2 Deer / MANIK – Winds of Change: Day 2 of 13



2 Deer / MANIK

Greetings Kin,

Tone 2 raises the Consciousness of Duality. We Dreamed to Know the Time and Place where our Love Belongs. CIMI shared the Sacred Breath of a Promise that we could hold Faith to Believe.

The Truth is that to Create a New Life, something has to change. On Tone 2 we compare one way to another. Using CIMI’s Gift of Clairvoyance, we try to conceive a Before and After. Thoughts of Duality are Human’s limitation. The Truth is not One way or another. Love IS, “one way, or the other.” CIMI is the Guiding Light to see that Divine Way of Love.

“The work” is to follow CIMI’s example to create “Love that sees us through.” The “before” begins from the Truth of Human limitations. After all, we were Intending to Love, before. On Tone 2 we size up the human faculties to manifest the change. Yet, by limitation, it’s unlikely that we know what it is. Through the Gift of Chicchan, we will Feel our Way.

In the first Season of Life, we claimed Love was “tending to all our needs.” 13 Serpent/CHICCHAN offered us the Feelings of Truth to expand and grow into a “bigger pair of shoes.”

We will grow to Maturity when we are Humbled to Create “Love that takes Time.” 9 Earth/CABAN was the Year Bearer for Human experience on a planetary scale, just passed. 9 held the Intention of Patience to see the Bigger Picture. We never have to suffer for lack of insight, when we invest Time in Love.

Reed/BEN guided us to the Higher Ground of Today. “We know we know better.” We only have to Remember and to follow our own best way. Time will always tell the Truth of Faith we invested in Love to Believe.

Deer/MANIK guides the Divine Way to Remember. MANIK is the Day Sign of the Mayan priest, who Counts the Days and observes the rituals and prayers on behalf of the Whole. The Deer stands in silence to maintain its Holy Ground. In the beginning, our New Life is only the Ether of a Dream. Like the Deer, our ONLY-Best Defense is Humility. We can turn to the Love that shines Only for us Within, our Connection to a Divine Power of Love.

The glyph illustrates the Power of MANIK to grasp a thread that completes the circuit of Divine Power. Hand is another name for MANIK. The Scion was created as the Power Above shared through a Human Hand below. The Deer depends on Faith to Believe that the Light of Truth will manifest the Way.


Deer/MANIK holds the Element of Water, used by the Mayan priest for Blessings, Initiations, Purifications, and Baptisms. Water relates to our Feelings and Truth that is known through the Heart. In the direction of the West, the Deer guides the thoughts of our Unknown Future.

Deer/MANIK is the giver of Spiritual Tools, said to hold every tool that’s ever been used. The priest holds the staff and the medicine bundle passed down by the generations that came before.

This is a trecena of “darkness.” We have to take up the tools and apply them to our Life. They were given to help Faith stand. The Deer is a symbol of stability, with 4 legs – one to plant in each of the directions. MANIK is said to hold one very special tool – a Divine Provision for every Human limitation. We are guided to hold Faith in the “Divine Answer” for everything.

Time and the path of Vigilant Consciousness is our Divine Answer for everything. The Deer/MANIK holds a Power of Harmonic Resonance, to draw us along to HIgher Ground. We’ll see the Time and Place where we can wait for Love to be found as the Truth.

To all my relations, may we Vigilantly Track our Thoughts and root out the ones that Defend who we were, and who we Intend to be. Time will speak volumes. Truth will speak louder than our broken ego. And in Silence, we can uphold our Faith in our Self, until we Create the Love that Takes Time.

May we remember that with every major transition on a scale we Feel like Life or Death, we are carried by the One that Remembers and knows exactly what to do. We know the Truth of our Love in the Future. Between 2, the One Above and the One Below, we’ll Remember and our Heart will See the Light of the Way.

May we believe we are always Perfect for who we are, reaching to raise the Truth of our Love to its Highest End.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman/9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful that Time is the Loudest Voice of Truth, known to everyone.

REMEMBERING JOHN LEWIS: Ascended 07/17/2020, 13 Serpent/CHICCHAN)

We Ascended the Reed/BEN trecenca on 13 Serpent/CHICCHAN. We were changed by a Dream that was carried to Higher Ground. John Lewis is still with us as long as his words, his voice, and his Dream carries on. We can claim his Light is shining for us on the other side, and Believe it is the Truth.

“I say to people today, ‘You must be prepared if you believe in something. If you believe in something, you have to go for it. As individuals, we may not live to see the end.”

“If you’re not hopeful and optimistic, then you just give up. You have to take the long hard look and just believe that if you’re consistent, you will succeed.”

“Never give up. Never give in. Never become hostile… Hate is too big a burden to bear.”

~John Lewis



Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide
 for a daily aspects of the current trecena.

My gift for the Tzolk’in round is the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” Volume 1 covers the first two seasons of the Tzolk’in round. The “Field Guide” is available to download from a link on the 13-day Trecena Guide Page.

2 Deer/MANIK (Cherokee, Deer/Ahwu’sdi)

Galactic Tone 2: Mysterious as the question ‘to be or not to be?” Two is the recognition of the separation of self from all else and the desire to be rejoined. Walking a balance while making choices of all kinds, light/dark, male/female, good/bad, Yin/Yang, is the energy of this number. Experiencing the differences between one and another is the use and purpose of this number.

Deer/MANIK (Hand): Deer are spirit tools. Silence itself is a spiritual experience for Deer. For Deer life is a pilgrimage. Deer are dominant persons who defend the people and will make sacrifices for others. The spirit of Deer upholds the pillars of the four directions. With the power inherent in the number four, Deer pushes away bad influences or negative energies. Skill and quality of work are very important to Deer. They are presented with tools for every task in life and it is with these that they are able to rise above limitations. Deer has a habit of keeping every tool it has ever used. This leads to clutter and indecision, loss and procrastination. When confronted with promises not kept, Deer becomes stubborn, manipulative and evasive.

Cherokee, Deer/Ahwu’sdi: Symbolized by Constellation Galagina, the Stag, known as Taurus, the Bull. It does not include the Pleiades and Hyades clusters which in Cherokee are viewed as separate. To feed, gatherers of food and supplies, they enjoy rituals, ceremonials, feasts, the souls of hospitality, sociability. Freedom versus security issues often inspire leadership and unique solutions.  Combined with artistic and inspiring energies in harmony with lunar cycles, they nourish the clans. Totem-Deer:  A priest or shaman, a powerful person in general, to overwhelm an individual with one’s personal power, divination; inclined to become a teacher, healer, guru, civic leader, or politician.  Ability to create harmonic resonance.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

2 thoughts on “2 Deer / MANIK – Winds of Change: Day 2 of 13

  1. Hi Debra,

    Happy Easter 🙂 How are you? It’s been very curious times since the wayeb. I’d love to ask and get some insight on something that occurred on 1 kame. My brother who is 8 years my senior had stopped talking to our entire family for 14 years. Yesterday he responded to Easter texts sent by family members and is not communicating! It’s fascinating to me that my mother is a 11kame and I’m a 12 kej. Everyone is very happy, however I being the youngest child of 3 am very emotionally distraught. I’m having feeling of all the 14 years I suffered and felt abandoned by him. Today he messaged a hi to me. I haven’t replied. I don’t know how to feel and what to do or say.

    Sorry for the long message but I thought it very synchronized and hoping your have some words of guidance perhaps.

    In’lakesh Talín 12 kej 💙

    Liked by 1 person

    • Greetings Kin – I had a similar family experience. After 9 Earth/CABAN Year is over, I feel like the answer to everything is Patience and Time. You are on your schedule for understanding. A day or two can offer some clarity. You deserve that. I give you permission to take your time. 🙂 SO WEIRD – cause mine was on Easter too – only the “Happy” didn’t come with it. LOL much love, in lak’ech, Debra (I can hold off if you can.)


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