4 Dog / OC – A Reason to Love: Day 4 of 13



4 Dog / OC

Greetings Kin,

Tone 4 raises the Intention of Stability. Tone 4 relates to the cube, the most stable of all forms. A cube defines its dimension and space by its borders and parameters. The purpose of Tone 4 is to raise the Pillars for Faith 2 stand. When we claim the Divine Energy fueled by Love, we want to hold on to what we’ve got. We can establish boundaries and parameters, like the “rules of a game” to hold the thoughts of our Intention..

Deer/MANIK is guiding our Inspiration as the Mayan priest who holds all the Spiritual Tools. Divine Truths that we believe are our Medicine Bundle, all the tools passed down from the generations of priests who came before. MANIK is said to keep every tool it’s ever used. We’re better off carrying fewer tools that serve more than one meaning and purpose. One Truth will always lead to another Highest Truth. We only need one Truth, if we can believe in MANIK’s  Highest Tool – a Divine Provision for every Human Limitation. That Truth will lead us to the 2nd, Highest Truth… the Reason why.

As long as we keep asking the next questions about Love, we’ll learn the Answers are always Divine. Our Dreams hold the Power of the Holy, Holy, Holy, when the Reason is the same, Above and Below. When we follow our Divine thoughts of Creation, we always manifest the Highest ends.

Dog/OC resides at the top of the “uinal pyramid” as the Highest Demonstration of Unconditional Love. Love is the Highest Reason for every Creation. Residing in the North, the direction of Wisdom. Dog/OC demonstrates the Truth of Love. All we have to do is follow the Dog.

Dog/OC holds a Relationship of Affinity with the Monkey/CHUEN. They hold positions 10 and 11 in  the order of Divine Guidance. The 1’s and 0’s reflect the Master Numbers of Divine Inspiration. Dog/OC knows the Truth that Love is buried everywhere. The Monkey/CHUEN holds the Highest Power of Consciousness in the Natural World. The Monkey sees that Love is Beautiful. As a Master of all the Arts, CHUEN loves its own Power to Create the Beauty.

Master Numbers are symbols that are never resolved to the lowest number. They stand as they are, magnified by the times we see them repeated. 1 is the Light of Divine Inspiration. 11 is Divine Inspiration known Above and Below. Number 11 raises a higher frequency of thought for the Intention of Resolution. 11 is a Light of Truth that defines a course of Creation, by sharing a Higher Reason.  Repeating 11’s magnify a Spark of genius. (11:11 is compared to a Code of Activation, a Divine Wakeup Call.)

4 Dog/OC is the first Global Burner Day of the Tzolk’in  round. Halfway through every Season of change, we release residual energy, stray thoughts and old truth that doesn’t support this Time and Place. On the Global Burner Day we can burn away “all that we’ve gone through” to reach this Higher Place. “Forgiveness” is the Key to the Kingdom. The Mayan priest carried out the Sacred Fire Ceremony to restore Right Relationship on behalf of the Community. When the Wind brought the smoke and the smell of copal, the whole remember to count their blessings for the offering.


Through the Element of Air, the Dog can share a Divine Scent for Life. We will lead a Divine Life, believing Love is everywhere. We’ll even Love the “cheesy” gifts the Dog brings home. Knowing Time is endless for Love, the Dog offers Love first and is willing to wait without holding a grudge. The Dog is faithful beyond death, as the one that will lead our journey back to the Stars. The Milky Way is known as “the place the dogs ran.”

The Gift the Dog brings is the Truth of Unconditional Love. We have to see the Truth when we walk the dog. Who’s the Master of the “other” on the leash? Today the Dog can lead us straight to a Truth of Love that changes our mind. We’ll receive the “cheesy Gift” and be off on the trail. The Dog on the leash does lead us to witness its Truth of Love. If you don’t own one, there’s likely a Dog in the pack you can turn to for Divine Inspiration.

To all my relations, may we Give Thanks for Love that can move us out the door. Before we open the door, may we imagine all the beauty there is on the other side and take it all in with the first Sacred Breath. May we take advantage of the Happy Opportunities in Life, especially if they disrupt our natural order.

May life be the game we played in the beginning, when we believed everything was possible. I remember tea parties with Ritz crackers and water. The crackers fit perfectly on those tiny plates, and you could eat it with the little spoon if you added some water. I wish I could remember the conversation. May we claim every Moment of Love we can remember. May we hold the Truth that Love is Real. It always leaves Beautiful Time to return to.

May we Light the candles and say our Prayers for Right Relationship. May we be Healed by the Fire of Love so we can See our Life as the Pure Energy of Light. Even a Divine Creator’s Dream reached a Higher End through the 2 aligned as One. Before the beginning, a Divine Consciousness drew all the Light it could see within. With the Consciousness to see that the Light went on forever, a Force Saw and Acknowledged the Beauty and longed to see it again, longer, from another point of view.

The Balams were the Jaguars created in the image of the 1’s. We are the shape-shifters with the Consciousness to See Love through the eyes of every moving, living thing. When we do, we will Love the Beauty of Life that is always there, waiting to be seen and acknowledged – Loved.

The Beauty of Love multiplies through the Offering.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful for the Deer’s Light of Vigilant Consciousness, and the Truth of Standing on Holy Ground.  


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for highlights of the Deer/MANIK trecena.
The “Tzolk’in Field Guide” includes a Count of Days and aspects for days and the trecena.

Links to download Volumes 1 and 2 are included.




4 Dog/OC (Cherokee, WOLF/KANA’TI)

Galactic Tone 4: Stability; the cube is most stable of all forms and establishes volume by definition of height, length, depth and breadth; 4 directions establish orientation. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, work, or relationship.

Dog/OC: Courageous, loyal and warm-hearted, very alert and valiant, people born of Dog are respected for their sense of justice and their protection. People born of the sun sign Dog are very sensual and know how to enjoy life. Playfulness and a good understanding of the basic human nature lead to prosperity for Dog. Dogs are good team players who love to travel and have a keen sense of their position in society. Dogs are ambitious and will take opportunities when they offer themselves, including infidelities. Dog persons share the nature of coyotes, spies, wolves and lawyers

Cherokee, WOLF/KANA’TI: Wolf’s symbol is Sirius (Dog star) and Antares, one or the other always visable but never at the same time.  Wolf is our brother, shares our very roots.  All dogs are domesticated wolves, companionship and guidance.  Connecting link between the worlds. One who inspires loyalty, diplomacy and sense of humor with unlimited potential.  A teacher, healer, pathfinder and transformer.  Sharp as obsidian, gentle as a lamb. Totem -Dog.  Loyalty and faithfulness that survives beyond death.  This was the first day of creation energy in this 4th world, sets the energy for love, loyalty and faithfulness on the 5200 year cycle.  Heart chakra energy is involved so that we can move to the state of “unconditional love” with compassion.  All sexual desire issues that are not in harmony will surface to be cleared.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

2 thoughts on “4 Dog / OC – A Reason to Love: Day 4 of 13

  1. Brightest Blessings to You today (and every day), Debra! Thank You for your inSight. This Full Moon energy, this Trecena of Healing, Venus in Pisces… All the makings of declaring what sets Our Souls on Fire & Peacing Self together again from the ashes of lessons well learned. Am Vibing High today. Globally so. Lots of Love❣🤗

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