The Dawn of Reality: A Vision of the Future (5 Eagle/MEN)

Messier 16 (M16), Eagle Nebula, the “pillars of creation” (Source: The Eagle Nebula is 7,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Serpens.

Truth Manifests a Vision of the Future

5 Eagle/MEN, Cherokee, Eagle/UWO’HATLI, Destiny Kin 135, Position 15
April 17, 2024, 04/17/2024

Greetings Beloved Kin,

The Pillars of Creation are built on the Truth. When we clearly see the Truth in our Time and  Place, a Vision of the future appears. We can see that the history repeating itself could carry on forever, a course that could never lead from our Point A to the Highest Hopes we imagined as our Divine Point B.

Through the Intention to Know the Truth at any cost, the Truth of “all that is” can correct our course to a Higher End. Truth empowers us to move in a new direction.

When the Eagle sees the end of its Highest Hopes and Aspirations, it sees the Dream within its grasp. The way to the end is to lock in to the coordinates of an “X” that marks the spot of a Dream beyond Human’s imagination.

We are guided to boldly go toward a future we’ve never seen before, knowing the Truth that by God’s Will, we CAN. Nothing is holding us back except a past that could never be changed. When we see the Truth, the new way forward appears as the only “wise choice” there is to make.

The hard part is letting go of a fantasy that appeared to be the Truth, before. When Love was the Truth we wanted to see, it’s hard to make a 180 turn that leaves an old Dream behind. The Light that shines the way is God’s Truth that pours through the Heart as Living Water.

Don’t regret the past. Where Love was our Truth, the memories will last forever. Don’t look back over your shoulder, hoping to see a change, for an easier way than leaving a “reality of the world” we may have imagined was the only Love we’d ever know. The Creator shares a vision of an unlimited possibility made possible by the Creator’s Love.


Our Hopes are raised by a New Vision of the future. The Creator draws us beyond a realm of “impossibility,” back into the Light of endless possibilities.

The Time is ordered for us to see a Light in the Future, as a Dream Unknown that lies within our grasp. Truth is an Offering from the Heart of Sky, when our heart is opened to receive the Light. Today, a new vision of the future is ours to claim as a Vision from Above.

We’ll know it’s the Truth when the future we see is everything our Heart Desired could be. The Eagle flies by Intuition, leaning in to the Truth for the way. The Eagle flies into the storm, where the whirlwind of the Creator’s breath lifts us beyond all the obstacles we faced on the “hard road.”

When our Faith is anchored to the Heart of Sky, we’re raised by the Truth from a Higher Perspective of the Creator whose Truth never fails us. When we are dedicated to lean in to the Highest Choice that speaks to our heart, every time we consider one way or another, there will be no doubt of reaching above and beyond the limits of yesterday.

Don’t let a Human limitation get in the way of a Promise that was meant to be. As soon as we Love our Self, just as we are and Know we’re enough, the Creator can set us free. Human limitations fulfill a Divine Purpose until we Know the Truth of Love without conditions. The Creator holds the Power to break every stronghold and every liar that told us, we could never be enough.

Angel Number 5555
Eagle’s position 15 is a symbol of three 5’s, and Tone 5 makes 4. Number 5 resonates with the influences and attributes of personal freedom, unconventional, individualism, non-attachment, and major life changes. The number 5 symbolizes the principles of multiplicity, progression and passion and signifies the need for change, variety and new growth. The 5555 number sequence is a message from the Universe that your life is about to go through some major changes, with new freedoms and living your inner- truths.

Tone 5 represents a force of intelligence at the center of the cube that manages resources for application. In the 5th hour of creation, we gather all the tools we need before we begin “the work.” Our Common Ways are evidence of a Divine Design. Through the Intention, we “know we can” from the beginning.

The Eagle is a strong “father figure” who shares the care and feeding of their whole family. One spring I watched an eagle web cam from the beginning to the day of the fledge. After the eaglet fledged the nest, the Father brought a fish back to the nest. He never ate it. It was intended as a meal that would be waiting, should the little one return home.

The nest cam scanned the landscape to find the fledgling on a branch in the middle of the river. The place must have been the Father’s fishing hole the Eaglet saw from the nest. The destination was a beautiful sight where the new Eagle faced into the wind with water rushing by on either side. The Eagle reflects the Power of Truth we learn by example. The Eagle taught Humans how to fly.

As Above, So Below. We all learn from our Father’s example, one way or another.

Yesterday, April 15, 2024, marked the 1st Quarter Moon. We’ve only seen the half of what a Divine Creator intends to reveal through the Light of Spring.

in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN


I’m grateful for the Fathers of the Animal Kingdom that share the strength of their softer side. 

April marks the time of the breaching of the great whales who pass through Puget Sound. Off the shores of Whidbey Island, WA. They fish by slamming into the more shallow waters to stir up a meal of shrimp on the bottom.

Humpback whale breaching at night on full moon near ship bow © Izanbar |


I’ll Walk With God – Lyrics
Song by Mario Lanza

I’ll walk with god
From this day on
His helping hand I’ll lean upon

This is my prayer my humble plea
May the lord be ever with me

There is no death though eyes grow dim
There is no fear when I’m near to him
I’ll lean on him forever
And he’ll forsake me never

He will not fail me as long as my faith is strong
What ever road I may walk alone

I’ll walk with god
I’ll take his hand
I’ll talk with god he’ll understand

I’ll pray to him
Each day to him
And he’ll hear the words that I say
His hand will guide my throne and rod
And I’ll never walk alone
While I walk with god


Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” The guide includes the overview of each trecena and the aspects for the Count of Days.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Season 3 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

We are ALL the heroes of our own journey. Don’t count on anyone else for the Truth you already “know by feeling” within. Each trecena offers a Higher Context for the Truth of every day. The Monkey/CHUEN is the Creator of the Reality of our Dreams.

5 Eagle/MEN (Cherokee, Eagle/UWO’HATLI) – Day 5 of 13, the 1 Monkey/CHUEN trecena

The 7th Uinal of BalanceCORE DAYS:  The 7th Uinal in the Center of the Tzolk’in is compared to our own axis mundi, the center of our own universe where we are always perfectly positioned at the center of the 4 directions. The axis is the “line around which any body rotates.” Like a spinning gyroscope, we find our balance in a relationship shared between the Above and the Below. Holding a focus within the center of our Self, we reside in the place of perfect balance.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom preserved on

Galactic Tone 5: Empowerment. At the center of the cube we find Five. Five is an intelligent, organizing force which manages communications and materials, knowledge and application. Fives are natural net workers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.

Eagle/MEN: Intermediary between Heaven and Earth. Due to the Eagles superior point of view and keen intelligence, they achieve material abundance and good fortune. A messenger gifted with patience and a deep sense of value, Eagle brings hope and trust on the wings of Spirit. Eagle persons are very detail oriented and technically inclined. Compassionate service to others sustains prosperity for Eagle personas as the flapping of wings would sustain their bird brothers. If Eagle becomes viciously competitive or possessive, greed and jealousy cause a fall from the heights. Eagles, being blessed with freedom of movement, should be aware of escapism. Eagles may be tempted to just fly away from troubles by using indulgences.

A GOOD DAY TO: Rise to a Higher Perspective.

Cherokee, Eagle/UWO’HATLI: Eagle’s symbol is Mars the Spirit Warrior. He is a minion of Grandfather Moon. Eagles were the warrior society, the braves the protectors of the nation. Women were included. There was no discrimination which is reflected in the language: third person singular is divided into animate, human and animate, not human instead of he and she. The energy of high hopes and anticipations, dreams and visions, cosmic consciousness and commitment. On earth, a provider of excellence, leader, husbandry, care-taking of others, financial security and inheritance.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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