The incredible power surrounding this full moon was so tangible and evident! And what a beautiful spot to create in.

So happy to be a part of this, I will send you a picture of the full moon – last night and this morning.

Aloha with so much love

En lak’ech



Below, the Morning Moonrise, May 8, 2020

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