6 Star / LAMAT – Creating a Higher Dream: Day 6 of 13

El Castillo, the calendar pyramid and temple to Kulkulkan/Quetzalcoatl, Chichen Itza – Light descends as a Feeling of Knowing the Truth – Source: Royal Resorts 

2023 Fall Equinox, the Descending Light of Kulkulkan

6 Star/LAMAT,  Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA, Destiny Kin 188, Position 8
September 23, 2023, 09/23/2023

6 Star / LAMAT

Greetings Beloved Kin,

In this round of the Tzolk’in count the 2023 Fall Equinox and descent of the Light of the Feathered Serpent falls on Star/LAMAT, the Day sign that represents the symbol of the Scion. Human was created to be the Personification of the Lord of all Creation.

The glyph marks the 4 directions to represent the Creator’s Highest Intention for us to shine our light equally in all directions. The image that looks like a Star also reflects the shape of the hole that was created to plant the Seed of Corn. The implement used for planting was drawn North to South, East to West.

LAMAT’s totem is the Rabbit, a cauldron of creation, sexuality, and reproduction that symbolizes Instant Manifestation. LAMAT is the “lucky day” when whatever we focus on as the object of our affection will be multiplied to abundance. LAMAT holds position 8, the symbol of Life, Love, and Abundance to Infinity.

We are guided by LAMAT to turn our thoughts to “what we want” – and to turn thoughts away from “what we don’t want.” The Earth reflects the Light of its axis mundi on the Equinox. The light of the Equinox presents the Earth’s axis mundi, when the forces of light and dark are equal.

Autumn officially began at 2:50 a.m. EDT on Saturday (Sept. 23). The light descends the stairs of El Castillo during the zenith hour, Central Time in Chichen Itza.


Space.com explains how equal hours of dark and light are not necessarily so. What is more significant is that the line of termination between light and dark “stands straight up and down” on the day of the equinox. Space.com: Autumnal equinox 2023 

Star/LAMAT is symbolized by Venus, the Morning and Evening Star that shines in the darkness and the light. Venus was the Maya’s reference for Divine Timing. When Venus transits the Sun the Mayan calendars that make up the Long Count, including the Earth’s vague-year count, are perfectly synchronized.

On our climb to the pinnacle of Earth’s union with the Heart of Sky, we’re in perfect alignment to reach toward the Light Above. When we make the Creator the object of our Highest Affection, the Light of our Love will shine equally all around. Through a prayer for Divine Will, we offer our Sacred Right of Choice into the hands of Divine Agency, so the Creator’s Divine Will SHALL be.

Tone 6 raises the Intention of Flow. Tone 6 represents the Unseen Force of Momentum that is created from a rhythm and pattern of movement. Our Common thought in the 6th hour of Light is to manifest a system for creation, repeating patterns of movement that accelerate “the work” of Creation. Our repeating pattern of Divine Trinity is carried out as we keep on turning from the Darkness to the Light. We are perfectly positioned at the Equinox for our Highest Light to be seen from Above.

The Elders said that ALL thing want to be Seen and Acknowledged. In the Creator’s Creation of perfect Balance, the Darkness and the Light exist in Harmony with the Creator’s highest meaning and purpose. It’s GOOD to know our Human limitations. The Light offers the Truth we NEED to know to maintain the Balance. The Highest Offering of a Savior on Earth is Forgiveness. To Forgive in Divine Trinity, we have to let go of all our Human Intentions. We have to leave the matters of Forgiveness and Redemption in the Hands of the Highest One. The Savior’s prayer of Salvation was, “Father forgive them.”

It may be impossible for Hearts reaching for Unconditional Love to let go of our Human hopes for Love. Love can’t be forgotten. It’s hard to let go of our last hope for Human redemption in the down-below. The Compassion from the Heart of the Scion, the wounded healer, knows “how it feels” to bear the suffering. To remain spotless and pure, we can’t wish for bad karma on anyone. We have to shine for everyone with the same Dream, our Highest Hopes and Aspirations. We can rest in peace knowing the one who measures the “sum of the whole change” with perfect vision, knows the Whole Truth that’s different for every Human Being. We don’t always fail by our own volition. Some failures are due to the influences of darkness in the world. How could we possibly measure every Human’s “reason why?”

An Elder shared the way of carrying the symbol 8 in her wallet and present on altar as a Sign of our Good Luck and Abudance to Infinity. The graphic is an offering in jpg format.

Star/LAMAT holds position 8 and this is Destiny Kin 188. 88 is the Master Number of Divine Justice.  Our “work” is letting go, not forcing our way. The symbol of the Rabbit is also doubled by the Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit. Imagine this a super-double-lucky day to let go of your Highest Dreams for something even greater.

Our climb to the top of the Pyramid of the Magician (Uxmal) for the Initiation of the Mayan priestess is the perfect union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine aspects that are within all of us. The calendar pyramid of Chichen Itza is a symbol of the Light of the Divine Masculine, created in squares. The Light that is offered from Above is the “raw element” of Inspiration that is intended to be surrendered to the Divine Feminine’s heart of Compassionate Love, for the Creation that can be conceived for the Highest Good of the Whole. In Divine Union, the Supreme Creator’s Hand holds the Power and Authority over the Universe of Creation.

To make the Full Investment from our Heart we have to suffer the pain and sorrow that still lies buried in our Heart. We have to let go of a Dream that used to be for the Higher Dream of the Creator to come True. At the same time, we have to give equal attention to the Joy that lies in the future – for all of us. That’s our Human way as the Scion to shine our Light Equally to the whole – our physical personification of the Creator’s Light of Life, Love, and Happiness.

We can find our strength to bear the rest of our climb by grounding our self to Mother Earth, while she is in her position of “almost” Perfect Balance. We can reflect on the Perfect Balance of the Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere. New Seeds are planted there for the next Harvest. The Seed is under the Hand of the Master Gardener, tended by the Light of every Sacred Day.

The question why all the pyramids on Earth are aligned with astronomical events is still a Mystery. If One Day is Sacred, every day that leads up to that day, and every day that follows is Sacred. We have to Say it’s Sacred to manifest the Truth of Light on Earth.

To all my relations, may we allow the Creator to manifest the Heart of Compassion that feels too know the suffering of Human’s “hard road” of Life. Holding Faith through the Darkness of the Unknown is the Love in Action and Movement toward the Salvation of Knowing. May we bear the  Truth of the suffering of the whole as our Offering to Give Back and Pay Forward the Light that’s shared from Above.

Star/LAMAT holds the Element of Earth. Earth and the direction South represents tangible manifestations of the Truth – that we can conceive through our Human senses as “tangible” in the realm Below. The South reflects the Creator’s intentions for Right Relationship.

We can surrender to everything it takes to leave our Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul in the Hands of One who promised to never let go. In the South the Truth of Love is Bitter by our Human limitations. The Wisdom of the Up Above (North) is applying the Truth that the end will more than Balance the Offering. It’s easy for the Ego to convince us that Divine Will is the consolation prize. The Truth is beyond our Imagination. We CAN imagine an end so Beautiful that we won’t care how long it took to Know. We can imagine the Magic of a Moment when we don’t care about the past, when all we can see is the Light of a Divine Future for Eternity. So, if we can imagine that, the Promise of the Word is Beauty far beyond that.

We don’t have to worry that we’ll forget when we set the Intention to Live with all our Heart. The moment we forget and turn to our doubts and fears, we’ll be turned right back to the Creation of Love we’ve chosen. Tone 6 is the “energy of a great athlete” – ones who compete to beat their own best time. May we stand up straight on Mother Earth to Remember the Divine Forces and the Wind at our back.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

CLIMB TO 9 MONKEY/CHUEN: Holy Day of Initiation of the Divine Feminine Mayan priestess.

Uxmal, Pyramid of the Magician

SEPTEMBER 26, 2023, 9 Monkey/CHUEN – There’s only “about 3 days” before we complete 90 steps at a 60 degree angle to reach the Pinnacle of our Climb to 9 Monkey/CHUEN. We can apply an Unkown Truth of 3, 6, 9, for our own Mystery of Creation. We can lend a Hand to the Creation through an Intention to keep reaching Higher in Faith for Knowing.

Claim every Divine Inspiration as the “first Light” of knowing. Then, watch and wait for a Greater Light of the Mystery to be Revealed. A Divine Creator shares the Idea for a Divine Conversation starter to Manifest our Masterpiece of Creation. Keep climbing beyond the limits of your Imagination. 

The glyph of Earth/CABAN illustrates the thoughts that lead to Divine Discernment.

Tracking the Mind: Time is a perspective that the Creator can only see through the eyes of a Human Being. Universal Time is always Now.

The glyph for CABAN from the Northern Yucatec tradition represents the 3 thoughts that are the ways and means to Divine Discernment of the Truth.

The first line comes from the East, representing the witness of objective consciousness to know “what it is.” The straight line of linear reason naturally turns to the faculty of our Imagination to know “what it means.” That’s where the Truth that lies beyond our imagination trails away without a Leap of Faith.

BEFORE we take a Leap of Faith, we could think more than twice about our “first impression” of “what it is.” Was your next thought the fear of a self-limiting belief? (Will I figure it out? Can I rise to the occasion? Am I about to miss my Golden Opportunity?) When we Ask the Creator to know, we’re fulfilling an Act of Faith.

We can Ask to see beyond the veil to the Beauty that is present through Universal Time in every moment. It was strange to go to bed without knowing when I’d publish for the Fall Equinox. I let it be in Divine Order.

Tesla’s Secret to know the Universe was found in 3, 6, and 9. A “second thought” we could consider for the discernment of “what it means” is “what do I want it to mean?” Then, “the reason why.”

There are more than one Rising Circle of thought. The Circles represent the Divine Truth that is beyond Human’s illusion of Reality. We could think more than once about our “first Light.” Intention is the Force of Spirit’s Movement. We can accelerate the climb through an Unseen Force of Momentum. Small steps can propel us beyond their ordinary force of gravity. Number 6 is the power of 3 x 2, an exponential expression that’s equal to 3 + 3.

The Truth YOU know is worthy as the perfect day of an unfolding. A repetitive force of movement magnifies the Force of Momentum. Peak Tone 6 is an effort of “the work” that is raised as our “greatest performance.” ALLOW Divine Inspiration to “come to you” by the Creator’s Time.  All we have to do is  Ask to Know.

852hz Brow Chakra – TO SEE
852 Hz – LET GO of Fear, Overthinking & Worries | Cleanse Destructive Energy | Awakening Intuition

THE TRECENA OF NIGHT/AKBAL: A Higher Dream we Know is Meant to come True

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: You can also look at dates from a different direction. What is the Destiny Kin number of your day sign’s 3rd tone? You may have overlooked a life-changing day. Use the Kin Calculator offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page for a date six years before or after. If you are just starting to count the days and don’t have a journal from the last round, when something major happens in your life you can look to see if there was a major event on that same date before. You can also look for Signs in the “distance of time” – the number of days between one day and another, from the Time and Date Calculator linked on the resources page. Example – 33 days is a symbol of a day that you actualize the Truth from the beginning date.

6 Star/LAMAT (Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA), Kin 188, Position 8  – Day 6 of 13 of the 1 Night/AKBAL trecena.

Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Sun/AHAU – Serving among the legion of light above.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom preserved on MayanMajix.com

Galactic Tone 6: Flow. Six is responsiveness, and the art of negotiation. It is the movement of volume through space that creates time. This energy in action is like the art of dance or a great athlete in motion. Six facilitates dynamic developments in all aspects of life.

Star/LAMAT: Star energy is multiplication of all things to abundance. Star has been associated with the fertility of rabbits for its ability to multiply. As each sun in the sky, Star persons shine equally in all directions. This natural tendency of harmony and balance can become compulsion, motivating Star to be too agreeable and too generous, rejected gifts cause fear and resentment. When a Star believes it has been given too much, they are weakened or may even collapse. In this “Black Hole” state, Stars are prone to verbal jousting and arguing to force their point of view on everyone.

A GOOD DAY TO: Ask for Abundance in all relations. 

Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA: Symbol-Venus, The Morning Star cycle of 260 days and Evening Star cycle of another 260 days, inspired the 13 numbers, 20 Day sign Sacred Calendar.  Rabbit is the Trickster of Cherokee culture, matching the Coyote in other nations.  The personification of Light and New Life, Sunrise, the scion of the Moon-Father of earth children, the Rabbit is fertility, be fruitful and multiply.  Represents softness, gentleness and vulnerability. LAMAT– Totem Rabbit.  Energies of re-birth, regeneration, ripening, harvest and abundance.  This person is overflowing with love energy in all areas of life.  Spiritual growth is natural and with ease due to the unconditional love energy that flows.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

2 thoughts on “6 Star / LAMAT – Creating a Higher Dream: Day 6 of 13

  1. Pingback: 6 Star / LAMAT – Creating a Higher Dream: Day 6 of 13 – Integrating the Spirals

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