11 Reed / BEN – Creating a Higher Dream: Day 11 of 13

The majestic Angel Oak on Johns Island near Charleston, South Carolina is estimated to be 400-500 years old, with a life expectancy of 900 years. It stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m2). Its longest branch distance is 187 ft (57 m) in length. The tree became a gathering place to remember the ancestors. It was named after the slave-owners of the plantation where it grows. Wikipedia

The Truth in High Resolution and Living Color

11 Reed/BEN (Cherokee, Reed I’hya), Destiny Kin 193, Position 13
September 28, 2023, 09/28/2023

11 Reed / BEN

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Tone 11 is a higher vibration of thought, and 11 is a symbol of Divine Inspiration. The image of an altar on the glyph mirrors the symbol of the Master Number 11, Life Path number.

Tone 11 Resolves the Truth that raises our Consciousness to a Higher Perspective. The Truth we claimed on Tone 10 is clarified on Tone 11 to Resolve a way forward.

There is always more to every story. Every Generation brought us to this Place in Time. To see the Truth from a Higher Perspective we have to invest our Heart in seeing the Dreams that came before. Some of our ancestors just dreamed of survival to raise a family. History repeats itself.  Their  Dream is completed by a future generation.

The living are the only ones that can make the Dream come true. All the Signs of the world suggest we’re on the brink. We have the Power of the Creator’s Word to claim Gratitude for the Dream that’s True here and now.

Things ARE better than we imagine. We are standing together, and we have climbed to Higher Ground. Our Consciousness of Loving one another is rising from the ashes. It’s only been 3 years since the first march of solidarity on a mass scale since the 1960’s.

All our Voices matter when we are united by a Divine Intention to call everyone our family. We just witness a green comet do a hairpin turn around the Sun. Our subconscious mind recorded the event as a possibility of Light coming out of nowhere. At least now it’s something we can imagine by the Truth of our own experience.

Reed/BEN is the Guiding Light of Home and Family, on behalf of the children. The Reed is the symbol of the “hollow bone” a direct channel of Spirit. A Reason we know is Divine is all we need  to manifest everything our Heart Desires.


Wisdom is the Application of Truth we already know. Through the Element of Fire, Reed burns the flesh away to create the “hollow bone.” Reed/BEN opens a channel between the two sides of our self.  Our Highest Revelation of Truth will be completed on Destiny Kin 200, 5 Sun/AHAU (October 5, 2023). The Earth’s Brightest Star is the symbol of the Supreme Lord of all creation. Tone 5 holds the Intention of Empowerment. 5 AHAU represents the Power of a Hand Above.

Reed/BEN is the Sanctuary of Home within. Our eternal flame is one last hope. In Humility our prayers serve the whole. We aren’t intended to be a “perfect human” demonstration by our Truth. We’re intended to be Real, and share the place to go for a new beginning. The most important Truth for a new generation is Answered Prayers.

Reed/BEN is the Intention to stand in the intetrity of our own Truth. For the Love of the next generation, we raise our standards of Love. The Maya observe BEN Days as Time to Bless the Home and check in on the neighbors.

We’re bearing the fruit of the existing Seed of our Self. The Truth we grasp by the end of this Tzolk’in round, will be the Truth known from the beginning of a new Life. 13 Sun/AHAU completes this Tzolk’in round on December 4, 2023. The end of the Tzolk’in’s 3rd season is 13 Eagle/MEN, the vision to see the future as an “X” that marks the spot.

A Creator who is a witness to the Whole Creation through our eyes, promises Love, knowing the Truth of everything. It’s Divine to Choose to be a witness of the Creator’s Love.  Our AKBAL dreams were Intended to share a Mystery that will still be a surprise.

The Elders said that there are an unlimited number of ways to accomplish the same thing. The Creator’s Highest Way is to manifest the Feeling of the Truth. A Miracle is “not what we’re expecting to see.” The Dog and the Monkey share the Love of an Adventure. Don’t throw out your wildest dreams, for what the Next Seed will do.

Wait in Humility for the Time the Answer is meant to be revealed.

in lak’ech, I am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful that there is always more Divine Truth to know.

Paavola Oak Tree – Paavolan Tammi – is mentioned to be the most beautiful tree in Finland. It is situated in the middle of a fascinating fairy tail forest in Lohja.


Douglas Fir – 600 yrs old, located on Whidbey Island, Bellingham Bay, near Deception Pass in Washington State

THE TRECENA OF NIGHT/AKBAL: A Higher Dream we Know is Meant to come True

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: You can also look at dates from a different direction. What is the Destiny Kin number of your day sign’s 3rd tone? You may have overlooked a life-changing day. Use the Kin Calculator offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page for a date six years before or after. If you are just starting to count the days and don’t have a journal from the last round, when something major happens in your life you can look to see if there was a major event on that same date before. You can also look for Signs in the “distance of time” – the number of days between one day and another, from the Time and Date Calculator linked on the resources page. Example – 33 days is a symbol of a day that you actualize the Truth from the beginning date.

11 Reed/BEN (Cherokee, Reed I’hya), Kin 193, Position 13  – Day 11 of 13 of the 1 Night/AKBAL trecena.

Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Sun/AHAU – Dreamed of serving among the legion of light above.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom preserved on MayanMajix.com

Galactic Tone 11: Resolution; 11 assists every new thing to find its place in the universe in the process of ‘fitting in.’ some modifications must occur. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement.

Reed/BEN: Reed persons are the spiritual essence, protectors and guiding light for family and home. They are competent speakers who will take up a cause. Very tough and analytical, Reeds endeaver to bring peace, harmony, and order to all of their relations. Reeds are blessed with great skill at negotiations and consoling which are very often put to the test. Although Reeds need a lot of appreciation, many have marriage or business problems because of inflexible views and high expectations, which erode affinity. The lesson of Reed is to be like a garden hose, not a steel pipe. (Don’t try to pound YOUR truth into the children’s heads, just the Truth of your own limitations, andd the Truth of Answered Prayers.)

A GOOD DAY TO: Bless and repair the home.

Cherokee, Reed I’hya: Symbol-Reed is the Earth, reflection of the Star Chaga of Pollux. Reed made up the Magician Twins who led the journey to bring back to life the daughter of the Sun. The Casket is Gemini. Energy for Intellectual minds, creation, re-creation, new directions, breaking the ties that bind.  A trailblazer and leader. From the East, direction of success and happiness, no matter what route is taken, always ending up in the Light.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

9 thoughts on “11 Reed / BEN – Creating a Higher Dream: Day 11 of 13

  1. Hey sure, i love trees, and climbing on them.
    They take care of use many ways.
    They are great.
    Sure lacking the consciousness to listen them more, would need to spend more time with nature and trees, or to be able to meditate correctly, perhaps..


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