13 Crocodile / IMIX – Ascension: Day 13



Greetings Beloved Kin,

13 Crocodile / IMIX

Tone 13 marks another Ascension to Higher Consciousness. We are changed by the Truth that mattered as our own experience. We don’t know everything, but we know how the Truth feels in Our Time and Place.

Holding our Highest Hopes on behalf of the Whole, we created a Reason to Apply the Truth on behalf of the Whole. Our Heart was opened to the Truth that we all reach for Love just t he same. Regardless how it looks, we can know how it Feels.

IMIX is the Dawn of a New Awakening. The Crocodile is the Primordial Mother that Loved us in the Womb. The Crocodile is territorial and highly protective of their young. Nourishing Life is the Duty of the Primordial Mother, sharing Divine Reasons to Live and Be. The glyph illustrates the Mother’s breast, or the jar that holds the milk.

IMIX nourishes the Heart and Mind. IMIX is the Divine Feminine – the aspects of Compassionate Love and Divine Discernment. She has a duty to ALL Life. It’s her job to raise us up to use a Mind of Reason to Choose our Heart’s Desire. The Highest Truth IMIX intends to share is that our Highest Hopes and our Highest Aspirations are the Truths of everything we were created to be. She taught us to listen for the Dream that calls to our Heart.

IMIX holds the Element of Fire, the Light of the Sunrise in the East, and the 1st Position by the Yucatec tradition, the Alpha to the Omega of Sun/AHAU.

The Divine Feminine receives the Light of Inspiration from the Divine Masculine in a form of all-possibility. The Divine Feminine Discerns the Highest Manifestation on behalf of the Whole, applying “the Heart” united as One. Only the Divine Mother sees and acknowledges the WHOLE Truth of a Life that is “her own flesh and blood.” Fathers look for the resemblance and Mothers point them out, for the highest good of the whole.

We are entering the final two uinals of the Tzolk’in round. The 11th uinal raised the frequency of our thoughts so we could hear the Higher Truth with Crystal Clarity. We saw the Highest Dream depends on the Light that’s shared between us. Through the Sacred Offering the Light of Truth is magnified through the Heart, and One Heart that Knows is a Light of Understanding that will shine through the darkness. In the 12th uinal we hold the Wisdom to Apply the Love of our Highest Hopes to the Creator’s Highest Aspirations for the Whole. We will claim a Divine Promise is True when our Heart Knows the Truth by our own Experience.


Our Ascension is an Initiation to the Truth of a Mystery. Every Ascension holds a new 20/20 of Hindsight. By a Higher Understanding we know the Truth will never be Unseen again. Tone 13 holds the Feeling of wanting to try again, or to start something new, “knowing now, when we didn’t know then.”

13 IMIX is an Ascension of a New Dream for Life. Like a Divine Commencement ceremony, we know our old school life is over and now we hold the Freedom and the Wisdom to claim our place in the world. Our Higher Ground is the Truth of Beauty that was the Reason from the beginning.

IMIX is the Mother of Innovation. She shares the “wild ideas” from the Heart of Sky. She initiates the First Questions of Consciousness that brings the Mystery to Life. IMIX is a mentally active day with wild ideas coming as random thought that are out of order. They are all bright ideas, though none are complete, and one doesn’t appear to have anything to do with the other. They ALL shine a Light of Possibility. We want to reach for the first one we see. That’s when IMIX teaches us about Divine Discernment. IMIX is observed as a day to offer prayers for Good Sense and Reason. There’s a lot of wild ideas we hold the talent to create. IMIX makes us conscious of the whole bag of tricks. And, she makes sure we know that the Wild Idea we love the most will manifest a Creation of Divine Genius.

IMIX shares the Truth from the Beginning. “Good things come to those who wait.” And, “Time reveals the Truth of All things.”

In the USA we celebrate Labor Day the Monday after the first weekend in September. It’s a day to remember those who perform the work of labor for a living. Work can be “blood, sweat, and tears” without a Divine Meaning and Purpose. 13 IMIX is the Answer to a Divine Prayer for a Witness that could see Beauty and Feel the Truth of Love – the Light shared from a Divine Perspective. 13 is the symbol of theurgy, the power given to Human to call upon Divine Intervention through our rituals and sacred ceremonies. Prayers of Movement raise the Sound of our Vibration. By the Law of Cause and Affect, we raise the Sound of the Voice that Answers every prayer. We know the Offering for the Whole is the best gift we could bring.

Today we celebrate a Divine Inheritance of Knowing – knowing EVERY One was given an equal spark of the All-in-One. We were given the Vision of Beauty so the One Above could capture our attention by the smallest details. Just like the Supreme Creator, our Heart would long for someone else to see it too.

Pay attention to your wild ideas. Notice what you were thinking about when it happened. Did the wild idea interrupt another train of thought? There’s something clearly different about our thoughts of Divine Inspiration under days guided by IMIX. They are mystery-revealing or mystery-creating dreams that spark the Desire to Know. The Dawn of our Awakening always shares something we Want Time to figure out.

To all my relations, may we give thanks for Gifts to our Human Mind that can turn our attention back to our own Life and the Dreams we hold within. We were born to Create New Life, and to Live the Human Life all the way to the End to know there are other Divine Ways to Know Love.

Through the Application of Wisdom, we could learn to Love the Truth – especially, when we Know the Highest Truth is Expressed by the Beauty given for the Whole to Know on Mother Earth.

May we Remember the Power of an Offering and Celebrate the Truth of Answered Prayers.

much love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Spirit, 9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful we can call upon the One Above for All the Truth of Love we need to know.

Complete Restoration | Spiritual Ascension | 5th Dimension | Merkaba Activation | 528 hz



Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Offering/MULUC trecena.


13 Crocodile/IMIX (Cherokee, Turtle/ DAK’SI  I’SB)

Galactic Tone 13: Ascension; Thirteen assists us to go to the next higher step, propels us to try something new or to try again. Thirteen energy takes us over the next mountain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort. Thirteen is a number associated with the Ascended Masters, creation, expansion, and manifestation. (Ian)

Crocodile/IMIX: Crocodile receives messages of primal creative force; simply the beginning of all things. Crocodiles who follow their hearts are seen as genius. There is no order to the primal messages, so Crocodile persons should direct their energies toward practical and cooperative efforts to bring productive results. Crocodiles have a strong nurturing energy and will work hard to provide security to family and friends. Being extremely territorial, Crocodiles must watch not to be over protective or too dominating. While in these states, Crocodiles are insecure, indecisive and emotionally volatile. (Ian)

Cherokee Turtle/ DAK’SI  I’SB:  Symbol, Turtle Island. Direction East. The Turtle Constellation Orion, one of three stars in the Cosmic Egg. In Mayan is the Cosmic Hearth.  Energy of Creative force at the one-on-one, personal level; dawn, awakening, birth. The beginning of each new era, this star in Orion appears with the rising Sun, heralding the creation of a new World cycle. TOTEM Imix/Dragon – Energy to understand all things sacred. Creation energy, connection for visions to learn the mysteries of the Universal knowledge. The dragon carries the source energy of life, revered in ancient cultures for power and wisdom.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. Debra]

How is your Spiritual Path today?

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