An Illumination: The Power of Truth (7 Wind/IK)

The Authority of the Truth

7 Wind/IK (eek), Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA, Destiny Kin 202, Position 2
June 23, 2023, 06/23/2023

7 Wind / IK

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Wind/IK represents the Creator’s Authority as the First and Last Word. The Creator’s Word is the Truth from the Alpha to the Omega. The Element of Air is the medium through which the Creator holds the ultimate power to disseminate communications of all kinds. The Word of the Creator is “Truth.”

Huracan was the Name that reflected the Power of the Creator as the ultimate Authority. An omnipotent Creator is the One and Only Source that knows the Truth of everything.

John 1:1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

God is the One witness to every moment. Beyond the Truth that is Seen and Heard, God knows the Reason for every Word that is spoken. The Truth is the Power compared to a Hurricane as an “Act of God.” God’s Word can change the landscape of our Lives. The Element of Air relates to Human’s faculty of Discernment and Consciousness. Air is the most critical Element for life. We can survive without food or water. We can only live for about 3 minutes after our final breath.  The Word holds the power to change our mind, the Source of Human’s discernment of Reality.

Wind/IK is the Breath of Life and the Breath of Spirit. We can rely on the Truth we know as the Word of God. We Know the Truth when we hear it. The Truth answers every lingering question when it speaks for itself.


Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart”

Human words don’t hold the Power to convey Truth as the “final word.” Truth is a Light that can only be shared from Above. We’re reminded to turn to the Source to know the Truth that stands forever. Huracan is the “one-legged god.” The One Truth we can count on is Love. Words of Love are proven by the condition of our Heart, known by the Creator.

Humans often say one thing that means another. We can say “I Love You” and it won’t mean a thing if it’s not the Truth in our Heart. We know. We just don’t know we know, but we Can. If there’s a question, it’s not the whole Truth. There are lots of reasons we say, “I Love You.” The author of lies uses those words to use Love to get what the Ego wants that is conditional upon the Truth of Love. We don’t share the Truth in our heart with everyone. The evil one uses the Truth of our Heart against us to create suffering and sorrow. We lose hope and trust in one another when the intimate Truth we shared from the heart is used against us. Love is the Truth our heart is  always reaching to know.

Peak Tone 7 is the end of Human’s climb to the top of the pyramid. At the pinnacle of Human Consciousness we can see the Truth all around, to the limits of Human’s field of vision. Tone 7 is the halfway point in the 13 Tones of creation as 7 days and 6 nights. Wisdom is the application of Truth to know we still don’t know everything. From Tone 8 forward, the Creator shares the Truth that was  hidden behind the scenes as the Day of Justice, the Creator’s measure of the Truth to create the Balance of Cause and Effect.

Even a lie can represent the Truth of Love. “White lies” are employed by Human for the intention of sparing another from Truth we may not want to know. When we ask, “do these clothes make me look fat?” We’re really asking, “am I beautiful, in your eyes?” We should think twice about asking for the Truth unless we REALLY want to know. Love makes a difference when we share the Truth. We COULD speak the Truth, “You’re always beautiful to me. The Truth that matters is how you see yourself.” There’s always a way to share the Truth as a blessing, if we take the Time to think before we speak. Lies are the easy way out, when we think no one will know. We DO know, whether we know it or not. We’ve witnessed the Truth of our own experience all along.

Truth is always a breath of fresh air. When we know someone willing to go out on a limb to share a Truth from the heart, whether we like it or not, we Know the Truth of their Integrity.

Wind is the Breath of Life and the Breath of Spirit. We thrive on the Truth. When we resolve the Truth, we always know the “next step” forward. We hold the power to rise above “Love that isn’t the Truth” when we Know a Source of Love that never ends. God’s Love is the Highest Example of everything that Love was created to be.

On Tone 7, we see “all that is” and “all that is not” the Truth. The top of the pyramid was  the place for the “sacrifice of the Heart.” It hurts to let go of a Dream of Love. God can change our mind and our Willingness to Know the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

On Tone 7 we put our Heart on the line. The best we can offer as “our Truth” is the way things “appear to be.” Truth hasn’t reached its end until the Creator shares the whole picture. In the “reflection of the Truth” the stairs that descend, continue to ascend beyond the limits of Human discernment. The Time is ordered for a Leap of Faith, knowing God will share the Truth when it’s the perfect Time to know.

With every Truth that dawns on us, we look back to our own experience to find we witnessed the Truth. “What it means” didn’t make sense before we knew the Truth. Now that we do know, all the pieces are drawn together. We even know why we didn’t see the Truth. We were hoping we were wrong.

The Truth always matters. Every experience matters when we use it for the discernment of the Divine Truth. The Truth may hurt, but we’re always glad to know.  The Truth leads us on in our search for Love.

Today, we can see Truth in a way we didn’t see it before. Truth is the Beauty of Love shared by Hearts that have been opened. Love in the Balance is the place where sharing the Truth always leads to a Divine End. The Power of the Creator’s Word always brings us to our knees in Humility. Love is Human’s most humble offering, when the Heart of another is acknowledged as a treasure of God, worthy to know the whole story.

The Elders say that whenever the Wind catches your attention, Listen for the Truth of God. Stop to think what was on your mind. The Wind can share the fragrance of a rose that makes us stop “to smell the roses.” A gust of  Wind can turn us from one thought to another. The Wind is the Unseen Presence of “God with us.” The end of God’s Truth is always Love. When we are humbled to share the Truth, God will always see and acknowledge us as a “good and faithful servant.”

Matthew 25:21
“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.'”

We can share ANYTHING with the Creator when the Intention is to find a way to Love and Forgive. The Lord hates evil too. Our war isn’t with another Human Being but with the principalities of darkness that have taken over as a stronghold of thought.

The Divine Truth in our Heart is that we DO love one another. An “Act of God” can prove it. When a hurricane changes the landscape of our life, we forget our differences. There is no discrimination when we run to save another. It’s our Divine Nature to Love, beyond all Human reasons we chose not to Love.

7 Wind/IK marks a life-changing moment of Truth. If we’re willing to know. Seek the Truth and you will know.

Matthew 7:7-12 – Ask, Seek, Knock
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

When the question of Love is finally answered, our mind can be turned to the Beauty of Creation. Truth and wisdom are magnified by the Light of Love.

The “T” shown on the glyph of Wind represents the Tree of Life, the axis mundi of a Channel that connects the Light of Truth with the Darkness below. “Te” is a Sacred Word to the Maya, as the Sound of the Breath of  Creation. The “T” portals carved in stone, magnified the  Sound of  the Wind, and directed the Eyes to See.

This is the “Word’s Day.” God is the Witness that covers our Heart and opens our Mind to Know the Truth will be spoken in the end. The Truth stands in the eye of every storm.

The Yod is a symbol of the Divine Truth that is known when it is spoken. The Truth can’t be changed, no matter what we say. The Egyptian letter “J” represents the 10th letter, the Creator’s number. The Serpent is the symbol of Divine Illumination, the same as the Feathered Serpent, Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl, the Light that descends from Above.

The Creator’s Truth is the “writing on the wall.”

Daniel 5:1-5
5 King Belshazzar gave a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine with them. 2 While Belshazzar was drinking his wine, he gave orders to bring in the gold and silver goblets that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple in Jerusalem, so that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines might drink from them. 3 So they brought in the gold goblets that had been taken from the temple of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines drank from them. 4 As they drank the wine, they praised the gods of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone.

5 Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote.

The end is swift and sure for those who use “God’s Truth” in vain to carry out a Human end.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful that when we Hear the Truth, we Know it’s the Truth and no human words can change it.

The Wisdom of the Truth

Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle’s Message to Humanity

Also available in: FrenchItalianGerman

′′This moment humanity is experiencing can be seen as a door or a hole. The decision to fall in the hole or walk through the door is up to you. If you consume the news 24 hours a day, with negative energy, constantly nervous, with pessimism, you will fall into this hole.

But if you take the opportunity to look at yourself, to rethink life and death, to take care of yourself and others, then you will walk through the portal.

Take care of your home, take care of your body. Connect with your spiritual home. When you take care of yourself, you take care of everyone at the same time.

Do not underestimate the spiritual dimension of this crisis. Take the perspective of an eagle that sees everything from above with a broader view. There is a social question in this crisis, but also a spiritual question. The two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension we fall into fanaticism. Without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and futility.

Are you ready to face this crisis. Grab your toolbox and use all the tools at your disposal.

Learn resistance from the example of Indian and African peoples: we have been and are exterminated. But we never stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire and rejoicing.

Don’t feel guilty for feeling blessed in these troubled times. Being sad or angry doesn’t help at all. Resistance is resistance through joy! You have the right to be strong and positive. And there’s no other way to do it than to maintain a beautiful, happy, bright posture. Has nothing to do with alienation (ignorance of the world). It’s a resistance strategy.

When we cross the threshold, we have a new worldview because we faced our fears and difficulties. This is all you can do now:
– Serenity in the storm
– Keep calm, pray everyday
– Make a habit of meeting the sacred everyday.

Show resistance through art, joy, trust and love.”

~ Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle, July 9th 2021


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

NEW SEASON: 1 Wisdom/CIB begins the 4th Season of the Tzolk’in – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: You can also look at dates from a different direction. What is the Destiny Kin number of your day sign’s 3rd tone? You may have overlooked a life-changing day. Use the Kin Calculator offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page for a date six years before or after. If you are just starting to count the days and don’t have a journal from the last round, when something major happens in your life you can look to see if there was a major event on that same date before. You can also look for Signs in the “distance of time” – the number of days between one 13 Eagle/MEN (Cherokee, Eagle/UWO’HATLI)Calculator linked on the resources page. Example – 33 days is a symbol of a day that you actualize the Truth from the beginning date.

7 Wind/IK (Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA) – Day 7 of 13 of the 1 Wisdom/CIB trecena

Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Sun/AHAU – Ian’s final dream was to serve among the Legion of Light  to share the Wisdom of the Truth.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom and Tzolk’in calculator preserved on

Galactic Tone 7: Reflective. Seven stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and to reflect all that is and is not. Seven is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. With a keen sense of ethics, Seven establishes purpose to current and future goals.

Wind/IK: Breath of Spirit, breath of life. Winds embody the power of dissemination and planting of good seeds or ideas. Dreamers and planners with powerful imaginations, Wind persons make great orators and they spread the word of spiritual inspiration as it is carried by the wind. Wind is the power behind the movement of natural cycles such as weather, erosion, and cultural change. As the wind, these persons are extremely changeable and adaptable. They may appear inconsistent or fickle to others. Wind can be destructive to self and others by putting on airs. When Winds strut and boast, expanding on facts and accomplishments, they are building the dark clouds of trouble that may become hurricanes.

A GOOD DAY TO: Send Communications of all kinds. 

Cherokee, Whirlwind/AGALU’GA: Whirlwind’s symbol is a double spiral helix in rising smoke. Wind brings energy for an Inquiring mind, learning and wisdom. In Cherokee, the constellations are represented by 12 birds (dancers), the 13th bird is the Whirlwind, the lead dancer. This reflects the whirling of life. Wind is the breath of the Universe (matching the Mayan symbol) channel of communication and carries the Sacred Smoke to the Great Spirit (Source- Hunab Ku in Mayan); matches the pulse of the breath of the Cosmos.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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