1 Flint/ETZNAB – Womb of Re-Creation


1 Flint/ETZNAB

1 Flint/ETZNAB

Flint beams the Stellar Ray of Truth to Earth as a crystal sword cast down along the path of a lightning flash – and, brings about change. ~Cherokee Sacred Calendar

Greetings Kin,

We are the source of our life’s greatest mystery. Generations have sought the true meaning of life and the purpose of our being. Evidence that our ancestors sought to preserve their understanding is immortalized in the design of stone monuments and temples, and in the Mayan Calendar as well.

Ascending the trecena of Serpent/CHICCHAN, we have shed our old skin.  Flint/ETZNAB will guide us over the next 13-day cycle, bringing the energy to wipe the slate clean. Through an examination of Truth, we will be released from past illusions so we may be reborn into the innocence of our original design. Flint/ETZNAB will serve us as an Opener of the Way.



Galactic Tone 1:  Unity. One is the beginning of all things, the first, the whole and the all in one. One’s are assertive and self-guided and give a good push to whatever project they are associated with. One persons work best when meeting a challenge. Do not expect One-persons to be attentive to details or to put the finishing touches on things.

Flint/ETZNAB: Mirror of reality. As a struck flint, these persons are the divine sparks of intelligence. Flint’s innate abilities are utilized to discriminate emotions from fact. Flint persons stand tireless to protect, defend, or cure others by personal sacrifice. By courageously wielding the sword of truth, falsehoods are cut away. Flints, it was said, can receive information on inter-personal troubles or evil plots of others by reflecting in an obsidian mirror. Their valiant service as warriors of the truth must be impeccable or they will experience sufferings of accidents, misunderstandings and gossip.

Cherokee, Flint/DAWI’SGALA: Opener of the Way, a creator, innovator, stretches the mind to outside limits of capabilities. Changes the static to the dynamic.  Brings about change, often through separation and destruction.  Beams the Stellar Ray of Truth to Earth as a crystal sword cast down along the path of a lightning flash. The transformer brings things to a head and wipes the slate clean. (Complete description included with the Trecena guide.)


Womb of Re-Creation: Day 1

1 Flint/ETZNAB marks the beginning of a journey to bring Truth to Light. We will enter core days, stabilized by 4 Crocodile/IMIX. IMIX is the Day Sign recognized as the primordial mother that holds the memory of our sacred design. The trecena of Flint/ETZNAB will lead us into the womb of re-creation, reflecting the truth of our Divine Identity.

core daysWe will be led into the 7th uinal (center column of 20 kins) and to the seasonal transition at the center of the Tzolk’in calendar. These kin are referred to as the core days of the calendar, the vertices dividing the symmetry of the Tzolk’in, and a cycle likened to the chrysalis stage of the butterfly. Here we will explore our own magic – the same Earth Magic that makes it possible for a butterfly to emerge from a formless void.

This is a passage of self evolution and discovery. Our fear and doubt can be cast aside as Flint reveals the Truth of their illusion. 13 Dog/OC who has served as guardian of this season, awaits us at the center of the Tzolk’in to deliver our ascension with a celebration of unconditional love.

To all my relations, may we surrender the illusion of who we are so we might see the truth from God’s original design. As we enter into a time of realignment, may we find our peace through the surrender of our destiny to the hands of our Creator.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN

Adjusting to the Direction of South: The Fine Points and Broad Encompassing Curves of the Medicine Wheel, a message for the trecena of Serpent/CHICCHAN  from Minisa Crumbo Halsey, with inspiration from the Sacred Medicine Wheel tradition.

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for Cherokee Sacred Calendar information and practical suggestions and traditional prayers and ceremony.

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

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