7 Storm / CAUAC – A Guiding Light: Day 7 of 13


7 Storm / CAUAC


Greetings Kin,

Peak Tone 7 completes human’s climb of Faith. On the 7th Tone we approach the zenith hour of Light. From the top of the pyramid we can see “all that is” and “all that is not.”

Under the guidance of Reed/BEN, we are led to become the “hollow bone” – the flesh of our ego burned away, so the Light of Divine Wisdom can shine through. Reed/BEN inspires the Faith to Believe in our Self. One who wholly believes in the Wisdom of their own Experience as the Truth, doesn’t force their own Truth on anyone. Instead, the highest demonstration of Love, is to believe the Truth that is known differently in every Time and Place, as a reason for ALL Time.

“Believing in our own prayers” is the Divine way to lead a family to an altar of Light. Through our Offering of Unconditional Love to the Whole, Faith will be born in their Consciousness as a Divine Possibility. Faith is a Beautiful Possibility we can’t forget, when all hope hangs in the Balance. We only have to know the possibility to turn to it when it’s our Divine Time to Believe.

Storm/CAUAC is the Comfort of a Storm, when it turns us to the shelter of a Sanctuary within. CAUAC offers a Renewal and Regeneration of our Spirit. CAUAC is the “home” that is a place of sovereign authority. At the Highest Threshold between the Above and the Below, we can see “home” from a Divine Perspective. What is Common to the Whole is an element of our Divine Design. We all have a natural instinct to turn for home when there’s a thundercloud on the horizon. Through a Spark of the Divine, we always remember one last place to turn when we can’t see anywhere else left to go.

Storm/CAUAC is the brilliant display of Unbridled Light. When our Highest Expectations are centered on the One Above, by Divine Justice, we’ll Feel the Freedom to Be. The most Divine parental Love is a door always open, and a place at the table where our Truth is invited as an Equal Light of Wisdom. CAUAC is the midwife that delivers, opening a channel for a New Birth into the Light.


Source: Britannica

CAUAC resides in the West, the direction of our Unknown Future. Holding the Element of Water, CAUAC offers the Blessing of Spirit as Truth Known through the Heart. We reached a New High of Love. In the harvest cycle of the Tzolk’in, we created a new dream in Spirit on behalf of the Whole. We focused on the children. Love was no longer just about our self. Our Love forged a new link in the Circle of Life through an Intention to pass on the Blessings of Love that came before.

Through the birth of new Life, comes New and Higher Wisdom of Life. Our whole perspective changes, Above and Below. When our Love for a newborn strikes out of the blue, our hearts are connected by an experience that can never be shared by a story. We only Know the Whole Truth by our own Experience. We always ask, “Is this your first?”

Birth may be Common, though it’s not a common experience. It may only happen once in a lifetime. The experience is set apart from Common by the Power of its Divinity. We only have to Feel the experience Once to never forget. We might see part of the miracle is that birth is the one pain we don’t remember. Birth is a Labor of Love. We expect it to be painful, yet the Divine Cause manifests the thoughts of Unconditional Love that we are inclined to follow. Pain is only temporary and we know it leads to a Divine End.

In the shelter of the Storm we reside in the very Center of the 4 directions. Time that was spinning by on the parameter is moving picture. From the center we can see the whole orbit of our Life and a Higher Truth of Time. Time is fleeting. We move from one slice of life to another and worldly experiences that change the Truth of Love t hat we can Feel. We can see that In The Moment is the Only Time we have to create Love as the Truth. The same opportunity may not come around tomorrow.

Another Truth we can see from the Center is that “this too shall pass.” When our orbit carries us through a major life change, the chaos may Feel like it could go on forever. Turning to the Wisdom of Divine Truth within, we KNOW we’re only between One Truth of Reality and another. We KNOW that something ELSE is what will finally be. We just don’t know what it could be.

In the Divine Reflection we can see. All things are equal as a dynamic illustration of our Life and the “experience of being.” Even when we have an idea of what our Light could be in the Future, God’s manifestation of Higher Love will always be a surprise beyond our imagination. With every New Birth of Divine Wisdom on a Higher Scale, we begin to relate to Truth in a different way. The Light of Truth will always raise our Consciousness to Higher Love. When the Whole Truth is put together, Love is the Power a Divine Creator intended was the First and Foremost Truth to See and Acknowledge. Love would be the Light to see the Transformation of our own Heart and Mind… from a Sources we couldn’t generate, because it came straight from the Above. Meeting our own children was intended to be “Love at First Sight.”

When all the dots are connected by CAUAC’s Lightning, when we use our Duality to compare the Balance Above and Below, our Heart will Know that One Higher Love than Human, saw us that way. There was a Face waiting to look into our own and see the purest of all possibilities for Love. All Life that carries on, began through that first exchange we shared as a fight for the very first breath of life.

Source: Tree of Life online

Storm/CAUAC can stir our Heart by the Truth of unlimited possibilities, whether we rise or fall, we will Know a Divine Love that IS, and WILL BE, always to the end of every life experience, and still there in the morning no matter what choices we made yesterday. Today our Heart can feel the Hope and Faith that every day begins a brand new slate. Whatever was “true” yesterday, was yesterday. This Life, the One Today, is the Only One that matters in Divine Time. In One Day our Whole Life can be turned around by Love. By Divine Design, we were created so that Our Day would come. As Above, So Below. For every experience human knows below, there is an experience in the Balance in the realm of Spirit. We don’t have to have a baby to know what was given Above. In the realm of Spirit it is an inevitable experience, and imperishable design for life that every Human was intended to Know in harmony and equity… as a Truth about our Self and the Power of Love.

Flint/ETZNAB offered Truth through a polarization of Light and Dark. The dross was burned away to connect our Heart to a path for Light to reach down from Above. CAUAC can share the power of “lightning in the blood” a CHICCHAN Sense of Love that grabs our heart and sends the Living Water of Spirit through our veins from the root of Human to the Crown of Spirit. CAUAC offers the Truth of Unconditional Love that Human can Feel.

To all my relations, may we give thanks for Times that are Meant to Be, and that no Human is ever left out of the experience. What was intended to be a Common Experience, can be made common to the Whole by a Power of Authority Above. May we know that every climb to a Higher Perspective of Truth is intended to share the Love we witness and feel when a New Life is born to us. God intended us to have experiences of Love, beyond Human’s imagination. The Highest Wisdom a Divine Creator intended us to Know was the Truth of Love.

May we give thanks for the Genius of a Divine Creator with so many Divine Ways. May we Feel the Truth that we are a Spark, a body of Divine Consciousness, born of the Highest One. May we claim the Highest Truth of Love shines at an altar, when we make an altar the sanctuary for nothing but Love. May we consider how we could Love everything, when we are there kneeling in humility.

May we count our Blessings that all we have to do is Ask to know a Higher Love. May we believe in Our Call as music to the Creator’s ears – not a burden, or a gift we must beg for, but the Sacred Exchange that waited for the Divine Moment that we would Choose to Ask. When our Heart reaches to Know, the Sacred Exchange will be Love on the Highest Scale of our experience, that we will remember for ALL TIme.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN

7/11/77 – 43 years ago my life was changed forever when I became a Mother, and Knew a Creation of Love that never ends.


I’m grateful for One Last and Highest Hope, and a Divine Provision for Love to complete the Circle of Life.


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide
 for a daily aspects of the Reed/BEN trecena.

My gift for the Tzolk’in round is the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” Volume 1 covers the first two seasons of the Tzolk’in round. The “Field Guide” is available to download from a link on the 13-day Trecena Guide Page.




7 Storm/CAUAC (Cherokee, Redbird/TOTSU’HWA)

Galactic Tone 7: Reflective. Seven stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and to reflect all that is and is not. Seven is associated with the source of creation and the flow of Divine Will. With a keen sense of ethics, Seven establishes purpose to current and future goals.

Storm/Cauac: Day of the blessing of rain, giver of all life and lightening, a gift of nitrogen to Mother Earth and ozone to Father Sky. Cauac is also associated with the moon and the cycles of the moon, which are the meter of the feminine aspect of creation. The essence of Storm is the feeling of unity, security and warmth experienced in the home while the tempest of trouble rages in the world outside. Perpetually youthful, Storms exist to experience the ecstasy of freedom. They have the great capacity to both learn and teach. Their constant quest for novel experiences often leads to difficult tests and storms of emotion. Looking at these difficulties for the lessons they indeed are, will enrich our lives rather than destroy. Cauac individuals teach much through their electricity of being. Lightning energizes earth, this same energy energizes humans. Divine connections can be accessed.

Cherokee, Redbird/TOTSU’HWA: Redbird’s symbol is Alcyone of the Pleiades Star in constellation Taurus.  Alcyone is the Central Sun of the Universe, heart of heaven. Lightning is the visible evidence of the presence of Redbird Spirit in the Sky, daughter of the Sun Spirit, sign of Fire, Sun’s alter ego on Earth. Redbird is a feminine sign; the hand that rocks the cradle. The symbol of nurturing, the lightning nurtures and energizes, with energy for zest, curiosity, imagination, and ideas. Lightning adds spiritual force to the human by way of “lightning of the blood” of a healer, directly body to body vibration. The key to spiritual communication and access to the wisdom of the Ancestors lies in the ability to bestir the blood to speak. Sacred stones such as flint, obsidian, crystal are created by lightning striking the ground. (Cauac is a source energy of Flint/ETZNAB.)

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

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