Tag Archive | spectacular electromagnetic displays

A Highest Dream: The Perspective of Time (10 Road/EB)

Truth from the Beginning to the End

10 Road/EB, Cherokee, Rattlesnake Tooth/Kanu’ga, Destiny Kin 192, Position 12
June 13, 2024, 06/13/2024

10 Road / EB

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Road/EB represents Human’s Consciousness of Time. We were born to Create the past, present, and future as it was Ordered by the Lord of Creation. From the chaos of “All Time” the union between the Heart of Sky and the Heart of Earth manifested the perpetual motion that creates the experience of Time that follows a Divine Order.

All living things were given a biological clock that responds by the minute to the Hours of Light, and the Angles of Light by the Seasons and the Years. By indigenous tradition, the Sun is the Way Station for all the Light in the Universe. The Sun is the most powerful attraction of Light in Earth’s Solar system. The Energy of Light is drawn from the Stars to the Heart of Sky. Every Breath of Air includes the Element of Hydrogen delivered to Earth’s atmosphere through the Solar Winds. If this is the Truth, the possibility exists that planetary orbits and stationary stars are the “winding roads” of Time Eternal that Powers the Sun’s Explosions of Light.

The migration of the Monarch Butterfly is a calendar written within the DNA. It takes 4 generations to complete their “Road.” Within the Seed of their Creation is the Time uniquely ordered from the first to the last.

Number 4 is a symbol of Stability, symbolizing the Truth that is seen when we Look to See from 4 different but equal angles. Number 4 is a symbol associated with Time, repeated through the Seasons as the 4 fundamental experiences of Life on Earth. In the first 4 years of our life mark the milestone when we can stand, walk, run, climb, speak our mind, and express our Identity.

Children are designed to be a thing of Beauty at 4 years old. Under loving conditions we have a lot to say and we love our Voice. We spoke the Truth of “pure Spirit.” That’s a Major Life Change of monumental proportions from the Day we were born. If it was the Truth before, the Truth is just the same here and now. Following the Truth we know in our Heart, we can be transformed by leaps and bounds of monumental proportions. Following a Divine Order of Intensions “Born of Light” we can experience the ever expanding transformation of the Divine Design. Our Highest Consciousness is the Wisdom born through Human’s journey through Time. Time is the Light of Truth hidden in plain sight.

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Two heads are better than one, especially when God is One

Auroras. The most colorful i’ve ever seen! Taken by Sebastian Sainio on September 25, 2023 @ Svedjehamn, Finland, Spaceweather.com Aurora Gallery

The Cherokee Rattlesnake Tooth is a symbol of Divine Healing:
Cherokee, Rattlesnake Tooth/Kanu’ga: Symbol is Rainbow, a delicate display of electromagnetic rays of the SUN.

10 Road / EB

Greetings Beloved Kin,

I remember a Dream when family was “all for one and one for all.” It may only have been a fantasy, but it was a Dream worth remembering.

I remember when it was cool to wear matching shirts, even if it was square. I remember a show called “Dynasty” when the strength of the whole defined a family of unlimited possibilities.

The strength of family relied on everyone being different, for all the different strengths that could be combined as one. Family was once “the greatest legacy.”

I’m standing on the Truth that the Highest Patriarch of a Divine Family, knows everything. And, if there’s a way to Heal the wounds we bear, a Divine Father knows how.

Road/EB is a day to honor Humanity, a geneology that goes back to the very beginning of all Time. Tone 10 is a reflection of Two Hands – One Above, and One Below.

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10 Road / EB – Creating a Higher Dream: Day 10 of 13

“Way to my destiny,” Photographer: Ashok Manjanath, Source: Artburt.com

Divine Love changes everything.

10 Road/EB, Cherokee, Rattlesnake Tooth/Kanu’ga, Destiny Kin 192, Position 12
September 27, 2023, 09/27/2023

10 Road / EB

Greetings Beloved Kin,

The Initiation of the Mayan priestess completed a Divine Union between the Heart of Earth and the Heart of Sky. We were raised to Holy Ground by a Commitment of Unconditional Love. Love is an end in itself that manifests the Beauty of a moment we Dream could last forever.

Road/EB is the Sacred Road of Time, a symbol of the Calendar of Human, a way of Divine Order. EB holds position 12, a symbol of Human as the 12 tribes, the 12 disciples, and the 12 constellations. 12 also symbolizes the potential for Human to rise beyond our limitations to become the 13, the Answer to the Prayer that was written in the Human Seed.

The Love we dreamed we could share is the Life of our Dreams when we claim an Only One who is invested to the nth degree to be with us all the way. It’s not impossible in our Dreams. The Creator promised an end beyond the limits of our imagination.

Manifestation always presents a challenge. To manifest our Dreams we have to claim they are the Truth in the Here and Now.

The Road/EB glyph illustrates the “road” on Human’s head. In the end, we are defined by all the choices we make. On either side of the road are the milestones of Truth that change the course of our destiny. 10 Road/EB is a Time for a change we will remember. The Cherokee Rattlesnake Tooth was an implement used by the shaman to break the skin where the Medicine of Spirit would be applied. It left a mark to remember when a Divine Healing was promised from Above.

Master Number 10:10
Number 10 is the symbol of Manifestation of the One from the whole investment of 9 in the lower place. Symbols are magnified by repetition. 10 Road/EB is the 10th Tone of the 10th uinal by a Divine Order of  Time.

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