4 Sun / AHAU – Divine Forces of Nature


4 Sun / AHAU

4 Sun / AHAU

Greetings Kin,

Our New World takes on form and stability as the center of the 4 Directions. 4 Sun/Ahau is revered by the Maya as the day on which the Mayan world was born.

Sun/AHAU is the Day Sign of Light that illuminates our highest aspirations for ourselves and the world around us. The challenge is to approach life realistically without compromising our dreams.

The world is what we make it through our Sacred Right of Choice. The chaos we see was a creation of our own making born of our fear of separation.  Sun/AHAU gives light to the Truth that we are all connected as One.

Sun/AHAU opens the connection to the Ancestors, offering the highest energy for Spiritual Growth. Through the language of light, the Sun creates and nourishes new life, and brings enlightenment that can raise us to a new level of consciousness.

We have a special relationship with the Sun and like the Sun, we emit our own light that is measurably brighter when we are in a state of consciousness. Science is studying the nature of our light (biophotons) as a potential communications network between cells, throughout the body, and extending beyond our physical form, and the future cure for cancer may be Light. (See article, The Power of Biological Light on Healing on the Inspiration Page.)

As above, so below. We can consciously call God’s Light to illuminate whatever prevents us from experiencing our greatest happiness. What we draw Light to can be healed and returned to purity.

We’re reborn into a new world once again. We must accept the reality that we are only given the power to change ourselves.  Given the “Sacred Right of Choice” we each have the power to transform our own world to a place where no harm is ever intended, where no love or forgiveness is withheld, and we value our differences for an opportunity of another perspective. As we grow into the pure reflection of God’s Light, we create the foundation for a new way of living in harmony.

4 Ahau is Global Burner Day – a day upon which the Maya held ceremonial fires for purification and to call in the Ancestors. We can use the element of Fire to acknowledge this day offering all we would desire to to bring to the Light. Bring your cares to the fire and release them so you may walk in your own new world.

To all my relations, may we call on the wisdom of our ancestors to help Light the Way. May we be given the vision of a brand new world founded in Love so the Earth may become the place of Peace and Joy that God intended it to be.

in lak’ech, i am another you,

Jaguar Woman, 9 Eagle/MEN

NOTE: 4 Ahau/December 21, 2012 End-Time Prophecy
The December 21, 2012 end-time prophecy was based on the date’s correspondence with 4 Sun/AHAU. Though, the Maya considered this date to mark the ending of one cycle and the beginning of the next, believing the new cycle would usher in “The Shift of the Ages” that would call for a Human awakening.

Grand Mayan Elder, Don Alejandro

Grand Mayan Elder, Don Alejandro


[2:52 minutes] YouTube Video
Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is the head of the National Council of Maya Elders, a 13th generation Quiche Maya Spiritual Leader

PHOTO: (c) Dana Mrkich 2011.
Permission is granted to share freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL www.danamrkich.com is included.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


4 Sun/AHAU (Cherokee, Flower/GUN’TSI EK)

Galactic Tone 4: Stability; the cube is most stable of all forms and establishes volume by definition of height, length, depth and breadth; 4 directions establish orientation. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, work, or relationship.

Sun/AHAU: Day of the ancestors and connection to their guidance. The divine face of the sun – lord, musician, singer, dancer, and marksman. Suns are artistic, heroic athletes, visionaries with wise judgment who lead and defend the people. So much is expected from themselves and by other people that unfulfilled expectations are a certainty. An accumulation of these disappointments may lead Sun to evade responsibilities, not accept corrections and even build resentment and disdain towards others. Suns should simplify their lives to be able to rise and shine with unconditional love once again.

Cherokee, Flower/GUN’TSI EK: Symbol is the Sun, place of abode of Great Spirit. The Sun creates, nurtures, and is the super communicator, the way station that relays messages and energy from other stars in the galaxy; provides energy for channeling information from the Ancestors; speaking the Living Language of Light, which ignites the consciousness in others. Gold is the color of courage and opportunity of wealth. Creative arts, master craftsman expressing divinity and wisdom through their creations. The face of the flower follows the Sun gathering the fire of creativity, illuminating harmony and balance, resonating peace and continuity within the human spirit. This is the Sign of the Chalice of the Infinite, Caldron of Creation.
NEW DAY KEEPERS: My sacred intention for the new Tzolk’in round is to offer more personal support. I will be offering an Introductory Guided Course for Day Keepers in the near future. Contact me if this is something you would be interested in! Also, if you’d just like help identifying your Day Sign, I’m more than happy to help. Blessings, in lak’ech Debra (debra.malmos@gmail.com)

Minisa Crumbo Halsey offers a message for the trecena of Earth / CABAN from the sacred Medicine Wheel tradition.

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for Cherokee Sacred Calendar information and practical suggestions and traditional prayers and ceremony.

How is your Spiritual path today?

I love to hear from you. Share your thoughts on the day, your Day Sign, or just say Hi!

2 thoughts on “4 Sun / AHAU – Divine Forces of Nature

  1. I really like the energy of this trecena…After the Cauac comes the Ahau…After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul’s indefeasible(invincible) duty is to be of good cheer. William R. Alger

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