6 Transformer / CIMI – Dawn of a New Awakening: Day 6 of 13


6 Transformer / CIMI

Greetings Kin,

On Tone 6 our first climb of Spiritual Growth takes on the Momentum of Flow with a Rhythm and Pattern of Movement. The Meaning and Purpose of the IMIX trecena is to Awaken our Divine Gifts of Consciousness.

5 Serpent/CHICCHAN guided an experience that would draw our attention to a Divine Communion with the Creator that could always lead us to the Truth. Divine Truth is always Eternal. The first Truth we ever knew was that we were One, a piece of the Whole.

This was the most important Eternal Truth. With this One Truth we would know our own Beginning and our End – to always be One. Through this Truth we would make the most Divine Choices and exist in Right Relationship with One Another and Mother Earth. We could turn to this Truth whenever we feel separated and alone. When we do turn to this Truth, God would Prove it through our Heart.

Transformer/CIMI is the Sign of Major Life Change. The glyph illustrates Death, representing the Change of a Major Life Transition. CIMI reminds us that something always dies as something new is born. We are already dying to our unconsciousness. Once we Know the Truth, we never see things the same again. All our questions are answered by the Truth.

The Cherokee Sign of the Twins represents Venus as the Morning and Evening Star, a Light that Shines in the Darkness and the Light. Engaged with all our Spiritual Gifts, we’ll See our Way through the Unknown by the Light of our Spirit.

Master Number 66: 6 Transformer/CIMI is the 6th Tone and the Day Sign in the 6th Position of the 20 archetypal energies. The Master Number 66 doubles and magnifies the vibrations and energy of Number 6. Number 6 represents the provisions of Spirit, service to others, home and family, social responsibility, grace, gratitude, and simplicity. Number 66 is a Powerful Number of Unconditional Love, the Consciousness of a Divine Provision made for us. Number 66 magnifies our Consciousness that all our needs will be Divinely Met. Number 66 resolves to the Trinity of 3 (6+6=12 1+2=3). For all the faculties of Consciousness Below, a Divine Faculty will lead from Above by Bestirring the Blood to Speak through our Heart. Number 6 creates Hope and Faith on a Wing and a Prayer.

Those born on the Day Sign of CIMI are destined to serve as a Comforter through Change. CIMI illustrates the perspective of the Creator that watches over us. CIMI is the midwife and the hospice nurse, said to bring the comfort of a “soft hand.” CIMI holds the Gift of Clairvoyance. CIMI knows the chaos that precedes every major life change and holds the presence of mind to see beyond it.

CIMI holds the Gift of Empathy that can relate to us that God Knows what we are going through. CIMI can remind us that every provision has already been made for us. CIMI understands our fear in the moment, and sees for us. CIMI helps us to Hold On to our Discernment of Truth of the Blessing in our Future. CIMI brings Peace, easing our mind that everything is on course, assuring us that we will know Exactly what to do in every Moment. CIMI guides the way through change as looking to the future.

Seeing the future is no more than the presence of mind to look. We can test the Truth of it by the One Most Important Truth we Know, that we are One in a Promise of Happiness and the Harmony of the Whole. We can use our Spiritual Tools to Know whether our Dream will come true.

We have lots of bright ideas. I’ve come up with a few that were patented by others. I still remember thinking they should make fitted-sheets with elastic corners when I was making my bed in 1965. If you missed this era of bed-making, you’d wonder why it took so long to be invented. My point is, we all have genius ideas that come to us as Divine Thoughts in the moments of our experience. Our Divine Consciousness is always presenting a better way. Among my greatest frustrations was having all these ideas, without any clear direction.

The One Divine Consciousness holds an unlimited number of ideas. Whether we follow them or not, they are always Divine Ideas. We will Know the Dreams that can come True through the Heart. We are meant to create the Dreams of our Heart’s Desire. We’ll feel them tug on our Heart. We will long for them to come true. I never had the longing for a lot of bright ideas. I’ve looked back and seen only the lost opportunities. Instead, I could see that they were never meant to be, because I never really Loved the Idea enough to think of it beyond a passing thought. We can Believe in the Dreams that Engage our Heart.

Through Many Dreams we will be led to our Highest Aspirations. We will learn that all our Dreams hold the same Meaning and Purpose. Like the Elders say, “There are many ways to accomplish the same thing.” Our Dream is not the “matter” we create. The Joy we expect to experience is always the Meaning and Purpose. We could change our Dreams from one day to the other, yet still be Creating the Same Thing. When we go with the flow, we are always open to new choices of Love. In the Flow, Spirit will guide the ways and means that always lead to the One Divine Destination.

Remembering the Truth that we are One, as we are facing the chaos of a major life change, we can expect that others are experiencing it too. All the Day Signs are Avatars of the One Divine Creator. They reflect a Divine Way of Being. As well as bringing us Comfort, CIMI demonstrates a way of being in Right Relationship and Service to Each Other.

When we are Conscious of our Thoughts, we can think before we speak. We can Choose the thoughts we share with others. We can turn away negative thoughts and fears of chaos. We can be CIMI who Sees ALL experiences as part of a Blessing in the Future. We can be the “soft hand” than encourages others that “Everything is Going to be More than Okay.” Even Human can see the signs of this Truth, as we see Hearts of Humanity turning to one another, tugged by the suffering we see in the world. We are all Reaching for the Higher Angels in our Self. The Dream that touches our Heart is Promised to Come True. We are Moved by the Truth of our Heart.

6 Transformer/CIMI asks us to employ the Gift of Clairvoyance for our Self. On the Tone 6 of Flow, we can see the Momentum that’s held in all our Spiritual Gifts. Grasping a new and Higher Perspective of all the Gifts of Consciousness at our disposal, CIMI guides us to imagine where it could all lead.

At the Dawn of a New Awakening, we are reborn with a New and Higher Consciousness to the Truth of Who We Are and all we are capable to manifest through our experiencing of living. We’ve started out seeing things a little Higher than we did before, and this is only the beginning. We’re completing our first climb toward an even Higher Consciousness. Through Momentum, we realize that our own effort of Consciousness is already changing who we are. In our first 6 days of our first 13-day cycle of Transformation, we are gaining the Consciousness of all our faculties of thought and how they could be employed to Discern the Divine Guidance of Spirit. Today, without any doubt, we can See the Greater Things to Come.

We are already on our pathway back to the stars, reaching Higher with every climb as we go. We can See how our Heart can Experience Happiness Right Now by what we already Know about our Future. We can Believe that we were meant to Know the Miracles of Unconditional Love. Believing, we can observe the Creation of our Miracle from one end to the other. We can be the Observer of the “Miracle of Us” as a Divine Work in Progress. What we don’t Know, we will Know exactly as we need to Know.

Our Primordial Mother would always remind us that when we follow the Dream we REALLY Love, people will think we’re a total genius. When we really Love a Dream, we can’t stop thinking about it. We “google it” because we want to Know it and Imagine it. The Maya REALLY Loved Time and their calendars. They’re known as the Lords of Time. We think aliens did it, because it’s hard to believe that Human’s could arrive at such Genius.

What’s your genius dream? What are you thinking about when you don’t have to work? You might have thought it was only a hobby. If you Love it, it may offer a genius idea for a dream. We’re meant to create what WE think is beautiful. Where I work, a freshly painted compressed gas cylinder is a thing of beauty.

To all my relations, may we use our Gift of Knowing the Truth to question what we Believe. May we consider all truth as false truth until we’ve Consciously made a Divine Discernment. May we Know that every Answer can be Known from a Truth we Already Know. The only Truth we have to Choose by Faith is believing a Divine Hand Authored The Creation.  We were made Conscious by Intention to Love our Life on Mother Earth. Our Perception of Beauty was Created for a Meaning and Purpose. We were created for a dynamic experience of Being Loved and Provided for by a Divine Creator of the Highest Authority. May we remember that our Divine Consciousness was born from a Spark of the Creator. Identifying our Self as Divine Children, we can Know that we would never be left unattended or forgotten. We would know that a Divine Creator would attend to the needs we were unable to see or tend to on our own.

The Creator created us to share our Hearts Desires through Relationship. The Meaning and Purpose was to Witness our Joy in the Miracle of Dreams Coming True.

May we rest under the Wing of the Almighty who will guard all our ways. May we Know that the One on Watch in our Nursery, has a provision for challenges we don’t even see. May we feel the Momentum of Knowing there are arms to catch us if we stumble. Our path would be cleared by Truth before the next foot falls. May we Discern this Truth in our Heart and express our Gratitude and Appreciation for the Blessing that Lies in our Future.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide
for daily aspects and events of the Crocodile/IMIX trecena.


6 Transformer/CIMI (Cherokee, Twins/ TAKATO’KA)

Galactic Tone 6: Six is responsiveness and the art of negotiation. It is the movement of volume through space that creates time. This energy in action is like the art of dance or a great athlete in motion. Six facilitates dynamic developments in all aspects of life.

Transformer/CIMI: Cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Transformer persons achieve goals and emotional wealth. Transformer people can become highly respected business persons. They have the ability to help others through any and all transitions with tranquility due to their spiritual strength and guidance. Communities often benefit from Transformers discipline and organization skills. They strengthen the life of pregnant women and guide them through the transitions of maternity. Establishing contact with the ancestors activates innate psychic abilities, gifts to be used as tools to assist others. Transformers can have the ability to send evil intentions telepathically, this is their undoing. From these acts they lose power, easily fall into a victim role and begin to manipulate with a vengeance.

Cherokee, Twins/ TAKATO’KA: Twins symbolize the Female Sun and Male Moon, whose union keeps the world going round. Cherokee myth has the Morning Star heralding the Sun, Venus, also being the Evening Star as representing the TWINS. The energy brings major changes all throughout life, riding the tsunamis of earthquake and upheaval, making their own waves wherever they go. They undergo powerful transformations, alternating like a flashing neon sign. The challenge is to master Balance while experiencing Chaos leading to re-birth and abundance through infinity.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, or share your local energy report.



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