Tag Archive | Fall equinox 2023 september 23

A Higher Dream: The Momentum of Love (6 Star/LAMAT)

UXMAL, The Pyramid of the Magician rises 90.5 feet (27.6 metres) in three concentric sections. At its base it measures about 227 by 162 feet (69 by 49 metres). The 90 steps leading to the top are very steep, resulting in a 60 degree slope. The Western staircase faces the setting sun on the Summer Solstice. The Temple door aligns with the setting sun on April 12 and August 31, which are important dates for tracking the sun’s zenith on the Mayan calendar. The elliptical base reflects Earth’s orbit. (Sources: Wikipedia, Britannica, “Uxmal Pyramid of the Magician”)

A Synchronicity of Time: An Elliptical Alignment with the Sun

6 Star/LAMAT,  Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA, Destiny Kin 188, Position 8
June 9, 2024, 06/09/2024; Last Round: September 23, 2023, 09/23/2023

6 Star / LAMAT

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Star/LAMAT is the symbol of the Scion. Represented by Venus, LAMAT is the Light that shines from the Heart of the 4 directions, as illustrated on the glyph. The “star” at the center also reflects the shape of the hole made in the ground for the planting of the Light of Humanity.

Venus is a symbol of the Light of Synchronicity. When Venus transits the Sun, all the Mayan calendars are aligned in a moment of Perfect Time. 6 Star/LAMAT is the “perfect time” for an alignment of Heart and Mind.

June 12, 2024, the Holy Day, 9 Monkey/CHUEN (Destiny Kin 191, Position 11) is the Tzolk’in calendar’s closest alignment with the Summer Solstice until some time after 2040. The next closest alignment is 06/06/2029.

The Rabbit is LAMAT’s totem animal, a cauldron of Creation with the Power of Instant Manifestation. LAMAT is the “Day of pure luck” when whatever we focus on as the “object of our Highest Affection” is multiplied to abundance. LAMAT holds Position 8, the symbol of Life and Love in Abundance, multiplied to infinity.

Our “luck” depends on the focus of our attention. In the Night/AKBAL trecena of the Creator’s Dream for Humanity, guides the Intention to be guided by the Voice of Light that shines within. Through the “earth magic” of Gratitude, we hold the potential to Create the Beauty of Love for All Time.

Philippians 4:8  (KJV)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

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SPACEWEATHER NEWS: Osiris RX Spacecraft Makes a Special Delivery

SPACEWEATHER.COM NEWS: 09/23/2023 – Path of Osiris delivery



OSIRIS-REX RETURN CAPSULE–NAKED-EYE VISIBILITY? This weekend, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will fly by Earth and drop off a sample of asteroid Bennu for researchers to the study. The return capsule will enter Earth’s atmosphere on Sunday morning, Sept. 24, at 7:42 a.m. PDT. Traveling about 27,650 mph, it will streak across Nevada before parachuting to Earth in the Utah desert.

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Receiving the Light of the 2023 Fall Equinox

Living Sunshine, American Goldfinch - Allow the light to come to you

2023 Fall Equinox: Sign for the future

2023 Fall Equinox, the Descending Light of Divine Spirit

This is Time ordered to Let Go and go with the Flow of Spirit. It’s not our place to know the Minute or the Hour for a Miracle of Divine Inspiration.

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6 Star / LAMAT – Creating a Higher Dream: Day 6 of 13

El Castillo, the calendar pyramid and temple to Kulkulkan/Quetzalcoatl, Chichen Itza – Light descends as a Feeling of Knowing the Truth – Source: Royal Resorts 

2023 Fall Equinox, the Descending Light of Kulkulkan

6 Star/LAMAT,  Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA, Destiny Kin 188, Position 8
September 23, 2023, 09/23/2023

6 Star / LAMAT

Greetings Beloved Kin,

In this round of the Tzolk’in count the 2023 Fall Equinox and descent of the Light of the Feathered Serpent falls on Star/LAMAT, the Day sign that represents the symbol of the Scion. Human was created to be the Personification of the Lord of all Creation.

The glyph marks the 4 directions to represent the Creator’s Highest Intention for us to shine our light equally in all directions. The image that looks like a Star also reflects the shape of the hole that was created to plant the Seed of Corn. The implement used for planting was drawn North to South, East to West.

LAMAT’s totem is the Rabbit, a cauldron of creation, sexuality, and reproduction that symbolizes Instant Manifestation. LAMAT is the “lucky day” when whatever we focus on as the object of our affection will be multiplied to abundance. LAMAT holds position 8, the symbol of Life, Love, and Abundance to Infinity.

We are guided by LAMAT to turn our thoughts to “what we want” – and to turn thoughts away from “what we don’t want.” The Earth reflects the Light of its axis mundi on the Equinox. The light of the Equinox presents the Earth’s axis mundi, when the forces of light and dark are equal.

Autumn officially began at 2:50 a.m. EDT on Saturday (Sept. 23). The light descends the stairs of El Castillo during the zenith hour, Central Time in Chichen Itza.

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