6 Crocodile / IMIX – A Reincarnation: Day 6 of 13



6 Crocodile / IMIX

Greetings Kin,

We were United with the All-in-One as a Divine Hand shared from Above. Walking in the Light of our Own Truth is “the Heart” carries on, while Human’s mind reaches beyond the boundaries of Reason for the Highest Truth we could know. The “hard road” is the Journey we all make as One, alone with our own Truth that only Known by the Highest One Above.

The One Dream is being Seen and Acknowledged for Love we Know is True. Love is the treasure that holds the value of Gold. Love is the Truth that our Moment in Time was worthy to be Remembered.

In the 10th uinal we claimed the Truth of a Higher Identity, and Greater Wisdom of what the Seed of our Spirit needs to grow. Boundaries of Experience were expanded with new dark places for Love to Grow. Consciousness of the Number 11 represents a Higher Frequency of Consciousness, aware of a Source of Divine Inspiration. Master Number 11 is the Source of Light. Guided by CIB toward an End of Divine Wisdom, we know the Truth of Human Reason isn’t High Enough to make Sense of Divine Possibilities, until  we can Know it for our Self. In the 11th uinal, we hold the Wisdom to offer Our Truth to the Hand Above. In the 11th uinal we will be raised to Know “How Great Thou Art.”

Peak Tone 6 initiates the Intention of Flow. Through a rhythm and pattern of movement we create Momentum. While we were turning back and  forth between Human’s witness of the dark and our Spirit’s Truth of the Light, we were moving forward. The Power of a Divine Intention is a direction and order for Time that aims where it wants to go. While we are creating we naturally learn the best ways to carry out the task. We have Spiritual Tools we gathered for the application. Sometimes carrying Love down the “hard road” is a little easier when we just “light a candle.” When we do, we can remember all the Ones that walked this way before. Everyone that Loved hoped they could share something to “lighten the load.” It’s a Dream held by the Whole that is Worthy of Divine Justice.

The energy of Tone 6 is compared to a great athlete, one that see a higher end – a chance to claim the Highest Prize. One Tone 6 we can seize Life with Both Hands. The only thing that matters is the Hand Above that will stand in Our Corner, One that Dreamed our Dream is Meant to Be. We can go with the Flow of Time. Dynamic developments become possible on Tone 6.

Crocodile/IMIX is the Dawn of a New Awakening. IMIX is the Primordial Mother that was witness to our first thought. She knew the moment we moved the tangible Truth of a Life within. IMIX is the Divine Feminine that Feels the Love of Compassion and Applies it for the Highest Applications of Creation. She knows how to take the Highest Inspiration and turn it to a Manifestation of Love on  behalf of the Whole. She holds the Duty to Love ALL Life, and raise it to it’s Highest End. Residing in the East, IMIX shares the Light from the Divine Source. IMIX nourishes “the Heart” of Human with Questions we must “Live to Know.”


IMIX is the Alpha, the Beginning of all things known as the “Mother of Innovation.” IMIX is a very mentally active day, filled with wild ideas, out of the blue…  disassociated thoughts that come in random order. All the ideas are beautiful possibilities – we may want to reach for the first thing we see. IMIX comes with caution to “think”  before we choose. There are many choices we can make to accomplish the same end. The most important Truth is to Discern the wild idea that we Love the Most. It’s said that if you follow the IMIX wild idea you Love, the creation will be a manifestation of Divine Genius. That’s worth an application of Wisdom and some Time to See, from the Highest Possible Perspective.

This is a day to ask for Good Sense and Reason. Don’t make a choice you won’t follow through. That’s what happens when we choose something less than the Dream our Heart Desires. It takes time to Know the Truth that speaks to our Heart. The wisest thing to do on IMIX is to Dream about wild ideas and how one comes after another. We can recognize the Divine Communion if we pay attention to what’s happening in the Moment. When you get a wild idea, stop – what were you doing/thinking with it “came to you?” Did it have ANYTHING to do with a train of thought you were following? Did the wild idea Interrupt your thoughts?

It’s a  good day to write down your wild ideas, for later. It’s not a day to make Sense and Reason. IMIX connects us to the Divine Muse for Knowledge and  Wisdom. She shares Divine Questions for us to Imagine our Own New Creation. IMIX is simply the beginning of all things – and thinking outside the box.

A fire burns within. We want to reach for what’s easy and fast – the sure thing. We are tuned in to a Higher Frequency.

To all my relations, may we allow our thoughts to expand and our own vibration be drawn higher and tuned in. May we reach for Higher Truth than our Own. May we allow Time to lift the veil on the Dream of our Heart’s Desire and the way – hard or easy – that we dreamed it could happen.

May we give up what we think to the One who sees the Whole Truth of the All-in-One, and the highest Truth every Heart wants to Know. May we wait for the Light of Love that WILL lead us into the Dawn of our Brand New Day. When all Human matter is burned away, we WILL rise from the ashes.

in lak’ech, I am another you

Debra, Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN


I’m grateful for an Almighty Authority of Love.

417 Hz ☯ A New Beginning ☯ Clear Subconscious Negativity ☯ Alpha Binaural Beats Meditation #GV32




Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for daily aspects and events of the Wisdom/CIB trecena.

Visit the Spiritual Tools page
 for many traditions to add a new Force of Power to your Spirit’s Intention.

My gift for the Tzolk’in round is the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.”
NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)
Each volume contains the an overview for the trecena and the Count of Days with the aspects for each day.
Volume 1: Tzolk’in Seasons 1 and 2, are also linked for download.

6 Crocodile/IMIX (Cherokee, Turtle/ DAK’SI   I’SB)

Galactic Tone 6: Flow. Six is responsiveness, and the art of negotiation. It is the movement of volume through space that creates time. This energy in action is like the art of dance or a great athlete in motion. Six facilitates dynamic developments in all aspects of life.

Crocodile/IMIX: Crocodile receives messages of primal creative force; simply the beginning of all things. Crocodiles who follow their hearts are seen as genius. There is no order to the primal messages, so Crocodile persons should direct their energies toward practical and cooperative efforts to bring productive results. Crocodiles have a strong nurturing energy and will work hard to provide security to family and friends. Being extremely territorial, Crocodiles must watch not to be over protective or too dominating. While in these states, Crocodiles are insecure, indecisive and emotionally volatile.

Cherokee Turtle/ DAK’SI   I’SB: Turtle Island; direction East. The Turtle Constellation Orion, one of three stars in the Cosmic Egg. In Mayan is the Cosmic Hearth. Turtle is the Energy of Creative force at the one-on-one, personal level; dawn, awakening, birth. The beginning of each new era, this star in Orion appears with the rising Sun, heralding the creation of a new World cycle.  Cherokee, IMIX- Totem-Dragon. The energy to understand all things sacred; creation energy, connection for visions, to learn the mysteries of the Universal Knowledge. The dragon carries the source energy of life, revered in ancient cultures for power and wisdom.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

How is your Spiritual path today?

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