SPACEWEATHER: Venus Rare “Anti-transit” of the Sun


VENUS IS SO CLOSE TO THE SUN: Venus is emerging from a rare “anti-transit” of the sun. During the first week of June, it passed directly behind the solar disk, rendering the planet invisible even to SOHO coronagraphs. Less than 80 hours after it reappeared, Bartosz Wojczyński photographed Venus from La Palma, Spain.


“When I took this picture on June 8th, Venus was only 53 arc minutes from the edge of the solar disk,” says Wojczyński. “The planet appears vertically elongated and split into different colors as a result of extreme atmospheric dispersion at the horizon.”

This extreme sunset sky show is about to gain a planet. On June 17th, Mercury will join Venus for a conjunction less than 1 degree wide. Photographing the two worlds so deep in the sun’s glare will be almost impossible. On the other hand, Wojczyński’s photo is already halfway there. Stay tuned.

ARCTIC RADIOS ARE WORKING AGAIN: A solar radiation storm that has blocked Arctic shortwave radio propagation for the past 2 days is finally subsiding. The almost-S1 category event was caused by an explosion on the farside of the sun. You might not think that would be possible, but certain locations on the sun’s farside are connected to Earth via the magnetic Parker spiral. Shortwave frequencies between 15 MHz and 30 MHz are now clear for over-the-pole communication. 


Mayan Time…

The anti-transit began on June 4, 2024, 1 Night/AKBAL, the day we began our journey into the Unknown Beauty of our Dreams. Venus’ Light is emerging from the Darkness on its journey to become its brightest as the Evening Star. The Truth of Love and Beauty that was hidden will soon be revealed.

With every New Moon we plant the Seeds of our Intentions for the future. June 14, 2024 completes the first quarter of the Light that will be revealed at the Full Moon. June 22, 2024 is the Full Strawberry Moon. Moon Phases

The sweetest full moon of the year is June’s full moon, commonly known as the Full Strawberry Moon. While the full moon itself is inedible, despite how round and delicious it may seem, the Full Strawberry Moon marks strawberry harvesting season in North America. Most Algonquin tribes understood that it was a sign that wild strawberries were starting to ripen and ready for the harvest. Delicious though ripe strawberries may be, June’s full moon has another name that’s even sweeter.

What could possibly be sweeter than strawberries? Try honey. In Europe, June’s full moon was actually known as the Honey Moon. 

June 12, 2024, 9 Monkey/CHUEN was the Day of the Divine Union between the Heart of Sky and the Heart of Earth. CHUEN is the Master Artist that creates the Beauty of Love in the perfect balance of Giving Back and Paying Forward. The Tzolk’in’s alignment of a Wedding in such perfect order with a Honey Moon is rare, as close as we will come to a perfect alignment until sometime beyond 2040.

Time is not a coincidence, but the reflection of a Divine Order. In the equal and opposite reflection of the Truth Above, True Love begins when “the Honeymoon is over.” Everyday Love is the most beautiful when Love shines through the Darkness and the Light.

The Wild Strawberries were the first harvest, a Miracle as tended by a Hand Above. Wild berries are the “superfoods” that are the first “living foods” of the Season of Harvest. The Full Moon is the Brightest Light of Night, when the Earth is hidden within the Light of the Sun. Human Love will give way to Divine Love, when Venus takes its place as the Evening Star.

June is the month for weddings. It was practical in the old days to join forces before the growing season. Two pairs of hands were better than one to bring in the Harvest of Summer. True Love is Practical as well as Divine. The Conjunction of Venus and Mercury is a balance of Heart and Mind.

11 Reed/BEN (Cherokee, Reed I’hya), Destiny Kin 193, Position 13
June 14, 2024, 06/14/2024

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

THIRD SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

11 Reed/BEN (Cherokee, Reed I’hya), Kin 193, Position 13  – Day 11 of 13 of the 1 Night/AKBAL trecena.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU) who’s wisdom is preserved on

Galactic Tone 11: Resolution; 11 assists every new thing to find its place in the universe in the process of ‘fitting in.’ some modifications must occur. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement.

Reed/BEN: Reed persons are the spiritual essence, protectors and guiding light for family and home. They are competent speakers who will take up a cause. Very tough and analytical, Reeds endeaver to bring peace, harmony, and order to all of their relations. Reeds are blessed with great skill at negotiations and consoling which are very often put to the test. Although Reeds need a lot of appreciation, many have marriage or business problems because of inflexible views and high expectations, which erode affinity. The lesson of Reed is to be like a garden hose, not a steel pipe. (Don’t try to pound YOUR truth into the children’s heads, just the Truth of your own limitations, andd the Truth of Answered Prayers.)

A GOOD DAY TO: Bless and repair the home.

Cherokee, Reed I’hya: Symbol-Reed is the Earth, reflection of the Star Chaga of Pollux. Reed made up the Magician Twins who led the journey to bring back to life the daughter of the Sun. The Casket is Gemini. Energy for Intellectual minds, creation, re-creation, new directions, breaking the ties that bind.  A trailblazer and leader. From the East, direction of success and happiness, no matter what route is taken, always ending up in the Light.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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