An Illumination: Bound to the Light (12 Deer/MANIK)

Plugged in to the Source of Love and Creation

A Hand Dedicated to Divine Service

12 Deer/MANIK, Cherokee Deer/Ahwu’sdi, Destiny Kin 207, Position 7
June 28, 2024, 06/28/2024; Last Round: October 12, 2023, 10/12/2023

12 Deer / MANIK

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Tone 12 raises the Intention of Understanding. Tone 12 gathers all the disassociated pieces and parts together for a New and Meaningful Whole. Comprehending the Truth is a matter of Divine Intervention. The Creator is the Source of Knowing the Truth from the beginning to the end.

When there are no more lingering questions the Truth sets us Free. We were given the faculty to Understand. We don’t have to defend the Truth that makes Common Sense. The only ones who don’t understand Common Sense are the ones who don’t choose to understand. The Truth presents the next question, the Reason Why.

Chaos is one mystery after another. When we follow the world’s order of chaos, our faculties are invested in endless questions. There’s only One Truth that matters.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

The reflection of worldly chaos is Divine Order. Human never knows it all. There are some questions that aren’t worth the Time it takes to never figure it out. There’s only One Truth that matters. God knows. And God’s Will directs our path when we turn to the Source of All Knowing.


We can’t lean to our own understanding, nor the understanding of another Human Being. God is the only one that knows all the facts of the matter.

The only way to stay on course is through a dedicated daily path that leads to an altar. Where we meet the Creator in humility, the Creator will Love us just the same. Divine Wisdom is the Sacred Exchange for Truth and Integrity.

The glyph illustrates Human’s Hand another name for MANIK. The thumb and forefinger grasp a thread of plasma that completes the electrical circuit of thoughts in Atonement with the Mind of the Divine Creator. The “father” in us all wishes we could pour out all our wisdom to save our children from heartache of suffering. It’s not our place.

Source: ScientificAmerican Illustration, Nova T Coronae Borealis

Synchronicity is the Sign of Divine Order

Synchronicity is divine timing, knowing you are in the perfect Time and Place. Maybe someone’s life depended on it. Wisdom/CIB is bringing the Truth to Light. The heavenly vault was given for Signs, the Time, and to mark Sacred Events. Venus has just begun her cycle as the Morning Star. A New star could take center stage in the Darkness.

A new star in the night sky, T CrB (“tee-core-bore”) is poised on the knife edge of a once-in-a-lifetime explosion. It takes about 80 years to accumulate a critical mass, then–BOOM–a thermonuclear explosion occurs. “It’s an H-bomb that blows up on an incredibly large scale,” says Schaefer.” The explosion will be visible to the naked eye. Schaefer expects it to be about as bright as the North Star (2nd magnitude). When it blows, T CrB will burst forth as an extra jewel in the “Northern Crown” (Corona Borealis). (Source:

A “once-in-80-year-event” in the Year of 8 is a Master Number 88. June 26th resolves to 8. 8 is the Symbol of Justice, Life and Light Multiplied in Abundance to Infinity. Imminent on Universal Time could also be August 8, 2024 (8:8:8), the 2024 Lion’s Gate alignment. The Lion’s Gate is Earth’s nearest alignment to standing up straight on her North/South Poles.

Meanwhile, we’re anticipating Solar Maximum and a Solar polar-flip. Proton rains alter Human DNA and order our biological clock. And, Earth is speeding up. From every scale of discernment these are “changing-times.” One extreme leads to another on the Sine Wave of every Vibration. There is no distance between one thing and another thing, when every other thing is connected just the same.

The myth of Corona Borealis is about a bride that is persuaded to abandon her True Love by a nemesis of worldly evils. They leave him on an island. She is given the Crown. Every 80 years Generations are reminded of the story. We hold the Power to call upon God’s Forgiveness of the whole. Who hasn’t failed? The Creator’s Divine Order turns the Darkness to Light.

Deer/MANIK is the Day sign of the Mayan priest, the One that stands in integrity to guide the whole. The Deer is a symbol of Stability with one foot to  plant in each of the 4 directions. The glyph illustrates the Vigilant Eye of the Deer as the Circle on the Hand. The Deer’s Eye is designed for landscape vision, and its ears can move in different directions to know the precise location of Sound. MANIK represents the Eye to See and the Ears to Hear what we want to Know.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful for the Hand of Divine Agency.

Hebrew 11:1-3
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
 This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.




Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

4TH SEASON: 1 Wisdom/CIB begins the 4th Season of the Tzolk’in – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: Your Destiny Kin is in synchronicity with your life mission. I realized I’d been doing what I was supposed to be doing all my life. I just wasn’t applying the way to the Highest Purpose. You can also look at dates from a different direction. You may find your story written on the calendar. If you don’t have a daily journal, you can calculate the Mayan dates for major events you can remember. Use the Kin Calculator offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page for a date six years before or after. Check to see when your next Mayan birthday will be, a Day Ordered to see the Truth of Cause and Effect, for every Dream you carried in Faith to the end of a Human orbit of creation.

12 Deer (Hand)/MANIK, (Cherokee Deer Ahwu’sdi) – Day 12 of 13 of the 1 Wisdom/CIB trecena

Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Sun/AHAU. Ian’s last Dream was to be of service from the otherside, among the Legion of Light.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom and Tzolk’in calculator preserved on

Galactic Tone 12: Twelve is a gift of great capacity of retrospection. It is this ability that allows Twelve to connect disassociated parts into a (new) functioning whole. The energy of Twelve is that which presents a new piece of understood information or accumulated experience to be applied.

Deer/MANIK (Hand): Deer are spirit tools. Silence itself is a spiritual experience for Deer. For Deer life is a pilgrimage. Deer are dominant persons who defend the people and will make sacrifices for others. The spirit of Deer upholds the pillars of the four directions. With the power inherent in the number four, Deer pushes away bad influences or negative energies. Skill and quality of work are very important to Deer. They are presented with tools for every task in life and it is with these that they are able to rise above limitations. Deer has a habit of keeping every tool it has ever used. This leads to clutter and indecision, loss and procrastination. When confronted with promises not kept, Deer becomes stubborn, manipulative and evasive.

A GOOD DAY TO: Be of  Service to others.

Cherokee, Deer/Ahwu’sdi: Symbolized by Constellation Galagina, the Stag, known as Taurus, the Bull. It does not include the Pleiades and Hyades clusters which in Cherokee are viewed as separate. To feed, gatherers of food and supplies, they enjoy rituals, ceremonials, feasts, the souls of hospitality, sociability. Freedom versus security issues often inspire leadership and unique solutions.  Combined with artistic and inspiring energies in harmony with lunar cycles, they nourish the clans. Totem-Deer:  A priest or shaman, a powerful person in general, to overwhelm an individual with one’s personal power, divination; inclined to become a teacher, healer, guru, civic leader, or politician.  Ability to create harmonic resonance.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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