6 Sun / AHAU – Vision of the Future: Day 6 of 13



6 Sun / AHAU

Greetings Kin,

Tone 6 holds the Intention of Flow. Tone 6 shares the Peak Energy of Momentum, manifested by a Rhythm and Pattern of Movement. The more we keep turning back to a Truth of Divine Possibility, the more it becomes second nature. Tone 6 represents our inherent thoughts of creation in the 6th hour of light. We put a system in place so the work can flow. When we do, we see a higher end.

Tone 6 engages the force of a “great athlete.” When we see a greater possibility than we expected, we totally invest our self to see just how far we can go. Movement becomes an Expression and the Art of a Dream.

Sun/AHAU is the Lord of Time. AHAU is the Guardian of every uinal that “completes” a Higher Intention. 13 AHAU is the Guardian of the Tzolk’in round, promising a Divine Illumination as the Answer to a Prayer for the Life of the Whole. AHAU connects us to the Light and  Wisdom of ALL Time – the  Consciousness of a Divine Creator,  and the Wisdom of Humanity, aligned as a  Trinity Above.

6 Sun/AHAU guides us to the Truth that Time is meant to Flow, like Water under the bridge. One moment is here, never to be seen in exactly the same way again. Yet it’s all One and the Same Design of expanding Consciousness, seen from an unlimited number of different Times and Places. The Flow will carry us to our Divine End,

Sun/AHAU always brings a Revelation about our Self. The Sun is our Brightest Sign in the Sky of the possibilities of Life, Love, and Happiness to Grow.

A Higher Intention of Understanding is completed by 6 Sun/AHAU. The 12 is the symbol of Humanity and the Intention of Understanding. Sun/AHAU “holds” the Element of Earth, relating to tangible experience and the Truth we know through our Relationships with one another and the Natural World. Disassociated pieces and parts of our experience come together to for a new and functioning whole. Today Truth is take to heart like Common Sense.


Peak Tone 6, guided by AHAU is the call to follow our own Heart and Soul. The Peak Energy of 6 is compared to a great athlete that’s practiced all the steps, and is now engaged in the race to the finish line. This is a day to invest the Power of ALL our Faith to Believe into one last push to Higher Ground. The Truth we comprehend will be the limit that we can believe.

Sun/AHAU is the Master of ALL things. A Supreme Lord of Creation knows how everything works. Time is a creation and the Creator knows how it works, when and where to apply it for a Divine Purpose. Some Truths are more meaningful in one time or place than another. Sun/AHAU marks the Time and Place when we are meant to see Truth that’s hidden in the shadows like it’s been there all along in plain sight.

AHAU represents the Omega, the all-in-one and sum of the whole. The Cherokee Day Sign is the Flower whose face follows the Sun across the sky. The way to our Divine future is following God’s Light.

To all my relations, may we give thanks for the Divine Illumination of Understanding.

Grandmothers, Grandfathers of the South. Thank you for the Beauty you left behind. Help us carry on the Dream in a good and worthy way.

May we give thanks for all the Beauty of Life on Earth that was God’s Gift for us to see. May we give thanks we were born to turn to the Light.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Eagle/MEN trecena.


6 Sun/AHAU (Cherokee, Flower/GUN’TSI)

Galactic Tone 6: Six is responsiveness and the art of negotiation. It is the movement of volume through space that creates time. This energy in action is like the art of dance or a great athlete in motion. Six facilitates dynamic developments in all aspects of life.

Sun/AHAU: Day of the ancestors and connection to their guidance. The divine face of the sun – lord, musician, singer, dancer, and marksman. Suns are artistic, heroic athletes, visionaries with wise judgment who lead and defend the people. So much is expected from themselves and by other people that unfulfilled expectations are a certainty. An accumulation of these disappointments may lead Sun to evade responsibilities, not accept corrections and even build resentment and disdain towards others. Suns should simplify their lives to be able to rise and shine with unconditional love once again.

Cherokee, Flower/GUN’TSI EK: Symbol is the Sun, place of abode of Great Spirit. The Sun creates, nurtures, and is the super communicator, the way station that relays messages and energy from other stars in the galaxy; provides energy for channeling information from the Ancestors; speaking the Living Language of Light, which ignites the consciousness in others. Gold is the color of courage and opportunity of wealth. Creative arts, master craftsman expressing divinity and wisdom through their creations. The face of the flower follows the Sun gathering the fire of creativity, illuminating harmony and balance, resonating peace and continuity within the human spirit. This is the Sign of the Chalice of the Infinite, Caldron of Creation.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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