1 Night / AKBAL – Creating Higher Dreams: Day 1 of 13

The Realm of our Dreams is Real

Dreams are Real. The world is an illusion.

1 Night/AKBAL (ahk bahl), Cherokee, Hearth/O’YA  O’UO, Destiny Kin 183, Position 3
September 18, 2023, 09/18/2023 (Master Number 99: 9th Month, 18th Day (1+8=9)

1 Night / AKBAL

Greetings Beloved Kin,

“Night/AKBAL is a Light that Shines in the Darkness as the Dreamer that Believes in the Dream.”  

Night/AKBAL is the Dreamer that Believes in the Dream. The glyph illustrates the veil drawn back on the head of Monkey/CHUEN. CHUEN is the Master of all Arts, and the Alchemyst of Creation. The Light shining in the darkness is the Dream of our Heart’s Desire.

Nothing is impossible in our Dreams. Everything can be random and out of order, yet it still makes sense while we’re asleep. CHUEN holds the Consciousness to know all Dreams begin in our Imagination. The challenge is believing after we wake up to the illusion of the world. That’s where it feels like everything is out of order for the way “we think” things should be.

The Next 13 Days…

Red and Blue Day signs reflect a cycle of Divine Inspiration. Night/AKBAL holds Position  3, a symbol of Divine Trinity. CHUEN holds Position 11, the Master Number that symbolizes the Inspiration for our “life path” Road to Destiny. From the West, we will draw from the Darkness of the Creative Void to bring a New Creation to Life.


In the “core days” of the 7th uinal, we dreamed the Highest Dream to be written in the Seed for a New Life. That was the Dream as High as Human could imagine. Then, a Divine Creator stepped in the 8 uinal of Divine Justice. Like a Divine Father that can do anything, we were raised to the Consciousness of Greater things, knowing the Creator was on our side. In the 9th uinal we ordered to stand back and take another look at the Big Picture. Our Ascension on 13 Wind/IK was the Answer to all our Prayers.

Seeing and Acknowledging the Truth of a Divine Creator, and knowing a Divine Cause will always manifest a Divine Effect, we realized our Highest Hopes and Aspirations will never fail. In the 7th uinal we were designing a Dream based on everything we can do. Now we get a second chance to create a Dream based on everything a Divine Creator will do.


Monkey/CHUEN is the Weaver of Time, with ALL Time rolled up in its head. The Monkey employs the vision of a Master Artist. It’s said the Monkey hardly ever finishes a creation. It will drop everything when something new engages its curiosity. The Monkey could care less about Human’s rules and order. In our Dreams we can jump around in random order, going with the flow of Divine Inspiration.

There are lots of steps from the beginning to the end. The world tells us that’s the only way to “finish the job.” The Monkey shares a completely different perspective, creating in the order of Divine Inspiration. Divine Inspiration we Love creates the Passion to Create. One thing leads to another in a round about way, as long as we stick to what we Love – even if its something New every day. (Creation begets creation.)

The last Day of the trecena reflects the Guardian of the cycle. 13 Eagle/MEN is the Day sign that shares a gift of Vision to see the end from the beginning. It doesn’t see all the details, but it can imagine the pieces and parts of a picture to know the future. We were raised to the Consciousness of Remembering that we always learn something Higher on the way. It’s best not to clearly define an end. If we keep our options open, we allow for the Divine Genius that could strike us along the way.

Time is subjective in the realm of our Dreams. Universal Time is all-in-one. The Creator knows everything all at once. Our Divine Inspiration can manifest a piece of the end that fits perfectly when all the parts are drawn together. The Power of Creation is the Time we spend in Communion co-creating with the Divine Genius Above that is the Source for our Highest Dreams.

AKBAL is a cycle that holds potential for mystical experiences. The veil is drawn back for us to see “all the power under the hood.” We get an inside look at our Human laboratory for Creation. Our faculties of thought are separated from one another so we can see how they work together. Our unconscious thoughts are separated from our conscious thoughts. Our mind of reason is separated from the faculty of our imagination.

Our Divine Dreams start in our imagination. When we create from our mind of Reason, we’re only trying to imagine “what sells.” We can manifest the creation, but the work won’t be nearly as rewarding as the Dream that speaks to our heart. Creation is supposed to be the “alchemist at play.” We can trick our subsciousness into believing in our wild ideas, when we turn whatever we do into a game we remember. One Creation will always lead to another. I am set on the theory that our most Genious Creation can start with a mud pie – if we only imagine we’re cooking up something big. We don’t have to see “detaiils” to add a dash of Genius and a dash of Love. We can add some fairy dust if we want to, our subconscious mind will get the message. (Be sure to add a heaping spoonfull of a big surprise at the end. Or you could use a magic word, like Abracadabra. Even better, “AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, so it shall be.”

By the end of this cycle we could see we’ve been driving a Ferrari with our foot to the floor – in first gear.

The Cherokee Day sign is The Hearth, the fires of creation that burn like an eternal flame, where the Creator’s Legion of Light fans the embers into a roaring fire. The Highest One reflects all the Divine Aspects of Being, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine creating together. They are a Mayan archetype of the Highest God  Elohim, the two in one. (El is a feminine pronoun attached to a masculine name.)

Ixchel and Itzamna – the Vessel is the Womb of Mother’s Love

When we share our Sacred Right to Choose with a Hand Above, the two in one of us can lead us to the Beauty of Creation, As Above, So Below. It’s a matter of seeing things both ways, so we’ll apply the Inspiration to a Creation that serves the Highest Good of the Whole. (We can use our gift of Reason to do things in a Divine Way as the orders are given from Above.

We don’t have to fill in all the blanks. We are only creating the “outline” for another Human Seed that will have its own Sacred Right to choose.

Mind map shared by a google career coach.

Another way is to create a Vision Board. Forget the “hard parts” and imagine the Ferarri you’ll be driving at full speed with the wind in your hair. Imagine what you’ll wear when you go the bank to invest your profits in a big Certificate of Deposit… and everyone is rushing around to bring you coffee and introduce you to the Chairman of the Board. Where will you go to celebrate over lunch when you’re through, and who will you take along?

AKBAL is time to Dream and think for our self. The hardest part is realizing the dreams we let go in the past, when we still thought they were impossible. So, sometimes AKBAL Dreams can turn into a Dark Night of the Soul if we forget it’s never too late. That’s when the Voice of the Creator speaks to us in our AKBAL dreams. You’ll know it’s True when the words that come out of the blue, are exactly what you needed to hear. Holding the Element of Water, our Divine Communion is a conversation straight from the Heart.

AKBAL guides us to willingly “go there” in the darkness of the unknown. That’s how we’ll find the Dream that’s still waiting to come true.

Remember, sometimes we don’t know what we love until it’s gone. Open your heart to a dream you gave up on a long time ago. Or reconsider a dream you shoved to the back burner.

Cycles guided by AKBAL can feel like you never woke up. You may be lost between your head and your heart until the big reveal.

A Hand of Divine Justice will help complete the Dream so we can claim it’s Real in the 10th uinal of manifestation. The Holy Days of Transformation for this trecena are 8 Dog/OC and 9 Monkey/CHUEN, the 10:11 that reflect the two highest aspects of the Creator’s Power to manifest all the Beauty of the Creation.

THE HOLY DAY 9 MONKEY/CHUEN: The Initiation of the Mayan Priestess
From the “top of the pyramid” we climb another Pyramid of the Magician, where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine reside in the Unity of Right Relationship, to make every Dream we Love come true.

Remember we’re in training for a steeper pyramid climb. The first two steps will be the doozies, when we begin at the end and work our way back to the beginning. The The first day of Movement is 3 Serpent/CHICCHAN, that quickens our Spirit and moves our Heart.  While you wait in the Darkness, remember the Light.

Rememer the REAL way you climb a pyramid is to “not look up” and “don’t look down.” Find solice clinging where you are to every step of the way.

Imagine the view at the top, where you will be Seen and Acknowledge at a Divine Initiation by the Heart of Sky that declares you’re a “chip off the old block.”

(A Divine Father will celebrate the genes he shared. The Divine Mother will embrace you, knowing and sharing your darkest days.)

Don’t expect to get anything done on Tone 1. This is Time ordered to spend with our thoughts in the company of the Lord of Creation. Remember what we learned at our Ascension, to See and Acknowledge the Highest One. The sky is the limit.

BELIEVE IN MIRACLES. Like Dreams, they are the Truth. And, remember the Monkey’s sense of Humor so you won’t make life harder than it has to be. 

in lak’ech, i am another you,

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN


THESE, then, are the first words, the first speech. There is not yet one person, one animal, bird, fish, crab,
tree, rock, hollow, canyon, meadow, or forest. All alone the sky exists. The face of the earth has not yet appeared.
Alone lies the expanse of the sea, along with the womb of all the sky. There is not yet anything gathered together. All
is at rest. Nothing stirs. All is languid, at rest in the sky. There is not yet anything standing erect. Only the expanse of
the water, only the tranquil sea lies alone. There is not yet anything that might exist. All lies placid and silent in the
darkness, in the night.

All alone are the Framer and the Shaper, Sovereign and Quetzal Serpent, They Who Have Borne Children and
They Who Have Begotten Sons. Luminous they are in the water, wrapped in quetzal feathers and cotinga feathers.
Thus they are called Quetzal Serpent. In their essence, they are great sages, great possessors of knowledge…
There is also Heart of Sky…

~ The Primordial  World, Popol Vuh
The Heart of Sky is the god Huracan.

I’m grateful for all the ways we share a Divine Communion with the One Above.



THE TRECENA OF NIGHT/AKBAL: A Higher Dream we Know is Meant to come True

Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: You can also look at dates from a different direction. What is the Destiny Kin number of your day sign’s 3rd tone? You may have overlooked a life-changing day. Use the Kin Calculator offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page for a date six years before or after. If you are just starting to count the days and don’t have a journal from the last round, when something major happens in your life you can look to see if there was a major event on that same date before. You can also look for Signs in the “distance of time” – the number of days between one day and another, from the Time and Date Calculator linked on the resources page. Example – 33 days is a symbol of a day that you actualize the Truth from the beginning date.

1 Night/AKBAL (Cherokee, Hearth/O’YA  O’UO  – Day 1 of 13 of the 1 Night/AKBAL trecena.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom preserved on MayanMajix.com

Galactic Tone 1: Galactic Tone 1: Unity. One is the beginning of all things, the first, the whole and the all in one. One’s are assertive and self-guided and give a good push to whatever project they are associated with. One persons work bestt when meeting a challenge. Do not expect One-persons to be attentive to details or to put the finishing touches on things.

Night/Akbal: Bringers of the Dawn. Dreamers who bring the new sun to clarify and illuminate the road of life. Thus the insecurities and doubts born of darkness of the sub-conscious mind are dispelled. These persons travel the Void. a place where nothing yet exists but all potential dwells, the womb of creation. From this void, Night persons bring forth new solutions and artistic inspiration. Night’s voyages of dreams build confidence and happiness with a sense of well being. If night does not bravely journey into the void they may find themselves wandering the darkness of self doubt and insecurity.

A GOOD DAY TO: Spend some Time contemplating the stars.

AKBAL – The Hearth of “Home”

Cherokee, Hearth/O’YA  O’UO: Hearth’s symbol of the triangle of Orion. The Hearth is the Torchbearer who holds the light and warmth throughout the night.  Belief is so strong that the surrounding elements become entrained to their rhythm and all resistance falls away. With respect and honor of intuition combined with knowledge this energy creates the magic of the center in this dimension. AKBAL-Night-Totem-OWL, Guardian of the Night Sun. Energies for the opening of mystic secrets, see through the masks of deception, trickery.  High ability of discernment.  Portals open to other worlds and dimensions for your learning and spiritual growth.  Magical abilities are possible.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]


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