A Higher Dream: The Momentum of Love (6 Star/LAMAT)

UXMAL, The Pyramid of the Magician rises 90.5 feet (27.6 metres) in three concentric sections. At its base it measures about 227 by 162 feet (69 by 49 metres). The 90 steps leading to the top are very steep, resulting in a 60 degree slope. The Western staircase faces the setting sun on the Summer Solstice. The Temple door aligns with the setting sun on April 12 and August 31, which are important dates for tracking the sun’s zenith on the Mayan calendar. The elliptical base reflects Earth’s orbit. (Sources: Wikipedia, Britannica, “Uxmal Pyramid of the Magician”)

A Synchronicity of Time: An Elliptical Alignment with the Sun

6 Star/LAMAT,  Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA, Destiny Kin 188, Position 8
June 9, 2024, 06/09/2024; Last Round: September 23, 2023, 09/23/2023

6 Star / LAMAT

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Star/LAMAT is the symbol of the Scion. Represented by Venus, LAMAT is the Light that shines from the Heart of the 4 directions, as illustrated on the glyph. The “star” at the center also reflects the shape of the hole made in the ground for the planting of the Light of Humanity.

Venus is a symbol of the Light of Synchronicity. When Venus transits the Sun, all the Mayan calendars are aligned in a moment of Perfect Time. 6 Star/LAMAT is the “perfect time” for an alignment of Heart and Mind.

June 12, 2024, the Holy Day, 9 Monkey/CHUEN (Destiny Kin 191, Position 11) is the Tzolk’in calendar’s closest alignment with the Summer Solstice until some time after 2040. The next closest alignment is 06/06/2029.

The Rabbit is LAMAT’s totem animal, a cauldron of Creation with the Power of Instant Manifestation. LAMAT is the “Day of pure luck” when whatever we focus on as the “object of our Highest Affection” is multiplied to abundance. LAMAT holds Position 8, the symbol of Life and Love in Abundance, multiplied to infinity.

Our “luck” depends on the focus of our attention. In the Night/AKBAL trecena of the Creator’s Dream for Humanity, guides the Intention to be guided by the Voice of Light that shines within. Through the “earth magic” of Gratitude, we hold the potential to Create the Beauty of Love for All Time.

Philippians 4:8  (KJV)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


Human’s highest and steepest climb began on 3 Serpent/CHICCHAN. Tone 3 is the 1st Day of Divine Trinity with the Intention of taking the first step. We were moved by the Quickening of Divine Love and the Consciousness of our Highest Hopes and Highest Aspirations. As One, we were guided to reach from the Heart to manifest the Creator’s Highest Order of Love. 6 Star/LAMAT is the halfway point, the 45th stair on the climb of 90 stairs. “You have to be there” to imagine the challenge, looking above from below.

Climbing the Pyramid of the Magician in Uxmal

Peak Tone 6 generates the Force of Momentum created from a rhythm and pattern of Movement. By the time we reach the 6th Hour of Light we create a “system of movement.” Between each step we may have rested to gather our resources in a balancing place, before we take the next step. We’ve come too far to turn back without facing defeat in the same number of steps we could carry on to reach our highest goal.

Number 6 represents a Balance of Divine Power as 3 x 2, a power of Divine Trinity Above and Below. The Creator always knows where we are in every climb and knows when we reach our Human limits of Faith. Faith is raised by the Highest One Above, to keep climbing, to carry on in our Highest Act of Faith toward the Light of a Divine tomorrow. The Creator’s Light will open our eyes to a Divine Possibility that “we still can,” in spite of our Human limits. The Wind at our back is the Truth that we are climbing for the Creator’s Highest Manifestation of Love.

We can hold the Vision of what we will See, Hear, and Feel when we’ve conquered the gravity of the world. Intentions are the Spirit’s way of Movement in the down below. It’s an invisible path, but for the Truth that is Known and Witnessed by the Heart of Sky. Tone 6 is the “first Light” of seeing the Power of Divine Trinity we engaged from the beginning.

The energy of Tone 6 is compared to the Heart of a “great athlete” who sees a Higher End than was imagined from the beginning. Now, we want to see how far and how high we could really go. The system we put in place becomes a streamlined process that turns the journey into a “Performance of the Art of the Climb.” With every step, we expand the Truth of a Divine Hand that is saving us from “the fall.”

We have to keep going. If we began the climb at Sunrise, the Zenith Light of the Sun would begin to fall on the Western stairs after Noon. Our “Fear of the Lord” drives us on for Sun’s Light on the Western stairs that will absorb the direct heat of the Day. The Creator moves us two ways. One is the “carrot and the stick” of a Blessing, the other is the “Fear of the Lord.” The Order to Love leads to a Divine Blessing and the Justice of the Consequences if we don’t follow the Law of Love.

Today, we are guided to “go with the flow” and to accept whatever challenge may present itself on the way. The evil one is losing its grip on our Heart the more we carry on in spite of our doubts and fears. In fact, we could begin to clearly see the Source without fear for the Truth that the Creator has already won the battle. Now we can see a lower power for what it is, a breath of hot air, only an illusion of failure for the Truth that Shall Be.

The Elders honored the Sun as the waystation of the Light of the Universe. Every Breath of the Sun is a Divine Blessing of the warmth and light for Life, Love, and Happiness as it reveals the Beauty of the Lords Creation of Mother Earth. From the top we’ll see Beauty in all directions as it is Seen from Above.

This climb is also aligned with the Sun’s Maximum Breaths of Light and Life. We are purified by the Light. Radiation is used to heal cancer. The Medical Arts have expanded the use of Light and Sound in healing the Human body. Love can heal our Heart and Mind. Human’s radiation therapy is a Human manifestation of the power. We are receiving the “real thing” through the Radiation Storms from a Divine Source of Light. There is nothing to fear, and everything to gain by a Breath of Light ordered by the Creator and Lord of Time. The Creator holds the last Word on the Time we can never know, the Day and the Hour of the final breath of our own life, and the life of Humanity.

Pyramid of the Magician, Uxmal and the nunnery below, a “climb beyond impossible”

We just keep going with the flow. We don’t look down. We look up and imagine standing at the Center of the Power and Light of Love that is already beholding the Truth of our Faith. Imagine all the moments before, when it seemed “impossible” to find our way through another Day of Human suffering. We ascended every challenge to claim the Truth of Answered Prayers. We found our Peace in the Eye of the Storm by the Truth that “we can” and “God Will” see us through to our Highest End.

We’ve risen above the illusion of worldly thoughts. We’ve ascended High enough to see that “what others think” has absolutely nothing to  do with the Unseen Truth  of the Creator’s Love. We Asked to See and Hear the Truth. We get the straight Truth from the Source from Above. The thoughts imposed by the Author of Lies is always “unknown” as “someone said.” There is no accountability for the lie that we’re “destined to fail” when that’s what we’re hoping for another Human Being. We can only blame someone else for what we can’t bear to see as Our Truth. It’s as good as “our Truth” as long as we’re willing to go along without thinking for our self. The Elders say the transformation takes courage to see our Self as we are, compared to our Dream of everything we could be.

When we need to Balance we can turn to Mother Earth to See the Beauty of Life and to Feel the Unseen Force of her Vibration of Love. We can reach for the Balance with our Feet grounded by a Heart that holds the Fire for Life at its core. Our Ego can be turned to Gratitude for All things the Creator can do.

Star/LAMAT as the Scion is the Human Personification of the Creator’s Light. Venus is the star who’s Light is 2nd only to the Brightest Light of Heaven. The 4 directions remind us that to keep shining we have to Love Equally in all directions. Loving everyone is beyond Human’s power to imagine. Somewhere in our shadow we still think the only answer is the Death of our Enemy. We’re climbing by Faith toward a Day when we can See the Light in everyone. Our only way to carry out the “Human impossibility” is to direct all our Love back to the Source, and Ask for a Hand of Divine Agency to balance the Light all around.

When you Feel the Quickening of Love that was intended to be the Divine Inspiration for this climb, Give it Back and Pay it Forward to the Highest One at the Center of our Place in Time. Count your blessing that a Power Greater than our self knows exactly where the Light needs  to shine for another to see their way through the Darkness. We’re facing the Truth of our Human Nature. Our One and Only Highest Hope is a Power Greater than our Self.

Climb beyond the reach of worldly fears. Focus on what is Beautiful and everything you Love about Life. Don’t worry if you forget. When we start with an Intention to Love, we’ll remember the Time is at Hand to See the Light and Hear the Truth spoken by the Voice that reigns over every Dark Night, shining beyond the veil of Human shadows.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful for a Light that reigns the protons that kill cancer, and holds the potential for healing all Human dis-eases.



The symbol of Eternity is a Powerful symbol of Abundance to carry with you and to place on your altar to remember.

THE TRECENA OF NIGHT/AKBAL: A Higher Dream we Know is Meant to come True

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: You can also look at dates from a different direction. What is the Destiny Kin number of your day sign’s 3rd tone? You may have overlooked a life-changing day. Use the Kin Calculator offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page for a date six years before or after. If you are just starting to count the days and don’t have a journal from the last round, when something major happens in your life you can look to see if there was a major event on that same date before. You can also look for Signs in the “distance of time” – the number of days between one day and another, from the Time and Date Calculator linked on the resources page. Example – 33 days is a symbol of a day that you actualize the Truth from the beginning date.

6 Star/LAMAT (Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA), Kin 188, Position 8  – Day 6 of 13 of the 1 Night/AKBAL trecena.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU) who’s wisdom is preserved on MayanMajix.com

Galactic Tone 6: Flow. Six is responsiveness, and the art of negotiation. It is the movement of volume through space that creates time. This energy in action is like the art of dance or a great athlete in motion. Six facilitates dynamic developments in all aspects of life.

Star/LAMAT: Star energy is multiplication of all things to abundance. Star has been associated with the fertility of rabbits for its ability to multiply. As each sun in the sky, Star persons shine equally in all directions. This natural tendency of harmony and balance can become compulsion, motivating Star to be too agreeable and too generous, rejected gifts cause fear and resentment. When a Star believes it has been given too much, they are weakened or may even collapse. In this “Black Hole” state, Stars are prone to verbal jousting and arguing to force their point of view on everyone.

A GOOD DAY TO: Ask for Abundance in all relations. 

Cherokee, Rabbit/NOQUI’SEGWA: Symbol-Venus, The Morning Star cycle of 260 days and Evening Star cycle of another 260 days, inspired the 13 numbers, 20 Day sign Sacred Calendar.  Rabbit is the Trickster of Cherokee culture, matching the Coyote in other nations.  The personification of Light and New Life, Sunrise, the scion of the Moon-Father of earth children, the Rabbit is fertility, be fruitful and multiply.  Represents softness, gentleness and vulnerability. LAMAT– Totem Rabbit.  Energies of re-birth, regeneration, ripening, harvest and abundance.  This person is overflowing with love energy in all areas of life.  Spiritual growth is natural and with ease due to the unconditional love energy that flows.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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