The Clarion Call: An Ascension of Atonement (13 Offering/MULUC)

The Sacred Exchange of Love

13 Offering/MULUC (mu ‘luk), Cherokee, The River, Yun’wi Gunnahi’ta, Kin 169, Position 9
May 21, 2024, 05/21/2024

13 Offering / MULUC

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Love is completed through the Sacred Exchange. Offering/MULUC guides the way of Giving Back and Paying Forward. For every Offering the Creator promised an Atonement.

a·tone·ment (noun)
reparation for a wrong or injury.
(in religious contexts) reparation or expiation for sin.

MULUC is a symbol of the Moon, Emotions, and Water everywhere from the cosmos to our tears. The Time is ordered to honor our feelings and the feelings of the whole.

Human’s greatest wound to the heart is the experience of unrequited Love. Love was created to flow back and forth. The Truth is a promise by the Creator’s Word. Compassionate Love will always receive its Sacred Exchange. MULUC offers a Blessing of Divine Love that lasts forever. No matter how we’ve failed, the Truth of the Creator’s Love heals a broken heart.

MULUC holds the Power to Healing on a mass scale. The Creator’s Love can wipe away every tear and sorrow by the Truth that Love will receive its Just Reward. MULUC and the Moon raise our Emotions to the surface. Through the Offering of a broken heart, the Creator Sacred Exchange will always be the Answer to our Prayer.

Phases of the Moon (Source: Time and Date)

We receive the Full Light of the Sun at our back with every Full Moon. The Sun is always shining over our left-shoulder by the counterclockwise rotation of Earth’s orbit. Our Brightest Night is a reflection of the Light of our Brightest Days. The Full Moon and the New Moon raise the Spring Tides. The Highest Tide marks the turning of the tides. The MULUC glyph illustrates our Drop of Holy Water that’s raised up to receive the Light. When the tides turn, the blessing of Love and Light ripples through the whole.

From the beginning, 1 Earth/CABAN, we received the Clarion Call to live with all our Heart toward the end of Knowing the Experience of the place where we belong. “The work” was surrendering to the Truth of the Creator’s most beautiful plan of Creation. Love is the Power to Live and the Reason Life will always carry on.

Our eyes are opened to see that unrequited love is a worldly illusion. Love is always seen and never forgotten when it’s the “real thing.” Love is expanded by the Creator’s signature of Beauty. We don’t have to fall in love with a soul mate to know Love. We only have to See and Acknowledge another in their highest light to create Love. When we See and Acknowledge Love that was the Truth, we wish we could go back and share the Truth in exchange.

I’ll never forget Mr. Ramsey, an 8th grade teacher – I can’t remember the subject. He was no one’s favorite teacher that I can remember. (We were a troublesome class of goofy teenagers, hard to control over the laughter.) The 8th grade was one of my hardest years on record. On the last day of school we were all anticipating the report cards “in the mail.” I was pulling mostly D’s… the worst grades ever. I was filled with fear and at a loss for any hope in myself. In Mr. Ramsey’s parting speech he said, “A lot of students who have had a hard time in middle-school, go on to be very successful in high school.” Those words healed my broken heart and restored my Faith in the future. Over the years I’ve remembered many times how much those few words meant to me (eg. “everything is going to be okay”). I never saw him again. We Pay Love Back when we remember. When it’s too late, we can Pay It Forward. I repeated those words to young people wherever I’ve had the opportunity.

Mr. Ramsey shared the Light we needed to see in our self, after a school year of never “earning our respect.” MULUC is the Love of the “Christ Spirit” that knows how it feels and cares about us no matter how foolish and immature we can be when we’re ruled by hormones, and our emotions. I know God will deliver the message. ALL LOVE is reconciled in the Creator’s end.

There are Angels among us. They show us the way to make a sacrifice for the sake of Love. We’re growing up in the 9th uinal to see the Big Picture of Life, beyond the world to the Highest Reason for Living that matters to every one. Mr. Ramsey’s message was delivered in the last class of the day that completed the final semester, and the Wisdom of Truth was saved for the last moments.

When we Love like the Creator Loves, a Divine Signature will be written all over an experience someone will never forget. The Living sacrifice is that we may never know until the end, what the Truth was all along. Love is worthwhile in the Giving if One Person remembers us that way.

The Full Wesak Moon raises the “highest watermark of Spirit.” Our Hearts are drawn to make the “sacrifice” of sharing the Light with every living body of water. May we remember the hearts that suffer are the ones that have never been Seen or Acknowledged for the Truth that they are worthy of Love. Love isn’t intended to be a handout as we go on our way. Love is taking the time to engage another human being as an equal and listening to what they have to say. The Time has more street-value than any amount of spare change. Love is a healing touch.

We’re called to go where the Highest Tides Flow in the first 8 minutes during which the tides turn to carry a Divine Treasure back to shore. I wonder how long it takes for the tides to turn around. If I’d have to guess, I’d say about 3 and a half minutes. All “about 3’s” are the symbols of a Divine Event. MULUC holds Position 9 in the 9th uinal, “the work” that completes the whole investment from the place below.

The 9s are about the Intention to stand back at the end of a creation to see what we’ve done. What did we invest in our future? What did we accomplish for all the time we’ve experienced so far? It’s an offering of Humility to see and acknowledge the Truth of how far we can go for the Sake of Giving Back Love to the One that promised the end. 9 is the symbol of a Divine Trinity of Trinities, an Illumination like the Dragon that connects the end to the beginning.

Symbol 13:13:13
This is the 13th Tone of the 13th trecena of Earth/CABAN in the Haab Year 13 Earth/CABAN. 13 is the symbol of the Power of theurgy, Human’s power to call upon a Hand of Divine Agency through the rituals and sacred ceremonies of our prayers. We create more Sound and Light through an Act of Faith.  We remember the prayers and the Promise of an Answer. Today we are called to Count our Blessings for the tides that always turn in Love’s favor. The Energy of Ascension is the Dream of another chance to Live Again, knowing now what we wished we’d known before. Only, in God’s Army Time goes on forever.  A symbol is magnified by every repetition. There are lots of 3’s in the 9’s and 13’s, signs of a Creation that’s Finished by the Answer to a Prayer, on Earth as it is in Spirit.

I used to be sorry for friends who died before they fulfilled a dream. It’s a Blessing to have a Dream until our dying day, instead of just waiting til the end. The “Christ Spirit” holds the Power to raise us from the grave.

May we See and Acknowledge the Light of the Sun, Moon, and the Stars as Beauty that was created for us to see How Big the Picture will be the Higher we climb, and everything we can be tended by the Master’s Hand.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

AN OFFERING TO WATER: Water holds the Spirit of Humanity. This is a day to acknowledge ALL water as Holy. Offer a Blessing to the Water you drink, and Clean your Spirit with a Baptism of Living Water. Ask for Miracles of Pure, Clean  water on behalf of the whole. The Wesak Moon marks a Blessing to Water from Above. Many place a glass jar of water outside to be blessed as Holy by the Light of the Wasek Moon.  We are living vessels of Water. We can take in the Light of the Sun, Moon and Stars.

Luke 9:24 (NKJV)
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.

We reside under the Wing of the Almighty when we dedicate our Life to the Mission of Love.

I’m grateful that God’s Love is beyond measure.

Song of Mother Earth: 528Hz Frequency



Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: You can also look at dates from a different direction. What is the Destiny Kin number of your day sign’s 3rd tone? You may have overlooked a life-changing day. Use the Kin Calculator offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page for a date six years before or after. If you are just starting to count the days and don’t have a journal from the last round, when something major happens in your life you can look to see if there was a major event on that same date before. You can also look for Signs in the “distance of time” – the number of days between one day and another, from the Time and Date Calculator linked on the resources page. Example – 33 days is a symbol of a day that you actualize the Truth from the beginning date.

13 Offering/Muluc (Cherokee, The River, Yun’wi Gunnahi’ta) –  Ascension, Day 13 in the 1 Earth/CABAN trecena

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom preserved on

Galactic Tone 13: Ascension: Thirteen ssists us to go to the next higher step, propels us to try something new or to try again. Thirteen energy takes us over the next mountain just to see what is there. Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort. Thirteen is a number associated with the Ascended Masters, creation, expansion, and manifestation.

Offering/MULUC: The sign of water. Ceremonially, Maya use water as an offering in baptisms and purifications, done to bring about a collective strength, adaptability and harmony. Fluid of the cosmos to fluids in the body, Muluc offers the energy to clear all karmic debts, personally, and on a mass level with fluid and grace. Muluc is also associated with the Moon and the emotional body.

Water days are a good time to analyze your wishes and prayers and connect them to any rituals or practices you follow.

A GOOD DAY TO: Offer Appreciation for ALL of Creation.

Cherokee, The River/YUN’WI GUNNAHI’TA:  The River is symbolized by The Milky Way, the Gihli’Utsun’stanun’yi “Where the Dog Ran” to gather the souls for Heaven.  The River is the minion for Grandfather Moon.  Long Man is the personification of the River stretching from the mountains to the lowlands, speaking to those who can understand.  People of this sign find “sermons in the stones” and good in everything.  These souls march to a different drummer, driven by inner volcanic forces.  The Moon controls our fluid cycle, to clear and understand emotional issues.  When you take this step to clear the emotional body, then you are ready for transformational energies at the next level.  As humans, our actions are ruled by our emotions, the key is to understand the connection and honor the emotions.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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