A Reason to Love: A Divine Cause (1 Offering/MULUC) – Day One of 13

Light of Illumination

Loving for a Divine Cause and Effect

1 Offering/MULUC, (Cherokee, The River/YUN’WI GUNNAHI’TA), Destiny Kin 209,  Position 9
June 30, 2024, 06/30/2024; Last Round: January 27, 2023, 01/27/2023

Greetings Beloved Kin,

1 Offering / MULUC

MULUC represents the “Christ Spirit” as the wounded healer. Love and Forgiveness is the sacrifice we must bear to bring death to our Ego. It’s one thing to forgive a human failing, and another to “give a pass” for those who intended harm. Both are the result of Human limitations, under the rule of their doubts and fears.

The Number One Reason to forgive is in exchange for the Offering from Above that saved us from our darkest end. We can Count our Blessings for all the Time it may have taken to know that the Author of Creation is always on our side. MULUC raises the Intention of Giving Back and Paying Forward. The Creator was the First to Give. We only have to Count our Blessings that there is something of Human value we can Give Back.

MULUC holds Position 9, a symbol of 3 repeated times 3. Coincidence becomes Divine Synchronicity when we’ve seen the Signs of Major Life Change 3 times in perfect order. We no longer have to fear our emotions, when we are in touch with our feelings.

June 30, 2024, 06/30/2024, repeats the 3’s times 2/times 10/8 in ’24. When we anticipate Miracles we create them. Number 9 is the Intention to see the Big Picture on an exponential scale of Divine Justice as Love given back in return.



Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Sun/AHAU: Videos of Ian’s wisdom is available on MayanMajix.com and YouTube

The Offering/MULUC trecena is dedicated to Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Sun/AHAU. The 1st Day of the trecena you were born is the date of conception, the Light that conceived the way your Destiny would serve a primary purpose of Intention. He was born to give back, and to raise the Light of Understanding, grounded by a Cause of Compassionate Love. His dying dream was to serve as one among the Legion of Light to be a Hand in Service from the other side. He ascended to become 13 Sun/AHAU, a Divine Light of Illumination. When we Remember, we bring the Wisdom of their Consciousness back to life.

When I cross to the other side, I hope I’ll know when someone recalls my name with love. A Creator of Compassionate Love placed that Dream in our heart. The Creator’s Love is never unrequited. MULUC is a Covenant of Loving back and forth, that goes on forever in the Giving Back and Paying Forward.  Love is the rhythm of the Breath and the Heartbeat of the Universe.

MULUC is a symbol of the Moon, our Emotions, and Water, everywhere, from the Cosmos to our own tears. The tides of Human emotions are rising as we approach the Spring Tides of the New Moon, July 5, 2024. Independence Day may solicit an emotional response.

Mayan Calendar Forecast for Offering/MULUC

The Next 13 Days…

Tone 1 defines the energy of a beginning that is sustained to the end. MULUC can stir our Human Emotions. Honoring your feelings and the feelings of others is a top priority. Loving Kindness is the fruit of Love. Our Heart can Feel the Vibration of Love from the flatline of feelings grown cold.

Red and Blue Day signs are cycles of the Light of Divine Inspiration. Human’s comprehend the Truth through Duality. Our Truth isn’t complete without the Truth being proven as the Wisdom of our own Experience. Cycles of Light are Dreams of Divine Inspiration. The Time is intended to take in the Light. We’ll Know the Truth by an “Act of God” in the next trecena of 1 Wind/IK (Destiny Kin 222). Allow yourself to think outside the box, as an exercise, instead of applying Reasons to be right or wrong. The Element of Fire represents passion as a burning desire or feelings under pressure.

13 Crocodile/IMIX is the end planned from the beginning. Tone 13 is the Ascension of Consciousness to a Higher Truth of Answered Prayers. IMIX shares the Creator’s Light as the Dreams with our Name on it. We’ll Know the Source of the Inspiration that will carry a Divine Idea to its end.

12 Sun/AHAU (Ian’s Mayan birthday) completes the 11th uinal of Wisdom from Human’s Highest State of Consciousness. Number 11 is the Wake-up Code that sparks our Consciousness with a Question of a “sign.” Master Number 11 represents the Source and Light of Divine Inspiration. The Sun always offers a Revelation of our Power to Create any Dream that bears the Light of Divine Inspiration. We think we know what it means, though it’s always possible to see it from a Higher Point of view. We complete the 11th uinal tuned in to a Higher Consciousness of Truth and Understanding, to enter the 12 uinal of Divine Understanding – Comprehending a Truth Spoken from Above.

We are positioned at the threshold of a Major Life Change. whatever the Truth of our life may be, we’ll clearly see the Cause and Effect of God’s Will. The Wind/IK trecena that begins in the 12th uinal, represents God’s Final Word as the Author of Creation.

The Energy Today

Every trecena begins from a state of inertia. We could be drained of emotional resources. We can use our energy to Heal our Self. We have Sunday to rest without guilt. We can give our Self a hug. Our body knows what it means. Offer yourself some tender loving care, on behalf of a Creator who shared the power to  heal our self. (MULUC holds the power to heal on a mass scale from the micro to the macro. If you’re fighting dis-ease, try loving all the healthy cells that share their Light of Love.)

It’s hard to make headway on Tone 1 and 2. If you find yourself “in your feelings” remember it’s all in a Day’s work to share them with the Only One who understands. Give yourself 2 days off from making any decisions. If you are put on the spot, it’s always wise to say, “I need to think about it.” Avoid the impulse to react on emotions.

We make up for what could feel like lost time on Tone 3, the Day we are Divinely Inspired to Move. 3 Road/EB marks a milestone on our Road to Destiny.

Count your Blessings and offer gratitude and appreciation to the Divine One that knows how we feel, and knows all the reasons why. That’s how Love is supposed to be. The Highest Reason we can forgive is as an offering for a debt of Love we could never repay. God deserves our respect. That’s reason enough to Obey the Light of Truth we know within.


The Cherokee Day sign, The River, guides us to go with the flow in gratitude for all things as God’s Will. Let the “water flow under the bridge.” The Creator will provide all the Light we need to Understand the Truth that is veiled by shadows and hidden in plain sight.

We turn Darkness to Light when we Choose to Obey, and when the Truth isn’t fair, we turn to the Divine Mission to turn it into an offering. We are indebted by a measure we could never repay to the One and Only witness to our Defense. He’s been in every room and listened to every Human conversation. If we’re living, we’ve been blessed by countless Miracles we’ve never seen. We’ve been spared from danger.

The Magic is Counting our Blessings for what the Creator has already done, and make every offering of Love in God’s Name. God speaks on our behalf when we don’t have the words to say.

James 1:2-4 NIV
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

MULUC is a Day to Offer a Blessing to Water everywhere. See and acknowledge the blessing and pray for clean water on behalf of the whole. Bless your self with Living Water that is seen and acknowledged as the substance that held the Light of the Ancestors.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra 9 Eagle/MEN

The Jaguar’s “Magic” of Gratitude:
I’m grateful Happiness can be an Offering of Faith, multiplied in return. 


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide Page for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” My gift for the Tzolk’in round offers an overview for each 13-day trecena and the aspects of each day of the Tzolk’in round. The page also offers a link to resources for your own practice of counting the days to conceive your own discernment of the Meaning of Time.

1 Offering/MULUC is the 2nd trecena of the 4th Season of the Tzolk’in – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Seasons 3 and 4 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

NOTE: You can calculate your Mayan birthday on Ian Xel Lungold’s website at MayanMajix.com. He shares the Northern count of the Yucatec tradition that is observed by many as the Tzolk’in count for the Northern Hemisphere. Additional tools are offered on the Daykeeper’s Resource Page.

1 Offering/MULUC (Cherokee, The River/YUN’WI GUNNAHI’TA) – Day 1 of 13 of the 1 Offering/MULUC trecena

Ian Xel Lungold, 12 Sun/AHAU. Ian’s last Dream was to be of service from the otherside, among the Legion of Light.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom and Tzolk’in calculator preserved on MayanMajix.com

Galactic Tone 1: Unity. One is the beginning of all things, the first, the whole and the all in one. One’s are assertive and self-guided and give a good push to whatever project they are associated with. One persons work best when meeting a challenge. Do not expect One-persons to be attentive to details or to put the finishing touches on things.

Offering/MULUC: Also known as the sign of water. Ceremonially, Maya use water as an offering in baptisms and purifications. These ceremonies are done to bring about a collective strength, adaptability and harmony. In sincere appreciation, Offering people gladly give more than they ask for themselves. Offering persons are dynamic communicators with great intelligence making them excellent employers. Like a shaken vessel of water, Offering people regain equilibrium quickly. Also like a body of water, there may be deep undercurrents of emotion and hidden dangers. Others perceive these as hidden agendas in offering people and so extend them little trust and may even slap blame on them.

A GOOD DAY TO: Offer appreciation for all of creation.

Cherokee, The River/YUN’WI GUNNAHI’TA BO EO IW:  The River is symbolized by The Milky Way, the Gihli’Utsun’stanun’yi “Where the Dog Ran” to gather the souls for Heaven.  The River is the minion for Grandfather Moon.  Long Man is the personification of the River stretching from the mountains to the lowlands, speaking to those who can understand.  People of this sign find “sermons in the stones” and good in everything.  These souls march to a different drummer, driven by inner volcanic forces.  The River is the “Fountain of Life” and represents the fluid of the cosmos to fluids in the body, with the energy to clear all karmic debts, personally and on a mass level with fluidity and grace.  The Moon controls our fluid cycle, to clear and understand emotional issues.  When you take this step to clear the emotional body, then you are ready for transformational energies at the next level.  As humans, our actions are ruled by our emotions, the key is to understand the connection and honor the emotions.

The Aztecs define this cycle as an internal battle with our self. (We’re waging war on the ego.) Learn more at AztecCalendar.com

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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