A Higher Dream: The Circle of Life (8 Dog/OC)

A Love for the Ages

8 Dog/OC, Cherokee, Wolf/KANA’TI, Destiny Kin 190, Position 10
June 11, 2024, 06/11/2024

Greetings Beloved Kin,

8 Dog / OC

Dog/OC holds Position 10, the Creator’s Number and the Promise of a Divine Inheritance passed down to every member, every branch and every limb of the Creator’s Creation of a Tree of Life. Every Human Being was offered the Free Will to Choose to be a member of the Creator’s Circle of Life.

The Creator’s plan was a Family Circle where the first to the last was born the heir to the “the family fortune.” The Dog was given the Senses to track down the treasure with the Heart to seize every Opportunity to Love.

Dog/OC shares the Highest Platform of the pyramid with Monkey/CHUEN in Position 11. Monkey/CHUEN is the Master Artist with the Consciousness to witness the Beauty of the Truth. There is no sacrifice to Love.  Love begets Love in both the Giving and Receiving.

In the 10th uinal of the Tzolk’in, the Truth is revealed for us to claim the Creator’s Highest Offering to be United as a Heart that Beats for the One Above. Through the Choice to Love, we claim the Crown of the Scion. We are bound to the Light by Knowing we are an equal Member and the Living Heir to an Inheritance of Love that lasts forever.

Symbol 10:10
The repeating Sound of Love is reflected by the 10th Tone in the 10th uinal, the Power to Manifest the Dream on Earth as it is in Heaven.

We’ll be claimed by the Light that shines Above that holds the Power to Reveal the Truth of the Creator’s Mystery of Love. The Elders say that some totems are with us for a Time to complete a Divine Purpose, but when we are claimed by the Dog, we will always be a Member of the Pack.

Every Tone 8 is a Holy Day as the Zenith Hour of the Creator’s Light. Tone 8 begins the Transformation phase of every cycle of Creation. “The Work” of the Highest Order is carried out by a Hand Above. At the top of the pyramid, we hold the vision of Beauty all around and Happiness that’s guaranteed through the Choice to Love.


All the sons and daughters were Offered the Choice to be the “Son of God” when we choose to walk in the Creator’s shoes. We are all invited to share our witness of the Beauty of Life and the Divinity of the Offering. A Divine Father wanted to share the experience of Beauty that was witnessed from our Time and Place. Within the Sanctuary of our Heart a Divine Father intended to share the family secret of our Divinity.

Floorplan at the Top of El Castillo, the Calendar Pyramid and the Temple of Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent

The altar of Chac Mool guards the 1st inner room. The “reclining one” reminds us to draw the Sacred Breath from the sacral chakra to the Crown to raise our Consciousness to the Truth.

In the 2nd inner room the altar to the Jaguar guards the threshold to the Holy of Holies. The Jaguar’s “earth magic” to cross into the Light of Divine Consciousness is the offering of Gratitude, the means through which to claim the Truth of the Highest Treasure.

Looking at the floorplan of the top of the calendar pyramid, there is no sign of a threshold to another room. The Holy of Holies is the Light to see the way that shines from Above. We Ascend through the Offering of Compassionate Love to unite the Heart of Earth with the Heart of Sky.

Peak Tone 8 reflects the Creator’s Divine Justice for the Offering of Unconditional Love. We are united with the “Christ Spirit” through the Choice of Divine Trinity, an alignment with the Creator’s Highest Dream of Love.

Peak Tone 9 is the Holiest Day of the Tzolk’in round that completes our Highest Climb. The Truth of the Big Picture will be revealed beyond Human’s Highest Hopes and Highest Aspirations that were the Reason we reached by Faith. The Light of the Promise ignited the Dream within to become everything we were intended to be as the Truth written within the heart of every Seed of Life.

We are as close as we will be to a perfect alignment with the longest Day of Light that shines directly from Above as the Summer Solstice. We are empowered by the 25th cycle of the Sun’s Maximum Light that reigns down the Breath of Life and the Breath of Spirit. We can only imagine what the next turn of the Sun will bring. For all we know the purest Light of Solar Radiation could heal us of every worldly dis-ease. The Creator holds the Power, the Will, and the Way to fulfill every Promise of Divine Trinity.

The Dog/OC is the Love that leads our Heart across the threshold of the Milky Way back to the Stars. There is a “home” that will always be the place where we belong with our own place around the table that serves the Truth of a Blessing every Human Heart Dreamed of Knowing, where we are “more than enough” just as we are.

May we reach beyond Human reason to the Power of the Heart to love one another enough to pray for the Light that will lead every Human heart back to the place where we were ALL intended to belong.

The principles of Divine Trinity shared by Confucius was the Wisdom to “See no evil. Hear no evil. And, Speak no evil” of any Human Being. Our war is never with another Human Being, but with the a stronghold of evil that found its way in through our doubts and fears. The injustice of the world is carried out by the author of  lies that tells us, “all hope is lost,” and, “it’s too late now.” Injustice is the effect of the suffering the loss of our Highest Hopes and Aspirations. In the Creator’s Brightest Light all things are revealed, the Truth that lies hidden in the shadows and the Divine Truth in plain sight.

May our Hearts beat for the whole and for the Dream that fulfills the Divine Justice for the whole. The Truth of the Creator’s Love holds the Power to wipe away every tear. May we kneel in Humility to the Grace of God who loves us through it all, and guided every step through the Darkness to claim the Divine Truth of who we are, when we choose God’s Will in every moment of our life.

We stand at the threshold of one final step to Love. The Sacred Exchange is completed by a Hand Above, when Faith is raised to Knowing and Feeling with all our senses the Hand that raised us beyond the gravity of Earth to the Heart of Sky. May we claim the Highest Place, where every knee will bow. May we count our blessings for the Love that every tomorrow will bring to those who Love the Lord with all their Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul.

May we pray for one another and the whole to be reunited as  One Divine Family, the way the Creator Dreamed from the beginning. May we offer the prayer for the Ages, remembering “the work” of every generation and the promise that was True from the first prayers to the last.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful for the Divine Justice of prayers that are Answered from Above. I’m grateful for every Sign we are given to See the Light.

The wolf’s howl expresses a bond of Love that defines the territory where “all for one and one for all” is the Divine Provision Life, Love, and the Happiness of the whole.


THE TRECENA OF NIGHT/AKBAL: A Higher Dream we Know is Meant to come True

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)


8 Dog/OC (Cherokee, Wolf/KANA’TI), Kin 190, Position 10  – Day 8 of 13 of the 1 Night/AKBAL trecena.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU) who’s wisdom is preserved on MayanMajix.com

Galactic Tone 8: Justice. Harmony and balance are the intent of Eight. Eights carefully weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. Eight is the power of organization demonstrated in the statement, “As above, so below”. From simplicity to infinity, the energy of Eight organizes all levels of creation. Some Eights are “Neat Freaks”.

Dog/OC: Courageous, loyal and warm-hearted, very alert and valiant, people born of Dog are respected for their sense of justice and their protection. People born of the sun sign Dog are very sensual and know how to enjoy life. Playfulness and a good understanding of the basic human nature lead to prosperity for Dog. Dogs are good team players who love to travel and have a keen sense of their position in society. Dogs are ambitious and will take opportunities when they offer themselves, including infidelities. Dog persons share the nature of coyotes, spies, wolves and lawyers.

A GOOD DAY TO: Enjoy family and friends.

Cherokee, WOLF/KANA’TI: Wolf’s symbol is Sirius (Dog star) and Antares, one or the other always visible but never at the same time.  Wolf is our brother, shares our very roots.  All dogs are domesticated wolves, companionship and guidance.  Connecting link between the worlds. One who inspires loyalty, diplomacy and sense of humor with unlimited potential.  A teacher, healer, pathfinder and transformer.  Sharp as obsidian, gentle as a lamb. Totem -Dog.  Loyalty and faithfulness that survives beyond death.  This was the first day of creation energy in this 4th world, sets the energy for love, loyalty and faithfulness on the 5200 year cycle.  Heart chakra energy is involved so that we can move to the state of “unconditional love” with compassion.  All sexual desire issues that are not in harmony will surface to be cleared.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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