The Dawn of Reality: The Truth of Spirit (4 Jaguar/IX)

Orion in the Winter sky over El Castillo

The Inner Vision of Light

4 Jaguar/IX, Cherokee, Panther/SAHO’NI, Destiny Kin 134, Position 14
April 16, 2024, 04/16/2024; Previous Round: July 31, 2023, 07/31/2023

4 Jaguar / IX

Greetings Beloved Kin,

The Truth lies beyond the Human’s eyes to see. Discernment of the whole Truth requires us to acknowledge the Feelings that were manifested as the Wisdom of Experience. Our Spirit is connected to the Highest Source of Truth on Earth as it is in Heaven.

The Truth speaks for itself as a Feeling. Our Spirit knows the Truth when the answers to our questions return a Sense of Equilibrium. We have a sense of Peace when we clearly see how all the pieces fit together from Unseen Truth we witnessed, but never clearly saw before.

We see what we are looking for. We overlook the rest, when we’re invested in what we “want the truth to be.” We were given the faculty to see it all from the beginning to the end. Seeing the whole Truth is a Choice to Know the Truth beyond the emotions of our Ego.

Master Number 44
Number 4 is the symbol of stability, a symbol of the area of the Cube, the most stable of all platonic forms that is defined by the equal dimensions of its borders and parameters. A House stands when it’s weight on 4 corners is balanced upon its foundation by 90-degree angles. We have to look for the Truth from every angle to establish a fair and balanced point of view.

April 16, 2024 reflects the symbol of 4 by multiplication. 4 is repeated in each place. 16 is 4 x 4, in the month of 4 and a year that ends in 4. Jaguar/IX holds Position 14, presenting the symbol 4444444 (4 x 7). The Jaguar is a symbol of 7, as the one that resides at the top of every climb of discernment, guarding the threshold where we hold the Vision of “all that is” and “all that is not” the Truth. 14 reflects the 7 times 2.

A Creator speaks through numbers and angles of Light. When planets are squared we are faced with a conflict of Truth that’s different from the actual facts of the matter. The more we resist knowing, the weaker our foundation for discernment will be.


Our Truth doesn’t matter unless we are aligned with the Highest Truth Above. 90-degrees symbolizes a whole investment in the Truth from the Highest Perspective.

We’re building a New World. For the Truth to stand as our Reality, we have to define the borders and parameters of our thoughts. We have to toss out the Truth of hearsay and discern the Truth for our self,  based on the Wisdom of our own Experience. War leaves nothing standing. Love is the only Truth that stands forever.

Jaguar/IX raises the Consciousness of the Divine Feminine that feels the Truth through the eyes of Compassionate Love. We don’t have to think very hard to know that we all Dream for a world of stability. We have to be equally invested in the Truth of Harmony and Equity for the whole. As long as the “haves” and “have nots” are not balanced by the Truth, we’ll be ruled by the emotions of injustice.

The Jaguar walks a path of stealth with heightened sensitivity of the Beauty of Life all around. We may express ourselves in different languages, but the traditions of Love passed down all sing the same song of the Universe. Discrimination is only an angle to justify the imbalance of “more for me” and “less for you.”

Between the Heart of Earth and the Heart of Sky, we are all  Loved just the same. When we force our Will we take away from the Choice of Freedom for the whole. War is the extreme to which our Human Nature will carry on to have our way by killing one another. No one wins a war when there is Human blood left on our hands. In the end, who’s proud of what we have to steal to win? Winning by any means is the “happiness” that could only be promised by the author of lies.

We don’t all want the same things. I was surprised on my first visit to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point, MX),  a destination that was once defined as Arizona’s closest port-of-call. There are two sides to town. On one end there are high-rise resorts along the beach, on the other, dirt roads and small weathered houses the locals call home. I assumed the “have nots” would want everything reserved for those who “have it all.” That’s not the case. The locals loved their community where everyone lived in service to the whole. Life was hard, but easier by the love and support of caring neighbors. Life was not a constant effort of having more. They had everything happiness requires.

One of the local stories about the circumstances is about a fisherman taking a nap on the beach next to his boat tied up in the harbor. A rich man stopped by and suggested how he could make a fortune if he invested more time fishing. “You could build a fine home, and someday you could retire.” The man answered, “I already have a family home I love, and I’m already living a life of ease.”

Those who work at the resorts, go home in peace to their “life of ease” where a tradition of one for all and all for one lays the foundation for Peace in the Here and Now. If you had a choice, honestly, would you work for decades for the Dream of enjoying life when it’s almost over? We’re not so smart as we think we are, when we’re just “going along with the Jones” without ever questioning why. How long does the thrill last, when we pull into our driveway with a car that the neighbors will envy? It clearly can’t add anything to our peace at night for the time we’ll invest in paying for it.

There is no end to the blessings we can create when we are united by the Resource of Compassionate Love. A Divine Creator holds the Answers to anything we want to know and figure out on behalf of the whole. You can’t patent Love. The Earth and all its resources were designed to accommodate the whole from the beginning to the end.

We’re smart enough to figure it out when we learn to Ask the Master of The Creation. Spirit is the Truth that can’t be seen, though it lies at the Heart of every Living Thing as the Dream of our Highest Hopes.

When the “Jaguar appears” the Time is ordered for a journey to the East, where the Creator always shines the Light for a new beginning. Spirit can lead us “home” if we follow the invisible path of Spirit that beholds the beauty of Life.

The Jaguar’s “earth magic” is gratitude. May we Count our Blessings that we have “everything we need to have everything we want” in the Creator’s world where Love is all we want, and everything we need to be happy.

It’s Time to consider the Truth of Spirit and to declare “God is enough.” May we count our blessings for a Truth that stands forever. When we stand on the side of Divine Will, God will reveal the Truth of every mystery. It’s only a matter of Time, and carrying on by the Faith in the Creator’s Spirit, one day at a time.

love, in lak’ech, i am another you

Debra, 9 Eagle/MEN

I’m grateful for a Divine Creator who knows the answer to everything and shares the Truth with our Spirit that “there is a way” with the Light of every Sunrise.

The Beauty of Earth wasn’t meant to be divided or destroyed by war. The whole was created for every Eye to See. Photography and Art were inventions that share the beauty of every time and place. Some want to go there and do that. Others are just as happy to stay at home in our own garden away from the crowds, looking at the pictures and imagining the place in our dreams.



Visit the 13-Day Trecena Guide for the “Tzolk’in Field Guide: A Daily Practice for Personal Discernment.” The guide includes the overview of each trecena and the aspects for the Count of Days.

NEW SEASON – VOLUME 2: Tzolk’in Season 3 (PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)

We are ALL the heroes of our own journey. Don’t count on anyone else for the Truth you already “know by feeling” within.


4 Jaguar/IX (Cherokee, Panther/SAHO’NI) – Day 4 of 13, the 1 Monkey/CHUEN trecena

The 7th Uinal of BalanceCORE DAYS:  The 7th Uinal in the Center of the Tzolk’in is compared to our own axis mundi, the center of our own universe where we are always perfectly positioned at the center of the 4 directions. The axis is the “line around which any body rotates.” Like a spinning gyroscope, we find our balance in a relationship shared between the Above and the Below. Holding a focus within the center of our Self, we reside in the place of perfect balance.

Descriptions by Ian Xel Lungold (12 Sun/AHAU), wisdom preserved on

Galactic Tone 4: Stability; the cube is most stable of all forms and establishes volume by definition of height, length, depth and breadth; 4 directions establish orientation. The energy of 4 sets the parameters, which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, work, or relationship.

Jaguar/IX: Born with a deep love of the Mother Earth, Jaguar or shaman is directly tied to the source of all Earth magic. They possess great power of intellect and strength or character through integrity. Jaguar energy is feminine in nature and is the ruling spirit of jungles, plains, and mountains. The spirit of Jaguar inhabits the Mayan temples and is called on to assist in spiritual as well as in material ways. Jaguar is also the god/goddess of gratefulness.

A GOOD DAY TO: Commune and give thanks to Mother Nature.

Cherokee, Panther/SAHO’NI: Panther is symbolized by comets, meteors, shooting stars, fireballs, and magicians.  Meteors appearing around the middle of November are Heralds of the Coming of the Light, the Cherokee New Year. Panther is the Shadow of the Sphinx, Herald of the Dawn, guardian of the night when the sun is traveling through the underworld. Panthers have unlimited imaginations, visualizations, and are spellbinding speakers. The Cherokee Totem Jaguar is the guardian of the portals to other dimensions; shamanic abilities will open; multi-dimensional magic; healer, leader, way shower energy when used for spiritual growth.  Conducive to pray for grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters and wives day. For wisdom at 4 Balances, cunning and protection of Mother Nature. To thank the Earth for sustenance. Ix is the native cunning, enterprising, vigorous, bold and realistic.

[Text in italics was the primary source of inspiration for my journal. These are the sources that started my journey and they are the reference for interpretation each day. By providing the original text, I hope to offer a way to see what inspired my thoughts and by including all the aspects – allow for something more to inspire you. Mayan descriptions are those written by Ian Lungold. Cherokee descriptions came from multiple sources. Links to sources and other resources of study are offered on the Daykeeper Resources Page. ~Debra]

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