Tag Archive | 11 offering muluc

Beyond the Limits of Human Power

White Easter Lily on the left, and Pink Lily on the right.

Blessings Times Two

Greetings Beloved Kin,

For the past two Springs there was one lily here and there. This year they have both multiplied by two. The leaves I cleared last week were replaced by new ones, thanks to the Wind. Maybe another surprise is waiting under the next clearing.

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11 Offering / MULUC – A Regeneration of Spirit: Day 11 of 13

The Moment when the Highest Tides Turn to the Truth and the Light

11 Offering/MULUC, Destiny Kin 89, Position 9
March 2, 2024 (03/02/2024)

Greetings Beloved Kin,

MULUC symbolizes the Sacrifice of the Christ Spirit as an Offering of Divine Trinity with the Power to Heal the Whole. Master Number 11 is the Divine Truth, inspired by the Lord of Creation. Human’s Highest Hope is claiming the Truth of a Hand of Divine Agency that will pull us through.

On Tone 11 we’re Divinely Tuned In to the Creator’s Highest Frequency of Truth and Love. The pillars for Human Faith to stand, is the Light of Righteousness as Seen by the Highest One. The Higher Truth is the Reason WHY.

The glyph illustrates our own One Drop of the Body of us all, raised up to Be Seen and Acknowledged in the Light of an Offering. Redemption is the Sacred Exchange of Atonement with every Humbled offering we bring. That’s the moment we know, the Creator Forgives for ALL Time, and all that’s seen is the Perfection at our beginning. Imagine the Divine Eyes that look upon You without any memories of a failure. The Dream of “love at first sight” is written in the Heart of Humanity for ALL Time. In Light of the Vision that we Feel with all our Heart, our One Drop sends ripples through the whole. MULUC is the Creator’s Intention to Heal our Soul, and the Power to carry it out on a mass scale.

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New Moon: June 18, 2023, Planting the Seed of a Dream

Full Thunder Moon, July 3, 2023 (MoonGiant.com)

New Moons: Time ordered to set intentions for the future

Greetings Beloved Kin,

The Truth we learn in the past is a Divine Offering from which we can create the future. The New Moon, June 18, 2023, falls in synchronicity with the Ascension of the Storm/CAUAC trecena. The 13-day cycle of creation led by CAUAC was defined as Time for a Renewal and Regeneration of Spirit. The glyph represents the positive energy of Faith that reaches for the Highest Truth Above, drawn by the Highest Attraction of the Creator’s Unconditional Love.

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Tone 11: Beauty in the Eye of the Divine Beholder

Greetings Beloved Kin,

On 11 MULUC by the Power of Divine Agency our Consciousness is tuned in to the Creator’s perspective of the Truth, through the Atonement of an Offering. The highest Truth that human can see is reflected by Tone 7, symbolized by the top of the pyramid, where we “think” we can see “all that is” and “all that is not.” Number 7 represents Human’s power to create our own reality.

The first principle shared as a Mystery of Truth preserved on the ancient Tablet of Hermes is the Truth that we live in a Universe of Mentality. Our reality is created by the sum of our thoughts – everything we think that is and is not. Human’s highest identity is the Consciousness of our Spirit. We were made in the image of the One Lord of Creation.

The Creator’s Truth is the Voice that’s shared through the Element of Air, an invisible element that we can see right through and through which we can see the Light of the Highest One shining through.

There was no human language when the Creator spoke the Breath of Creation. The Creator speaks through a dynamic and multi-faceted language that every Human can understand, when we look to see. Human was designed to identify the same colors, numbers, geometric forms, and vibrations of sound. Those are Truths that can’t be changed on any scale of perception.

In our quest for Divine Understanding of the meaning and purpose of life, Human is forever seeking the Answer to the Mystery. Through the Creator’s Covenant of Divine Justice in Harmony and Equity with the Whole, we were equally gifted to Know the Truth of the Highest Order. Love is the Creator’s  Highest Order, the end that is guaranteed by Cause and Effect, interpreted by Human as the Golden Rule.

Beauty in the eye of the Human beholder is based on Divine Proportions that are recognized whether or not we are Conscious of what we are seeing. Beauty was the Creator’s vision of Perfection. The Sphere is the “end of Creation” by the matter of the Stars that were born from the Breath that is the whirlwind of Life.

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11 Offering / MULUC – A Regeneration of Spirit: Day 11 of 13

May 5, 2023 – Wesak Offering

11 Offering/MULUC, Cherokee, The River/YUN’WI GUNNAHI’TA, Destiny Kin 89
June 16, 2023 (06/16/2023) 

11 Offering / MULUC

Greetings Beloved Kin,

Tone 11 holds the Intention of Resolution. Like a Divine pair of antennae Tone 11 tunes us in to a higher channel. Master Number 11 represents the Creator’s Divine Inspiration that directs our Life’s path. Tone 11 Resolves our place in the Universe where the Mystery revealed is the Dream of our Heart’s Desire.

Offering/MULUC guides the way of Giving Back and Paying Forward. MULUC is a symbol of the Moon and our Emotions. This is a day to honor our Feelings and the Feelings of others. With every Offering we’re drawn into Atonement with the thoughts of the Highest One.

The Elders say that an Offering should reflect the value of the Blessings we expect to receive. Counting our blessings is the way to measure the value of the Creator’s Love. In Atonement we see an image of our Self as we’re seen from Above.

A Divine Creator Remembers every offering we  make. The Highest One deserves the investment of our Heart.

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An Awesome God

Our God is an Awesome God with Lyrics

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11 Offering / MULUC – A Regeneration of Spirit: Day 11 of 13

Greetings Beloved Kin,

The glyph illustrates Muluc as a single-drop raised up from the Whole to be Seen and Acknowledged by the Highest One. When it falls back it sends ripples through the whole. At the Highest Tides of Human Emotions we are drawn closest to the Creator to let go of a Sacred Offering. The symbol for 11 represents two hands (5’s) united by a Divine Cause to Create an even Higher One born of the Two.

MULUC (moo look) is a symbol of Water Everywhere from the Cosmos to our tears. MULUC relates to the Moon and our Emotions that flow with the tides. May we offer prayers on behalf of those experiencing the Highest Tides and help support the weight through a Sacrifice of the heart.

I’m Grateful that the Truth stands on every scale of discernment. The Word is written in Scientific, Mathematical, and Musical Scales, as well as Scales of Public Perception and Human Experiences. This week, I read somewhere that the reason you plant at the full moon is that the water tables within Earth are drawn closest to the surface. The Earth’s life-blood reaches with the tides. So do we ebb and flow between the highs and lows. Counting days and tracking thoughts we can Feel the Truth when we’re riding a wave, or drawn backwards off-balance.

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11 Offering / MULUC – A Dream, between the Alpha and Omega


Hello Beloved Kin,

I was unexpectedly called back to an old dream.

I had recorded the experience in an email November 4, 2021, 12:01AM. I was glad I wrote it down just after I woke up.  Checking the Tzolk’in date, the Dream fell between the Light of 7 Sun/AHAU and 8 Crocodile/IMIX as we were completing the 1st uinal, the legend for the round, that begins from the Alpha to the Omega through the 1st 20 days – where every Position is a Master Number that matches the kin. ERRATA – I had to correct 11/5 to 11/4 – I can’t get a date right for SOME REASON.

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11 Offering / MULUC – Truth in the Wind


Sunrise Altar – 1 Wind/IK

Dawn Woman’s Blog, by Minisa Crumbo Halsey (1 Wind/IK)
Sunday, January 9, 2022

Winter Vision Quest Cave

In this season, many inner compasses will begin turning toward seeking, creating and crawling into the blessed peace of the seasonal vision quest cave.

Inside, a deep breast of the resting Mother Earth, is where the Medicine Wheel slowly turns in an earthly circumambulation of all seed dreams, penetrated by fiery shafts of our Father Sky Sun into the mind, heart, body and Spirit of individual inner pools of quiet.

Here, ones bones can and may be deeply CLEANED: healed and loosened from the labors, challenges, cares, aspirations and fulfillments of the previous season, then slowly put back together as an honoring dream dance echo of all the ancestral journeys made before ours and those yet to come. The womb quest awaits. Draw aside a veil of the great mystery, breathe your name, make an offering and ask permission to replicate and renew the journey that all beings have made, do make and will make.. from earth to sky … breath into clay … so we are made and so we reenact the sacred moves, as we see them.

Continue on Dawn Woman’s Blog

TRECENA THE  OF STORM/CAUAC: The Renewal and Regeneration of our Spirit

528 Hz Deep Healing Sleep Music | Repairs & Heals on DNA Level | Frequency Healing DNA Repair

11 Offering / MULUC – Grasped by the Light Above: Day 11 of 13


EVERYTHIING must be out of order for a reason. At least I caught the error on the right day – AFTER I made SO SURE something else was right.

Hello Beloved Kin,

We are inspired by Beauty raised by the Light. Venus reflects the Light of a Divine State of Mind, after we’ve seen the stars and claim the Beauty of the Whole Creation. Remember how you feel when you take in the beauty of a Sunset, and the Sunrise, AFTER. When we can SEE the Truth of the Beauty of ALL Time was GIVEN, we always want to give something back. What we give back, reflects the Truth of Love we’ve seen. We always attempt to give back “in equal measure” what we would expect to receive. We take the TIME to Choose what the Gift should be when it’s the Sacred Exchange for Love.

It’s beautiful in the Reflection. We’d give ANYTHING to show what it MEANS to us. The more we count the blessings, the less we see that’s worthy to give in return. We’ve been looking very closely at our “old life” and the reason  we’re changing it. We go back and forth, between the pain of growing and a Divine Dream in our Heart. You might be drawn back and forth between. You might have all the pieces of Love rounded up one day, all figured out. Then tomorrow comes. You see all your heart hoped to share, and old doubts return – it ISN’T fair.

There you have it. Life isn’t fair.  There will never be a TIME when human discerns the TRUTH any other way. It can’t be fair as long as we’re making Human Choices. That is never going to change 100% – as long as the Human part of us is ALL we think we are. We can at least ASPIRE to it, when we have an idea we COULD be. It could ALL be fair. When we count our blessings, we can CHOOSE Love and Forgiveness as the Offering given back, and paid forward to  manifest the Truth of Love BEFORE AND AFTER.

The Symbol 11 is a  Divine Wakeup Call, tuned in to a higher channel. Maybe I’ll even get the date right. I’m more preoccupied with getting it wrong, apparently, than just checking the numbers one more time. It WAS DIVINE TIME to sit this one out. From what I’ve seen ME doing and thinking, I’m not a good example. And I don’t want to be. I WANT to be EQUAL, down in the trenches with the Truth of the Whole. Maybe we’re down here to see how we s till make it out, and the Sun will rise again.

I know I’m glad you are there. When thoughts of you come to mind, I know SOMEONE is praying about it SOMEWHERE when I’ve forgotten to get on my knees.

love, in lak’ech, Debra

PS – I’m TRYING TO GET THIS  ONE RIGHT. It feels like I might have to put it as an actual Intention for Creation, to get my time on track again. I checked it twice. I’d still check it twice, if I were you – as long as I keep dishing it out that way. It used to be my worst fear – now it’s realized. I guess it won’t kill me to be wrong. It’s an Offering.

The Journal Before, for AFTER…

Published: April 27, 2021 (04/27/2021)
TODAY’S KIN: January 11, 2022 (01/11/2022)
Always check my numbers, please. Knowing “what it is” seems to be the problem, and a year changed too. Then – it’s Tone 11 on the 12th, and the 10th tone on the 11th. There’s NO WAY to get it right. Isn’t it beautiful how we don’t have to?
11 Offering/MULUC, Destiny Kin 89
(Number 89 – Abundance to Infinity in the Higher Place, and a WHOLE investment (9) in the place below. Offering/MULUC HOLDS position 9 in the lower place, all the way across the row of the Tzolk’in. EVERY day marked by MULUC,  we’ve seen Beauty an wish someone else could see it too. It’s hard to take in a Beauty, when there’s no one else to see. That was the hardest part of raising children on my own, no one to share what I saw today. Only we WOKE UP to the Truth – the One who GAVE it in the first place is the One Above. That’s WHO we have to thank for it. I keep writing, after I’ve explained that I don’t know what day it is. That’s the Sense I have to go on.)


11 Offering / MULUC

Greetings Kin,

Tone 11 holds the Intention of Resolution. We were changed by the Truth that added-up to Common Sense when all the pieces were drawn together. We saw many ways to Love, and that Love always creates a place to belong.

Tone 11 is a Divine Set of antennae that tunes us in to a higher channel. Truth always changes the picture. We claimed Our Truth. On Tone 11 the shaman climbs to the highest altar. The Truth we’ve seen is our Offering to the One. We give it up in Humility, applying the Truth of Human limitations.

It still took Faith to claim the Truth that lies in the future. We intended to help create it. We can stand on The One Divine Provision for every limitation, though a Human heart can hold one more doubt in anything that depends on another Human hand. Love doesn’t feel complete without a Human hand to hold.

Tone 11 Resolves our place in the Universe, where Love can always be the Truth.

Offering/MULUC guides the way of Giving Back and Paying Forward. MULUC is a symbol of the Moon and our Emotions. Holding the Element of Fire, we Feel our Feelings. MULUC can heal them through an Atonement. With every Offering to the One we make in the Humility of our Human limitations, we See a Higher Reason to Love.

The Elders say that an Offering should reflect the value of the Blessings we expect to receive. To begin in Humility and Gratitude, we Count our Blessings. If we draw the Truth from within, we’ll see the Light that never ends. We have created many Times and Places where we are Loved all along. The Time we Love is Eternal. The One Above never forgets a Human choice of Divinity. The One Above sees the Whole Truth. Through the Atonement of an Offering we see an image of our Self that is held in the Mind of the One. When we reached for a Higher Truth Above, we make the Whole Investment of our Heart and we Know Love that covers everything.

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